Latest laws


Part III: Executive Authorities: Control of the Security Sector

Decree No. (38) of 2012 on approving the organizational structure and competencies of the Ministry of Health and organising its administrative unit


Decree No. (38) of 2012 AD

on approving the organizational structure and competencies

of the Ministry of Health and organising its administrative unit

The Cabinet,

Upon review of:

  • The Constitutional Declaration;
  • The Law of the Financial System of the State, and the budget, accounts, and stores regulations and amendments thereto;
  • Law No. (106) of 1973 AD on issuing the Health Law, amendments thereto, and the implementing regulations thereof;
  • Law No. (17) of 1986 AD on medical liability;
  • Law No. (12) of 2010 AD on issuing the Work Relations Law and the implementing regulations thereof;
  • National Transitional Council Decree No. (174) of 2011 AD on setting out the structure of the government;
  • National Transitional Council Decree No. (184) of 2011 AD on approving the transitional government;
  • Cabinet Decree No. (1) of 2012 AD on specifying the competencies of deputy and assistant deputy ministers;
  • Based on the submission of the Minister of Health in Letter No. (647) dated 08/01/2012 AD;
  • The decrees of the Cabinet in its fourth ordinary meeting of 2012 AD;

has decreed:

Article (1)

The organisational structure and competencies of the Ministry of Health shall be approved and its administrative unit organized in accordance with this Decree.

Article (2)

The Ministry of Health shall exercise responsibility for implementing the policies and plans and establishing the programs necessary to implement the laws and decrees in force in the health field, in accordance with the scientific method that ensures the achievement of society’s goals, and monitor the implementation thereof to achieve the required objectives and results. In doing such, it may undertake the following in particular:

  1. Propose public policy in the health field.
  2. Prepare studies and research related to the Ministry’s competencies and establish the plans and programs necessary for the implementation thereof.
  3. Establish health plans and programs to improve the standard of health in a manner that achieves local and international goals.
  4. Provide high quality supportive, preventative, treatment, and rehabilitative health services equally among beneficiaries.
  5. Provide medicines and health supplies to the health facilities affiliated thereto and work to rationalize the consumption thereof.
  6. Provide health facilities with the human resources needed and participate in establishing plans related to human resources in the area of the Ministry’s activity and contribute to the preparation and provision thereof.
  7. Propose the budgets necessary to finance the Ministry’s activity, propose improvement of the health care financing system, and the programs, projects, and plans of the transformation plan in the area of the Ministry’s activity, and prepare the final accounts.
  8. Establish and implement plans and programs related to creating, developing, and equipping health facilities.
  9. Conclude contracts for the implementation of the projects listed in the transformation plans, in accordance with the rules set out in the legislation in force.
  10. Monitor the activities of the health facilities affiliated to the Ministry and confirm they are achieving the objectives for which they were established.
  11. Supervise the provision of primary health care services and specialised therapeutic residential medical services, improve such, and confirm the sound regular provision thereof to all citizens.
  12. Propose and prepare the draft laws, decrees, and regulations required to regulate and improve the activities within the competencies of the Ministry.
  13. Establish the plans and programs required to prevent illnesses, prepare the plans and programs necessary to combat them, and constant readiness to confront emergencies resulting from the spread of diseases.
  14. Establish plans, programs, and rules for the provision of emergency and rescue services and the provision of medical assistance in emergencies and natural disasters.
  15. Provide public health facilities with the medical devices and equipment needed and work to maintain and upgrade them.
  16. Supervise health quarantine activities and constant readiness to confront any epidemic diseases that infiltrate the country.
  17. Monitor the application of the Law on medical liability and monitor the procedures of referring cases to the professional courts in accordance with the legislation in place.
  18. Grant the authorisation necessary for the issuance of licenses to practice medical and ancillary medical professions, in coordination with the competent bodies, and licenses for clinics, pharmacies, and other similar activities, in accordance with the legislation in force.
  19. Conduct health monitoring of food and medicine and implement ongoing monitoring programs to verify the suitability of foodstuffs and drinking water.
  20. Research and study ways of increasing the competence of employees and prepare training plans to meet the Ministry’s human resources needs in the various fields within the framework of the Ministry, in coordination with the related bodies.
  21. Collect information, prepare statistics, and extract the necessary indicators related to the health status of the population and the services and resources necessary to prepare the plans and adopt the decisions to develop and improve performance.
  22. Participate in preparing draft bilateral and international projects related to the areas of its competency, document and monitor the implementation thereof, as well as propose participation in Arab, international, and regional conferences.
  23. Authorise the investigation of any health directors and directors of hospitals and medical centres at the Ministry and adopt the legal procedures in this regard in accordance with the regulations and legislation in force.
  24. Issue appointment, promotion, transfer, assignment, and secondment decrees, in accordance with the Ministry’s approved budget and staffing, issue decisions on resignation, retirement, and end-of-service requests, and impose disciplinary penalties on Ministry employees.
  25. Supervise health activities in the regions in accordance with the State’s authorised administrative divisions.
  26. Supervise the activity of the administrations of public bodies, establishments, and companies, and the units, centres, and councils affiliated thereto, and monitor the workflow thereof, in accordance with the legislation in force.

Article (3)

The Office of the Ministry of Health shall have a deputy minister heading the Ministry’s administrative unit, performing the tasks set out for deputy ministers under the legislation in force, and working under the direct supervision of the Minister of Health. The Ministry shall also have assistant deputy ministers performing the competencies set out therefor in the legislation in force.

Article (4)

The following bodies shall be affiliated to the Ministry of Health:

  1. Medical Specialisations Board
  2. Medical Procurement Unit
  3. Emergency Services Unit
  4. General Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies Company
  5. National Centre for Disease Control
  6. Food and Medicine Oversight Centre
  7. Health Information and Documentation Centre
  8. Medical Workforce Development Institute
  9. National Medical Liability Board
  10. Tripoli Medical Centre
  11. Benghazi Medical Centre
  12. Sabha Medical Centre
  13. Tajura National Heart Centre
  14. Ali Omar Askar Hospital, Espiaa
  15. Sabratha Oncology Centre
  16. National Organ Transplant Program

Article (5)

Central, specialised, public, and rural hospitals shall be subject to the direct supervision of the Ministry of Health and shall be responsible for the proper provision of their services.

Article (6)

In a department of each administrative component under the state’s approved structure there shall be an organisational division affiliated to the Ministry of Health overseeing the health facilities located within its area. The Minister of Health shall name the person tasked with the administration thereof.

Article (7)

The organisational structure of the Office of the Ministry of Health shall consist of the following organisational divisions:

  1. Planning Department
  2. Medical Services Department
  3. Pharmacy Department
  4. Medical Devices, Equipment, and Supplies Department
  5. Primary Health Care Department
  6. Projects Department
  7. Media, Awareness, and Health Education Department
  8. Administrative and Financial Affairs Department
  9. Inspection and Monitoring Department
  10. Human Resources Department
  11. Quality Department
  12. Office of the Minister
  13. Legal Affairs Office
  14. International Cooperation Office
  15. Internal Audit Office

Article (8)

The Health Planning Department shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Propose health policies and programs and prepare health plans in accordance therewith.
  2. Prepare and monitor development plans to improve medical services and the health resources necessary for such.
  3. Propose and monitor the implementation of the Ministry’s draft transitional budget and prepare reports thereon.
  4. Propose general and periodic plans and programs and monitor the implementation thereof in cooperation with the specialised local, Arab, and international bodies and organisations, in coordination with the related bodies.
  5. Collect information, reports, and study results from various sources and provide the indicators required for the health planning process.
  6. Organise the conduct of health studies and research on ancillary health problems, record the outcomes of health programs in force, and plan the implementation of health systems research, in coordination with the competent bodies.
  7. Participate in technical committees and organise workshops related to the department’s activity.
  8. Prepare periodic reports on the Department’s workflow.

Article (9)

The Medical Services Department shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Participate in preparing health plans and propose the establishment of health facilities in coordination with the competent departments.
  2. Contribute to the implementation of pharmaceutical health policy, in coordination with the related bodies.
  3. Prepare and circulate technical instruction on work at health centres to improve performance levels.
  4. Propose the organisational structures and performance rates necessary to manage work at hospitals and medical centres and participate in preparing staffing.
  5. Supervise specialised hospitals and medical centres directly affiliated to the Ministry and coordinate among them to integrate services.
  6. Supervise the preparation of emergency and evacuation plans at hospitals, in coordination with the related bodies.
  7. Review the minutes of hospitals’ death and complications committees and adopt the necessary measures with regard thereto.
  8. Contribute to preparing programs to fight and treat non-communicable diseases.
  9. Participate with the competent departments in identifying the needs of different health facilities for medical devices and equipment.
  10. Supervise activities related to medical services at community facilities.
  11. Propose the rules governing programs to improve treatment and invite visiting professors from various rare medical specialisations.
  12. Develop diagnostic aids at health facilities and services related to medical laboratories and blood banks to improve performance standards using all available capabilities.
  13. Identify the needs of health facilities for medical and ancillary medical elements and assess the professional and vocational status of medical and ancillary medical elements.
  14. Supervise and monitor the activities of medical laboratories and blood banks in terms of monitoring the precision of analyses, the quality of reactors, and the methods used to assess practical diagnostic results of all types.
  15. Identify and establish specifications on the needs of medical laboratories and blood banks for devices, equipment, supplies, and operational materials, and participate on the technical level in meeting such needs with the competent import bodies.
  16. Participate in establishing training programs for medical and ancillary medical staff.
  17. Monitor the affairs of treatment abroad, in accordance with the legislation governing such.
  18. Monitor the activities of private health facilities and adopt legal measures with the aim of activating their role in supporting public health care and participate in establishing treatment indications for various diseases.
  19. Inventory and register private treatment establishments.
  20. Study requests submitted to engage in private health service activity and issue the technical approvals required for the issuance of licenses to engage therein, after confirming all legal conditions with regard thereto are met.
  21. Coordinate with the competent departments at the Ministry as relates to monitoring the performance of private treatment establishments and the employees thereof, and adopt legal measures with regard to violations.
  22. Apply the legislation and regulations issued with regard to engaging in medical and ancillary medical professions at treatment establishments and private clinics.
  23. Provide opinions on the regulations required to implement health legislation governing the practice of medical and ancillary medical professions and the procedures for granting licenses to engage therein and for opening medical laboratories.
  24. Submit periodic reports and statistics on the Department’s activity.

Article (10)

The Pharmacy Department shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Contribute to the implementation of pharmaceutical health policy in coordination with the related bodies.
  2. Participate in establishing the regulations necessary to implement health legislation governing the practice of the pharmacy profession, regulating the issuance of licenses to open pharmacies, pharmaceutical factories, preparation laboratories, and inspecting pharmacies and factories for medicine and medical equipment and supplies.
  3. Study, establish, and identify the Ministry’s general needs for medical procurement items, participate in preparing the budgets necessary to provide such items, establish standards on the storage and distribution thereof to ensure proper flow and rational use thereof, provide for a strategic inventory thereof, and establish a mechanism for their distribution.
  4. Coordinate with the related bodies in establishing the rules necessary for the manufacture of medicines in Libya.
  5. Contribute to establishing a list of basic medicines and issue standard lists.
  6. Cooperate with international organisations and bodies with regard to the profession, in coordination with the related bodies.
  7. Monitor the movement of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances of health facilities by approving procedures for appropriate disbursal.
  8. Coordinate with pharmacy and medical technology colleges in establishing systems and programs for training, pharmacy education, and medical equipment technology for the students enrolled therein and graduates and employees thereof, in fields related to the pharmacy profession.
  9. Issue the licenses required to procure, import, and export narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in coordination with the competent bodies, and grant authorisations to withdraw narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances from customs for authorised parties or delegate thereof.
  10. Monitor reports related to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances issued by the related local and international bodies.
  11. Approve the certificates issued by pharmaceutical factories with regard to their products prepared for export.
  12. Participate in establishing the principles and rules required to grant licenses to public and private pharmaceutical factories and establishments, and participate in issuing good practice certificates for pharmaceutical manufacturing.
  13. Participate in establishing treatment indicators for the various diseases and in establishing pharmaceutical policy on the use of antibiotics.
  14. Quality control of imported and locally manufactured medicines and medical supplies.
  15. Register companies manufacturing and importing medicines and issue the related registration certifications at the Ministry.
  16. Inventory and record private pharmacies, prepare a guide thereof, and grant authorisation thereto to engage in their activities.
  17. Apply the legislation and regulations issued with regard to engaging in medical and ancillary medical professions at pharmacies.
  18. Provide opinions on the regulations necessary to implement health legislation governing engaging in the pharmaceutical profession, granting licenses to engage therein, and opening and establishing pharmaceutical factories.
  19. Prepare periodic reports on the Department’s workflow.

Article (11)

The Medical Devices, Equipment, and Supplies Department shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Inventory public health facilities’ needs for medical devices and equipment and work to provide such.
  2. Participate in preparing lists of the medical devices and equipment necessary for public facilities according to the functions of each facility.
  3. Inventory medical devices and keep records thereof, including all information thereon, and periodically monitor the usability thereof.
  4. Propose concluding contracts to maintain medical devices and equipment and monitor the implementation thereof.
  5. Receive reports related to the need for maintenance of various medical devices and equipment and adopt the appropriate measures with regard thereto, and establish a comprehensive plan for the maintenance programs.
  6. Participate in establishing technical specifications for the manufacture of medical equipment and supplies and periodically review them.
  7. Issue licenses to public and private facilities and participate on the related committees in this regard.
  8. Prepare periodic reports on medical devices and the maintenance and upgrade thereof, and establish an integrated program to calibrate them.
  9. Establish exact specifications for medical supplies and their scientific naming according to approved international systems.
  10. Contribute to preparing annual medical supply requirements.
  11. Prepare periodic reports on the Department’s workflow.

Article (12)

The Primary Health Care Department shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Monitor the implementation of vaccine and immunization programs and undertake the necessary campaigns and surveys in this regard.
  2. Prepare, monitor, and assess primary health care programs in accordance with the regulations and procedures in force.
  3. Perform technical supervision and monitoring of primary health care centres and units and specialised technical centres concerned with the following:
  • Communicable and Endemic Diseases Program
  • Mother and Child Welfare Program
  • School Health Program
  • Professional Health Program
  • Nutrition and Food Control Program
  • Environmental Sanitation Program, in coordination with the competent bodies
  1. Monitor the implementation of health legislation in force in the area of primary health care.
  2. Cooperate and coordinate with the other ministries and bodies related to primary health care.
  3. Monitor the activities and recommendations of the relevant national committees.
  4. Supervise the implementation of the family medicine program, the application of the health file, and the system for referral between health care stages.
  5. Collect, analyse, and sort statistics and information and provide periodic follow-up on primary health activities received from specialised technical centres and primary health care units.
  6. Coordinate and exchange information with international and regional bodies and organisations interested in the health care field, and participate in meetings and symposiums held in Libya and abroad, in coordination with the related bodies.
  7. Perform research and studies related to malnutrition-related diseases and the other accompanying illnesses.
  8. Supervise welfare programs related to mother and child health.
  9. Prepare periodic reports on the Department’s workflow.

Article (13)

The Projects Department shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Participate in preparing the Ministry’s draft development plan, prepare the specifications for health programs, assess health facilities, work to maintain and develop them, and provide technical support thereto.
  2. Monitor the implementation of contracts to establish and maintain the Ministry’s health facilities.
  3. Supervise the implementation of projects pertaining to the Ministry.
  4. Prepare studies and specifications related to changes and expansions sought to be made to improve certain of the Ministry’s facilities.
  5. Keep and document the contracts concluded and drawings pertaining to projects, and sort and organise them for easy reference thereto.
  6. Prepare periodic and annual technical and financial reports on projects and their actual expenses.
  7. Prepare periodic reports on the Department’s workflow.

Article (14)

The Media, Awareness, and Health Education Department shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Establish the plans and programs required to raise awareness and provide health education to prevent diseases and spread healthy behaviour, and work to implement them with the related bodies.
  2. Prepare health education and awareness programs and publish them in the various media.
  3. Participate in conducting studies and research on unhealthy phenomena and establish educational programs to treat them.
  4. Prepare outreach videos and publications related to health education and awareness.
  5. Prepare for and participate in conferences, symposiums, courses, conventions, and exhibitions related to the Ministry’s activity, and propose holding training courses for employees in the area of health education and awareness.
  6. Promote the importance of immunizations and vaccinations, general personal hygiene, environmental sanitation, the foundations of healthy nutrition, healthy behaviour, and other health-promoting behaviours.
  7. Cover and document the Ministry’s events in the available media, and coordinate with the various media with regard thereto.
  8. Coordinate with the competent departments to respond to content published in the various media about the Ministry.
  9. Supervise and work to improve the Ministry’s website.
  10. Prepare periodic reports on the Department’s workflow.

Article (15)

The Administrative and Financial Affairs Department shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Adopt the necessary measures to implement the regulations and rules related to employee affairs and assume all of their professional affairs with regard to appointment, promotion, transfer, delegation, secondment, leaves, discipline, and other employee matters, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in this regard.
  2. Perform activities related to record keeping and organization to ensure registration, circulation, preservation, and easy reference to files, documents, and correspondence, supervise printing, reproduction, and copying activities, and introduce automation into these areas.
  3. Participate in preparing the draft operating budget for the administrative unit, ensure monitoring of disbursals therefrom, perform all financial procedures to implement it in accordance with the legislation in force, provide for the administrative unit’s needs, and procure stores of the required items within the limits of the approved appropriations.
  4. Implement legislation and regulations related providing services to members of the administrative units affiliated to the Ministry or subject to its oversight.
  5. Adopt measures pertaining to the Ministry’s security and safety affairs.
  6. Circulate the relevant legislation, instructions, and circulars to all organisational divisions of the Office of the Ministry and its other bodies, preserve and maintain the administrative unit’s movable and immovable property, provide transportation, devices, and equipment, and conduct periodic maintenance thereof.
  7. Prepare staffing and job descriptions for the Ministry.
  8. Collect the administrative unit’s revenue and debts with third parties, and prepare the salaries and benefits of its personnel.
  9. Undertake public relations activities for the administrative unit to ensure the performance of its tasks.
  10. Perform the annual inventory in accordance with regulations and legislation.
  11. Prepare periodic and statistical reports on the Department’s activity.

Article (16)

The Inspection and Monitoring Department shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Inspect public and private treatment establishments, pharmacies, and factories manufacturing pharmaceuticals and medical equipment and supplies to confirm the compliance of their activities with legislation and regulations related to engaging in the profession.
  2. Prepare periodic and annual monitoring reports from data, information, and statistics related to the Ministry’s activities.
  3. Monitor and assess the administrative and technical performance level of the administrative units and health facilities affiliated to the Ministry.
  4. Conduct the necessary investigations into complaints and reports submitted to the Department as well as violations uncovered while performing its work and adopt the appropriate measure with regard thereto.
  5. Collect statistics, data, and information related to the Department’s activity and sort and analyse it for use in establishing various programs.
  6. Monitor the implementing procedures of the various decrees and correspondence assigned thereto by the Ministry.
  7. Prepare periodic reports on the Department’s workflow.

Article (17)

The Human Resources Department shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Study the annual workforce needs of the health facilities affiliated to the Ministry and establish plans and programs to provide them.
  2. Prepare the proposals required to provide the medical and ancillary medical elements needed by health facilities and motivate national elements to cover these needs.
  3. Propose plans and programs to qualify and train employees in the health field, in coordination and cooperation with the various departments, and supervise the implementation thereof after approved by the competent body.
  4. Participate in symposiums and conferences related to the Department’s activity.
  5. Identify the actual needs of programs to prepare and form medical and ancillary medical elements.
  6. Work to provide medical and ancillary medical elements and assess their performance.
  7. Prepare training courses and study seminars in the health field.
  8. Establish the programs necessary for training programs abroad and nominate candidates for such.
  9. Participate in preparing studies related to health education and training outputs and collect, analyse, and sort data and statistics for use in identifying the need for health facilities.
  10. Study and review the staffing structures at health facilities, units, and centres affiliated to the Ministry.
  11. Monitor the implementation of work and employment legislation at the Ministry, coordinate with the competent bodies in replacing foreign elements with national elements, and monitor the approved plan for such.
  12. Prepare periodic reports on the Department’s workflow.

Article (18)

The Quality Department shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Prepare work plans that include the Quality Department’s strategic plan and the annual plans of quality assurance programs, and confirm that the Department’s plans are in line with the Ministry’s plans in this area.
  2. Prepare the Ministry’s executive work plans, including assessment and monitoring in particular.
  3. Supervise the implementation of the quality plan and monitor, review, and assess it, file a report thereon, and monitor the results and decrees related thereto.
  4. Participate with other departments in preparing and applying the Ministry of Health’s general plans, in particular, the plans concerning work development and improvement.
  5. Contribute to preparing the plans of the quality offices in the areas and in centres and hospitals, and approve such plans.
  6. Coordinate with other related bodies outside the Ministry with regard to any joint activities.
  7. Form joint committees for quality activities with the competent bodies.
  8. Provide advice and technical, administrative, educational, and training support to the Ministry’s departments and health affairs departments in the regions and other centres and hospitals and to those working therein.
  9. Prepare and implement programs to continually improve the Ministry’s facilities and monitor, assess, and improve them.
  10. Hold gatherings, symposiums, and meetings and participate in relevant studies, research, and scientific gatherings.
  11. Prepare and implement the holding of local and international conferences on quality, in coordination with the related bodies.
  12. Conduct research and studies related to health quality and improving performance, in particular as related to the satisfaction of health service recipients and providers, and publish the results thereof for the scientific community, in cooperation with national and international educational institutions, in coordination with the related bodies.
  13. Establish and develop the certification system, including establishing and developing standards, establishing mechanisms on measurement points and indicators, establishing a guide to certification procedures for health establishments, an assessment guide, and a self-assessment guide for health establishments, and design a mechanism for improving the performance of establishments that have obtained certification.
  14. Establish an information system for the Quality Department, develop information systems related to quality programs and activities, taking into consideration the validity of the information in particular as relates to performance assessment programs, design the necessary forms, and establish a mechanism for collecting and analysing data.
  15. Study the reports, recommendations, and work plans in the field of quality-control received by the Department from various departments and divisions and assistant divisions, submit recommendations, and monitor the results and decisions related thereto.
  16. Coordinate with the related bodies in assessing the qualifications of national and foreign medical and ancillary medical elements and the extent to which they conform to quality and certification standards.
  17. Draft periodic and annual reports on quality activities and matters related to patient safety and refer them to the competent persons.
  18. Prepare, implement, and promote patient safety programs, in coordination with the related bodies.
  19. Prepare periodic reports on the Department’s workflow.

Article (19)

The Office of the Minister shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Receive incoming correspondence and reports for the minister, record them, and complete the necessary information thereon.
  2. Prepare for meetings held by the minister.
  3. Prepare draft agendas for the minister’s meetings, draw up the minutes thereof, and forward them to the competent departments and bodies for implementation.
  4. Organise the minister’s meetings and communications.
  5. Monitor the decisions and correspondence issued by the minister and confirm implementation thereof.

Article (20)

The Legal Affairs Office shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Participate in preparing and reviewing draft laws and regulations related to the Ministry’s work.
  2. Review draft contracts that the Ministry holds competence to enter into and the agreements to which it is a party.
  3. Monitor cases filed by or against the Ministry in coordination with the Lawsuits Department and the related bodies.
  4. Prepare, draft, and register decrees and refer them to the competent bodies.
  5. Conduct investigations and study complaints related to the Ministry.
  6. Draft the memoranda the minister deems fit to submit to the Cabinet.
  7. Provide legal advice and opinions on the matters submitted thereto.
  8. Prepare periodic reports on the Office’s workflow.

Article (21)

The International Cooperation Office shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Monitor cooperation agreements in the health field with fellow Arab countries and friendly countries and international institutions, in coordination with the competent departments at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  2. Prepare for meetings of joint committees and monitor the implementation of the accords, agreements, and protocols issued thereby, in coordination with the competent bodies.
  3. Organize communications with Arab, regional, and international bodies and organisations related to the Ministry, in coordination with the competent bodies.
  4. Organise contribution to and participation in Arab, regional, and international conferences and organisations.
  5. Participate in preparing joint cooperation programs between Libya and international organisations and monitor the implementation thereof.
  6. Arrange the minister’s meetings with ministers and ambassadors, prepare minutes on what transpires therein, and monitor the implementation thereof.
  7. Prepare reports on high committees for cooperation made with the participation of the Ministry, and coordinate the dates of their meetings.
  8. Undertake procedures related to Ministry guests as relates to receiving them, their accommodations and transportation, organise their meetings, and document the outcomes of their meetings in coordination with the competent departments and offices.
  9. Prepare periodic reports on the Office’s workflow.

Article (22)

The Internal Audit Office shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Receive salary, wages and remuneration forms and the like to check and confirm their compliance with the laws and regulations and review their entry on the salary cards.
  2. Check statements on total expenses.
  3. Study the contracts entered into between the Ministry and suppliers and check their financial terms to confirm their compliance with the financial laws, rules, and regulations in effect.
  4. Complete and review the procedures for obtaining letters of guarantee submitted by parties contracting with the Ministry’s administrative unit.
  5. Open a special file for each contract and make a summary of the most important financial terms contained therein, keeping the contracts in special storage.
  6. Check payments set for disbursal against each contract original, approve the disbursal thereof, and subtract the amounts from the contract value after completing the legally required steps with regard to prior monitoring before disbursal.
  7. Verify that there are no assignments to banks or other legal obstacles prior to disbursing amounts due to contract parties and contractors.
  8. Confirm the preparation of bank payment authorisation forms and that the entry into the beneficiary’s account was made to their account at the bank.
  9. Supervise the keeping of detailed records on budget allocations and transformation projects.
  10. Confirm that all amounts disbursed to transformation projects are entered on an ongoing basis from the account data and any amendments that might be made to the allocations approved for each project.
  11. Verify that spending from the transformation budget is in line with regulations, legal rules, and the provisions on the administration of the transformation account, and monitor any financial violations or deviations from such systems and rules that might occur.
  12. Conduct unscheduled inspections of treasuries and stores and participate in the annual inventory.
  13. Prepare periodic reports on the Office’s workflow.

Article (23)

The Ministry’s internal regulations shall be issued in a decree from the Minister of Health, in a manner consistent with the provisions of this Decree.

Article (24)

This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its issue. Any provision that conflicts with the provisions hereof shall be repealed. The concerned bodies shall implement this Decree, and it shall be published in the Official Gazette.

The Cabinet – Libya

Issued on 14 Rabi’ al-Awwal 1433 AH

Corresponding to: 6/2/2012 AD

Text Type:Decree
Text number:38
Text date:2012-02-06

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