Latest laws


Part XII: International Agreements and Cooperation on Security and Defence

Decree No. (102) of 2008 on adopting two agreements signed between the Great Jamahiriya and the Republic of Italy to combat illegal migration

General People’s Committee

Decree No. (102) of 1376 FDP/2008 AD

on adopting two agreements

The General People’s Committee,

Upon review of:

  • Law No. (1) of 1375 FDP on the work system of People’s Congresses and People’s Committees, and the executive regulation thereof;
  • Law No. (2) of 1369 FDP on organising the political and consular work, and the executive regulation thereof;
  • The proposal made by the Secretary of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation in his Memo No. (88) of 1376 FDP dated13/01/1376 FDP (2008 AD);
  • Upon the approval of the General People’s Committee in its third ordinary session of 1376 FDP (2008 AD);

has decreed:

Article (1)

The agreements on illegal migration concluded between the Great Jamahiriya and the Republic of Italy in Tripoli on 29/12/1375 FDP (2007 AD) (Supplemental technical and operational agreement) and attached hereto shall be approved.

Article (2)

This decree shall enter into force from its date of issuance. It shall be implemented by the concerned entities.

General People’s Committee – Libya

Issued on 14 Safar

Corresponding to 20/02/1376 FDP (2008 AD)

Text Type:Decree
Text number:102
Text date:2008-02-20
Institution:General People's Committee

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