Latest laws


Part IV: Judicial Authorities: Role in the Security Sector

Law No. (8) of 1989 on the right of women to hold judicial positions

Law No. (8) of 1989 AD

on the right of women to hold judicial positions

Upon review of:

  • The Declaration on the Establishment of the Authority of the People;
  • The Great Green Charter of Human Rights in the Jamahiriyan Era;
  • Law No. (9) of 1984 AD on organising the People’s Congresses;
  • The Justice System Law issued under Law No. (51) of 1976 AD;
  • Law No. (87) of 1971 AD on the Lawsuits Department;
  • The resolutions of the Basic People’s Congresses in their second ordinary session of 1397 FDP, corresponding to 1988 AD, drafted by the General Forum of People’s Congresses and the People’s Committees (the General People’s Congress) in its fifteenth ordinary session from 25 Rajab 1398 FDP, corresponding to 2 March 1989 AD, to 2 Shaaban 1398 FDP, corresponding to 9 March 1989 AD;

the following Law was formulated:

Article (1)

Women shall have the right to hold positions within the judiciary, the public prosecution, and the Lawsuits Authority under the same terms as those established for men.

Article (2)

Any provision that conflicts with those of this Law shall be repealed.

Text Type:Law
Text number:08
Text date:1989-01-01
Institution:General People's Congress

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