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Part III: Executive Authorities: Control of the Security Sector

Law No. (94) of 1970 on amending certain provisions of the law establishing the Libyan News Agency

Law No. (94) of 1970 AD

Amending certain provisions of the Law on the Establishment of the

Libyan News Agency


In the Name of the People,

The Revolutionary Command Council,

Upon review of Constitutional Declaration No. (1) issued on 2 Shawwal 1389 AH,

Corresponding to 11 December 1969 AD; and

● Law No. (17) of 1964 AD on the Establishment of the Libyan News Agency;

● Revolutionary Command Council Decree issued on 15 Rajab 1389 AH, corresponding to

27 September 1969 AD, on the Establishment of Public Departments;

● Revolutionary Command Council Decree issued on 3 Dhul Hijja 1389 AH,

corresponding to 9 February 1970 AD, on the Organization of the Ministry of Education and National Guidance; and

● Revolutionary Command Council Decree issued on 9 Muharram 1390 AH, corresponding to

17 March 1970 AD to incorporate the equipment and facilities of the General Information Directorate into the Ministry of

Education and National Guidance, and

● Based on the submission of the Minister of Education and National Guidance and the approval of the Council of



Issued the following law


Article (1)

The Libyan News Agency shall be exempted from the provisions of the Revolutionary Command Council Decree issued on 9 Muharram 1390 AH, corresponding to 17 March 1970 AD, to incorporate the equipment and facilities of the General Information Directorate into the Ministry of Education and National Guidance. The Libyan News Agency shall remain as a public institution subject to the provisions of the law issued on its establishment No. 17 of 1964 AD, having regard to the provisions stipulated in the following articles.


Article (2)

The provisions of Articles 4, 6, and 14 of Law No. 17 of 1964 AD referred to shall be replaced by the following provisions:

Article 4 – The agency’s board of directors shall be constituted as follows:

1. Director General of the Agency. Chairman

2. Director General of the General Directorate for National Guidance. Member and Deputy Chairman

3. Director of the Radio Broadcasting Department. Member

4. Director of the Television Broadcasting Department. Member

5. Director of the Printed Matter and Publications Department. Member

6. A representative from the Ministry of Transport nominated by the Minister. Member

7. Three members nominated by the Minister of Education and National Guidance, who are owners of private newspapers and have an interest in media affairs.

The board shall be formed by a decree of the Council of Ministers. The decree shall determine the period of the board’s validity, provided that it may not exceed three years, which shall be renewable. The decree shall also determine the members’ remuneration.

The board shall meet at the invitation of its chairman at least once every two months. The meeting of the board shall not be validly constituted unless attended by the majority of its members, including the chairman. Resolutions shall be issued by majority votes of the members present. In case of a tie, the chairman’s side shall prevail. The board may invite to its sessions any person it wishes to seek his assistance, provided that such persons shall not have a vote that is counted in the deliberations.

The resolutions of the board shall be reported to the Minister of Education and National Guidance within seven days from their issuance date, and they shall be deemed valid only after being approved by the Minister. He shall refer to the Council of Ministers with respect to the resolutions required to be approved by this council. If the Minister does not approve those resolutions or object thereto within fifteen days from the date of his being notified thereof, they shall be deemed to be valid. In the event that the Minister objects to any of the resolutions, he shall return the same to the board together with his comments thereon. The board’s resolution to uphold such resolution in this instance shall only be valid by a majority of three quarters of the members of the board.

Article 6 – The Director General of the Agency shall be appointed and his rank and salary shall be determined by a decree of the Council of Minister based on the submission of the Minister of Education and National Guidance. The Director General shall be competent to do the following:

a) Prepare the matters that shall be presented to the board of directors, and implement the board resolutions that are approved in that regard;

b) Manage executive affairs of the Agency, develop its system of operation and support its organs;

c) Prepare the draft budget and final account;

d) Represent the Agency before the courts and in its relations with third parties;

e) Supervise all staff and workers at the Agency;

f) Issue payment orders from the Agency’s budget. He may delegate this duty to other employees;

g) Submit semi-annual reports to the Minister of Education and National Guidance and the board of directors about the Agency’s operations and its financial status; and

h) Other competencies provided for in laws and regulations or those granted to him by the board of directors.

The Director General shall have a deputy who shall be appointed by a decree of the Council of Ministers, based on the submission of the Minister of Education and National Guidance. The deputy shall assist the Director General in managing the affairs of the Agency and shall assume his competencies in his absence.

Article 14 – The Agency shall be exempted from all public or local taxes and duties of any kind.


Article (3)

The terms “Minister of News and Guidance” and “Ministry of News and Guidance” shall be replaced by the terms “Minister of Education and National Guidance” and “Ministry of Education and National Guidance” wherever they appear in Law No. 17 of 1964 AD referred to and the regulations issued pursuant thereto.


Article (4)

The Minister of Education and National Guidance shall implement this law, which shall enter into force on the issuance date thereof, and shall be published in the Official Gazette.

The Revolutionary Command Council

Colonel / Muammar Gaddafi

Prime Minister

Major / Bashir Hawadi

Member of the Revolutionary Command Council

Minister of Education and National Guidance


Issued on 9 Jumada Al-Thania 1390 AH

Corresponding to 11 August 1970 AD

Text Type:Law
Text number:94
Text date:1970-08-11
Institution:Revolutionary Command Council

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