Latest laws


Part IX: Civil Society and Informal Oversight of the Security Sector

Law No. (43) of 2012 amending Law No. (30) of 2012 on regulations for political entities

Law No. (43) of 2012

on the amendment of a provision of Law No. (30) of 2012

and adoption of provisions concerning political entity regulations

The Interim National Transitional Council

Upon review of:

  • The Victory Statement of the 17 February Revolution issued on 22 February 2011;
  • The Constitutional Declaration issued on 3 August 2011 and the amendment thereof;
  • The internal regulation of the Interim National Transitional Council;
  • Law No. (3) of 2012 on the establishment of the High National Elections Commission, and the amendments thereof;
  • Law No. (4) of 2012 on the General National Congress elections;
  • Law No. (30) of 2012 on political entity regulations;
  • National Transitional Council Resolution No. (180) of 2011 on the establishment of the Supreme Committee for Election Planning;
  • Public interest considerations;
  • The session of the National Transitional Council held on Wednesday 16/05/2012;

ssued the following law:

Article (1)

Article (2) of the aforementioned Law No. (30) of 2012 on political entity regulations shall be amended as follows:

“For the purpose of participating in the General National Congress elections, the political entity shall be registered by a certified notary, provided that the number of its members is no less than three members and that the political entity obtains a negative certificate from the central administration of the High National Elections Commission (HNEC) attesting that the name and symbol do not belong to another political entity.”

Article (2)

“All candidate registration procedures taken by the HNEC before the entry into force of this law shall be adopted based on the candidate registration regulation attached to the HNEC President’s Resolution No. (38) of 2012.”

Article (3)

This law shall enter into force from its date of issuance, repealing any contrary provision, and shall be published in the Official Gazette.

Interim National Transitional Council – Libya



Text Type:Law
Text number:43
Text date:2012-05-16
Institution:National Transitional Council (NTC)
Gazette number:11
Gazette date:2012-06-18
Gazette pages:633 - 634

This text is an amendment to another text:

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