Latest laws


Part VII: Training Centres and Research Institutions for Security and Defence

Decree No. (263) of 1988 on organising the Professional Formation and Training Secretariat


The General People’s Committee

Decree No. (263) of 1988 AD on Organizing the Secretariat of Vocational Education and Training


In implementation of the resolutions of the Basic People’s Congresses in their third ordinary meeting in 1397 FDP, corresponding to 1988 AD, which were drafted by the General Forum of People’s Congresses and People’s Committees in its fourteenth meeting from 14 to 21 Rajab 1397 FDP corresponding to 2-9 March 1988 AD, and

● Upon review of Law No. (55) of 76 AD on the civil service;

● Law No. (13) of 81 AD on the People’s Committees, as amended;

● Law No. (15) of 81 AD on the Salary System of National Workers in the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya;

● The General People’s Committee Decree issued on 21 Dhul Qa’dah 80 FDP, corresponding to 12/10/1978 AD on Establishing the Higher Institute of Management and Banking; and

● The General People’s Committee Decree No. (125) of 1987 AD on the Reorganization of the National Institute of Management, and

● Based on the submission of the Secretary of the General People’s Committee for Vocational Education and Training,


The General People’s Committee has decreed the following:


Article (1)

According to the resolutions of the Basic People’s Congresses, the Vocational Education and Training in the Jamahiri society aims to:

a. Promoting the technical and professional culture in a revolutionary, Jamahiri manner to broaden the knowledge base and eradicate technical and professional illiteracy among the majority members of the Jamahiri society; and

b. Preparing specialized, technical resources capable of using, maintaining and increasing the life span of machinery and equipment and modern technology, as well as manufacturing their own equipment, partially or fully.


Article (2)

The General People’s Committee for Vocational Education and Training (“GPCVET”) shall develop executive plans in the field of vocational education and training in implementation of the relevant resolutions of the Basic People’s Congresses.

In particular, the GPCVET shall:

a. Develop the required vocational education and training plans and identify the implementation priorities as per the resolutions of the Basic People’s Congresses;

b. Participate in research and studies on the actual workforce in the Jamahiriya and compare the same with the requirements in order to implement the economic and social plan. This helps in determining the professions and crafts influencing the production process and focusing on them in the vocational education and training;

c. Conduct research and studies on vocational education and training and converting the society to be production oriented, taking into account the diversity of the social and economic environment;

d. Propose comprehensive plans for vocational education and training in light of the need for development plans and increased productivity. This shall include following up the implementation of such plans, as well as tracking and evaluating the outcomes thereof and introducing necessary means to complete the vocational education and training structure;

e. Conduct studies and develop and implement plans on women vocational education and training. This should be commensurate with women’s nature and status in the Jamahiri society. Proper means of training shall also be proposed to enhance women’s contribution to production;

g. Propose plans and motivational means to engage all segments of the Jamahiri society in training in various fields;

h. Propose plans for individuals and cooperatives to harness their capabilities in carrying out part of the vocational education and training work through on-the-job training. They shall also be required to implement the curricula prepared by the GPCVET;

i. Provide professional trainers to carry out practical applications and exercises in training institutes, centers and workshops. This shall apply to all approved professional specialties according to the controls and terms set out in the vocational training regulations;

j. Provide the vocational education and training institutions and centers with training supplies, i.e. machinery and equipment, raw materials and visual aids on continuous basis, either by local procurement or direct import from abroad;

k. Develop curricula and training books and schedule them according to training levels, and issue certificates for institutes, schools and training centers;

l. Prepare and supervise exams and approve the results thereof for the professions subject matter of the training delivered by the Secretariat’s centers, schools and institutes;

m. Supervise all trainings delivered abroad, and discuss and express opinion on the plans thereof, recommend the approval thereof and dispatch trainees and training contracts. This shall include the trainings resulting from construction, installation and maintenance contracts, whether the training is delivered locally or abroad;

n. Consider and propose legislation, issue the decisions and regulations related to vocational education and training, and follow up the implementation thereof in order to ensure optimal performance and safe application; and

a. Study and propose the conclusion of international agreements, and cooperate with international and regional institutions, authorities and organizations in the fields of vocational education and training.


Article (3)

The organizational structure of the Secretariat of Vocational Education and Training (“SVET”) shall consist of:

a. Secretary Office;

b. Administrative and Financial Affairs Office;

c. Handicrafts Office;

d. Research and Cooperation Office;

e. Training of Trainers Office;

f. Technical Affairs Department;

g. Basic Education Department;

h. Specialized Education Department;

i. On-the-job Training Department; and

j. Department of Programs, Guidance and Examination.

a) The Secretary Office shall have the following mandates:

Organizing meetings of GPCVET, preparing meeting minutes, notifying the concerned entities of their respective decisions and following up the implementation of such decisions on a regular basis.

The Office shall also be in charge of organizing the Secretary’s interviews and meetings, receiving correspondence and reports sent in the Secretary’s name from various parties and summarizing and presenting the same to the Secretary, and archiving all decisions, memoranda and correspondence issued by the Secretary Office. In addition, it shall also meet the needs of the Secretary-affiliated committees, make their preparations and address any issues that might encounter them.

b) The Administrative and Financial Affairs Office shall have the following mandates:

– Implementing the regulations and rules related to personnel affairs as per the applicable laws, regulations and decisions;

– Taking all necessary measures to ensure the proper implementation thereof and performing public services and relations activities;

– Archiving and categorizing the personal files of all employees and following up any changes thereto; and

– Preparing the Secretariat’s transformation and operating budgets, and following up the implementation thereof and rationalizing expenditure.

c) The Handicrafts Office shall be responsible for:

– Developing plans to train citizens on various handicrafts and traditional industries;

– Encouraging citizens to learn traditional crafts and industries related to national heritage; and

– Showcasing the products of handicrafts and traditional industries in national exhibitions and international events and developing promotional flyers and brochures to raise awareness about this field.

d) The Research and Cooperation Office shall have the following mandates:

– Conducting researches and studies on population density according to geographical distribution in order to expand the training base;

– Using data and statistics of agricultural projects, industrial and production units across the Jamahiriya to, accordingly, prepare the required education and training plans and programs;

– Analyzing data and statistics to develop a comprehensive training plan;

– Considering areas of cooperation in vocational education and training with Arab and foreign countries, as well as regional and international organizations specialized in this field;

– Coordinating all the technical issues related to Arab and international organizations specialized in vocational education and training;

– Preparing statistics on training of both trainees and trainers and different training locations; and

– Providing the competent entities with information, data and statistics to support the projects of development plans across municipalities.

e) The Training of Trainers Office shall be responsible for:

– Overseeing the training of trainer institutes and providing the same with the required financial and human resources;

– Proposing plans for preparing the trainers required for institutes and vocational training schools and centers;

– Delivering refresher courses to trainers to coupe with modern technology; and

– Looking for local and overseas opportunities to maximize the efficiency of trainers.

f) The Technical Affairs Department shall be responsible for:

– Preparing the technical specifications for the machinery, equipment and hand tools related to the fit-out works;

– Considering the offers related to establishing and equipping vocational institutes, schools and centers and providing technical advice thereon;

– Overseeing the implementation of construction, fit-out and maintenance contracts, as well as the actions resulting therefrom, and following up with the relevant entities;

– Developing a comprehensive, scheduled plan for the maintenance of institutes and vocational training schools and centers, including buildings, machinery and equipment; and

– Providing storing and distributing the necessary training needs, i.e. raw materials, using proper technical methods.

g) The Basic Education Department shall be responsible for:

– Studying the country’s needs for vocational training centers in accordance with the relevant decisions made by the Basic People’s Congresses;

– Providing technical oversight on vocational training centers and active rural development centers, and developing and supporting them with financial and specialized human resources;

– Developing training plans to enable vocational training and rural development centers to train citizens on professions and crafts that suit their inclinations and meet the needs of different sectors;

– Developing plans to prepare training courses for public jobs in the administrative body to ensure performance optimization;

– Preparing data and statistics on local and overseas training, considering the relevant nomination applications, following up the benefits gained by applicants and preparing the reports required thereon;

– Preparing the operating budget as necessary.

h)  The Specialized Education Department shall have the following mandates:

– Studying the country’s actual needs for intermediate and higher institutes and vocational schools according to the new educational structure and in accordance with the resolutions of the Basic People’s Congresses;

– Providing technical oversight on intermediate and higher institutes and vocational schools until they are reorganized, as well as developing and supporting the same with financial and human resources;

– Developing regulations and organizational decisions for operating these institutions; and

– Preparing the operating budget as necessary.

i) The On-the-job Training Department shall be responsible for:

– Developing training plans to benefit from the facilities available for training in work and production sites, including factories, workshops, companies, establishments, cooperatives, farms and other fit-for-training facilities;

– Allowing citizens to learn different crafts and professions to actively participate in increasing the production capacity with no conflict with their official working hours;

– Developing programs to help successful home training and offer equal training opportunities in this field; and

– Utilizing various media outlets to promote professional awareness among citizens.

j) The Department of Programs, Guidance and Examination shall be responsible for:

– Proposing plans and identifying the training programs and curricula needed by institutes, vocational schools and vocational training centers;

– Developing programs, curricula and visual aids for various training levels, following up their implementation, and Arabizing programs for optimal benefits;

– Developing training programs and curricula in light of the scientific progress in order to employ the latest and most appropriate means to ensure their proper application and optimal use;

– Developing regulations for exams for all stages of training;

– Organizing and supervising exams, forming examination committees, preparing exam scores, and issuing final-stage certificates;

– Analyzing exam scores, measuring training indicators for trainees and trainers, and providing suggestions in this regard; and

– Providing technical guidance for professions in the institutes, vocational schools and vocational training centers.


Article (4)

To undertake and oversee the responsibilities of vocational education and training, the Secretariat of Vocational Education and Training shall replace the departments and divisions in the following entities:

a. The General People’s Committee for Public Service;

b. The General People’s Committee for Transportation and Marine Transport;

c. The General People’s Committee for Health;

d. The General People’s Committee for Education and Scientific Research;

e. The General People’s Committee for Information and Culture;

f. The General Electric Corporation; and

g. The General Authority for Agricultural Production.

The allocations included in the budgets of the aforementioned departments and divisions shall be transferred to the SVET. The manpower training and development projects, whether run, planned or being implemented, delivered or supervised by these entities shall also be transferred, along with all relevant equipment, means of transportation, papers and files, to the Secretariat.

The Secretariat shall replace the aforementioned entities in terms of their rights and obligations.

The staff members of the aforementioned entities, who are designated by a decree of the GPCVET, in agreement with the concerned secretary or whoever exercises his powers, shall be transferred to the SVET. They shall also maintain their original financial and employment positions.


Article (5)

The affiliation of the undergraduate vocational and administrative centers, schools and institutes affiliated with the following entities, shall be transferred to the SVET:

a. Secretariat of Health;

b. Secretariat of Public Service;

c. Secretariat of Transportation and Marine Transport.

d. Secretariat of Information and Culture;

e. Secretariat of Rural Development;

f. The General Electric Corporation; and

g. The General Authority for Agricultural Production.


Article (6)

The affiliation of the following educational and training institutions shall be transferred to the SVET:

a) Vocational secondary schools according to the new educational structure;

b) Intermediate technical institutes;

c) School of Arts and Crafts; and

d) Institute of Soil and Water Affairs;

The transfer shall apply to all responsibilities, staff members, budgets and planned or under implementation projects as per the transformation plan in the education and scientific research sector.

The Secretariat shall oversee the projects under implementation.


Article (7)

The affiliation of all institutes and industrial centers currently affiliated to the Secretariat of Industry, as well as those mentioned in the transformation plan, shall be transferred to the SVET, except for the Higher Institute of Industry, the Institute of Industrial Technology and the branches thereof and the following specific centers:

a. The Specific Training Center for Cement and Building Materials in Benghazi;

b. The Training and Research Center of the Trucks and Buses Company in Tajura; and

c. The Preparation and Training Center of the General Company for Chemical Industries in Abu Kammash.


Article (8)

The responsibilities currently undertaken by the centers and departments of the agencies affiliated with the secretariats and companies and establishments with regard to any professional training delivered by the centers, schools and institutes affiliated with such Committee, shall be transferred to the SVET. The public companies, establishments and entities may deliver training to upskill their employees, provided that it is conducted under the supervision of the SVET.


Article (9)

The SVET shall replace the Permanent Council of Manpower Development and Training, in undertaking all the mandates thereof, and all the rights, capabilities, duties and obligations thereof shall be transferred to the SVET.


Article (10)

The SVET shall be responsible for the technical supervision of individual workshops, cooperatives, factories owned by individuals, or state-owned workshops, factories, establishments, companies and public entities. The SVET shall also set standards to regulate their work without prejudice to the original objective of those workshops, factories, cooperatives, companies, establishments and entities.

The SVET may set the training targets that the aforementioned entities shall meet in order for the success of vocational education and training plans and coordinate efforts to achieve these targets.


Article (11)

Without prejudice to the provisions of this Decree, the GPCVET shall issue the bylaws of the Secretariat.


Article (12)

Any provision that is contrary to the provisions of this Decree shall be repealed.


Article (13)

This Decree shall enter into force as of the date of its issuance and shall be published in the official gazette.


The General People’s Committee

Issued on 19 Ramadan 1397 FDP

Corresponding to 5/5/1988 AD

Text Type:Decree
Text number:263
Text date:1988-08-21
Institution:General People's Committee

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