Latest laws


Part III: Executive Authorities: Control of the Security Sector

Decree No. (561) of 2013 on creating a mutual security operations room in the city of Ajdabia

Cabinet Decree No. (561) of 2013

on establishing a room for joint security operations in Ajdabiya

The Cabinet

Upon review of:

  • The Constitutional Declaration and the amendments thereof;
  • Law No. (40) of 1974 on service in the Armed Forces;
  • Law No. (10) of 1992 on security and police;
  • Law No. (11) of 2012 adopting some provisions concerning the powers of command levels in the Libyan Army;
  • Cabinet Decree No. (345) of 2013 mandating the prime minister to exercise his competences;

has decided:

Article (1)

A security room shall be established under the name “Joint Security Operations Room” (JSOR) to maintain security in Ajdabiya and its surrounding regions. The JSOR shall report to the Cabinet and work under the direct supervision of the prime minister. It shall be headquartered in Ajdabiya.

Article (2)

The JSOR referred to in the foregoing article shall be composed of an army officer of the rank of colonel or above as director with an officer as his assistant. JSOR members shall be appointed by a Cabinet decree, and they shall include delegates of the following entities:

  1. Libyan Intelligence Services
  2. National Security Directorate of Ajdabiya
  3. Customs Department
  4. Department of Passports, Citizenship, and Foreigners’ Affairs
  5. Illegal Migration Department
  6. Municipal Guard
  7. Narcotics Department
  8. Border Guard
  9. Libyan Army units

Article (3)

The JSOR shall exercise the following duties:

  1. Take the necessary procedures and arrangements to maintain security in Ajdabiya and its surrounding regions, providing support and assistance to the police and contributing to maintaining security. It may for this purpose draft the necessary security plans in coordination with the concerned entities.
  2. Establish a legal process for reporting incidents, receiving complaints, and collecting evidence thereon, and take the necessary legal procedures for their referral to the public prosecution.
  3. Submit daily reports on the key incidents reported and any actions taken in their regard to the Cabinet and the concerned entities.
  4. Exercise total security control over Ajdabiya and its suburbs.
  5. Establish security points to maintain security openly.
  6. Fight illegal migration, customs smuggling, and the illegal drug trade.

For the performance of its duties, the JSOR shall:

  1. Be entitled to use any scientific and technical means it deems necessary to perform its duties. All the security entities concerned with the JSOR’s work shall take urgent measures to enable it to achieve its security goals.
  2. Coordinate with ministries and public entities to perform its duties in a proper manner in accordance with the schedule prepared by the JSOR for this purpose.
  3. Coordinate with and request the assistance of civil society organisations and the dignitaries of target regions, and involve them in the security plan in a way that is consistent with the nature of such duties and that limits excessive use of force to protect lives and property.
  4. Form a media team under the JSOR to document any detected violations immediately. The JSOR shall also have a media spokesperson to communicate with the media to clarify the duties and objectives of the security plans.
  5. Resort to any person it deems necessary to perform its duties.

Article (4)

The JSOR members shall be technically supervised by the director and his assistant.

Article (5)

The entities to which JSOR members are affiliated shall pay the salaries and other bonuses, benefits, and remuneration of their members, each within their mandate, in accordance with the legislation in force.

Article (6)

The JSOR shall be composed of several organisational divisions as determined by a decision issued by its director.

Article (7)

This decree shall enter into force from its date of issuance. Any provision that contravenes the provisions hereof shall be repealed. This decree shall be implemented by the concerned entities and it shall be published in the Official Gazette.

The Cabinet – Libya

Issued on 18 Dhu al-Qaada 1434 AH

Corresponding to 24 September 2013 AD

Text Type:Decree
Text number:561
Text date:2013-09-24
Gazette number:05
Gazette date:2014-06-24
Gazette pages:108 - 111

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