Latest laws


Part I: Constitutional Framework

Resolution No. (35) of 2012 amending Decision No. (13) of 2012 on re-nominating the President and Members of the High National Elections Commission for the General National Congress

National Transitional Council

Resolution No. (35) of 2012

amending Decision No. (13) of 2012

on re-nominating the President and Members of the High National Elections Commission for the General National Congress

The Interim National Transitional Council

Upon review of:

  • The Victory Statement of the 17 February Revolution issued on 22 February 2011;
  • The interim Constitutional Declaration issued on 3 August 2011;
  • Law No. (3) of 2012 concerning the establishment of the High National Elections Commission (HNEC), and the amendment thereof;
  • The session of the Interim National Transitional Council (NTC) held on 24/4/2012;
  • Decision No. (180) of 2011 regarding the establishment of a committee and the specification of its functions;

issued the following resolution:

Article (1)

The president and members of the High National Elections Commission for the General National Congress shall be re-nominated as follows:

  1. Mr Nouri Khalifa Alabbar President of the HNEC
  2. Mr Sghair Misbah al-Majeri First Vice-President
  3. Mr Counsellor Al-Taher Abdullah Graf Second Vice-President
  4. Mr Counsellor Najib Abdel Salam al-Rabiti Member for Supreme Judicial Council
  5. Mr Counsellor Ali Mohammed Abdul Qader Member for Supreme Judicial Council
  6. Mr Khaled Ali al-Sahili Member for the Academic Staff
  7. Mr Dr. Imad al-Shathli al-Sa’ih Member for the Academic Staff
  8. Mr Issa Mohammed al-Taher Member for attorneys
  9. Mr Mohammed al-Sadeq Hilal Bouhedma Member for civil society

10. Mr Massoud Omar al-Nami Member for the youth population

11. Mrs Ikram Abdel Salam Bash Imam Member for women and civil society

Article (2)

This decision shall take effect on the date of issuance thereof and shall be implemented by all concerned parties. It shall be published in the Official Gazette.

Interim National Transitional Council – Libya


Wednesday 24/4/2012

Text Type:Resolution
Text number:35
Text date:2012-04-24
Institution:National Transitional Council (NTC)
Gazette number:06
Gazette date:2012-05-19
Gazette pages:315 - 316

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