Latest laws


Part IX: Civil Society and Informal Oversight of the Security Sector

Resolution No. (44) of 2012 on the establishment of the Higher Media Council

National Transitional Council

Resolution No. (44) of 2012

on the establishment of the Higher Media Council

The Interim National Transitional Council

Upon review of:

  • The Victory Statement of the 17 February Revolution issued on 22 February 2011;
  • The decision forming the Interim National Transitional Council and determining its powers;
  • The bylaws and the internal regulation of the National Transitional Council;
  • The Constitutional Declaration issued on 3 August 2011, and the amendments thereof;

has resolved:

Article (1)

A council shall be established called the “Higher Media Council,” which shall have independent legal personality and enjoy full capacity of legal action to implement its objectives. It shall be subordinate to the National Transitional Council or its replacement, and it shall be responsible for media affairs so as to achieve the freedom and independence of the media. It shall exercise its powers within the framework of the fundamental components of society and in such a manner as ensure that national unity and communal peace are protected. It formation shall be as follows:

Mr al-Hadi al-Bakkoush, as chairman;

Mr Ahmed al-Abidi, as deputy chairman;

Mrs Salima al-Shiab, as member;

Mr Mohamed al-Rahoumi, as member;

Mr Abdel-Baset Abu Diyya, as member;

Mr Mohamed Shembish, as member;

Dr Mohamed al-Shibani, as member;

Mr Hassan al-Qallawi, as member;

Mr Hassan Farid al-Jahmi, as member;

Mr Mohamed Said al-Zintani, as member;

Mr Ziyad al-Tayf, as member;

Mr Abdel Wahhab al-Haddad, as member;

Mr al-Salehin Mohamed Saleh, as member;

Mr Mohamed Madi, as member;

Mr Arish Said, as member;

Mr Ibrahim al-Amin Titiwi;

Article (2)

The Interim Higher Media Council shall have the follow responsibilities:

– Provide an opinion on all matters pertaining to the media.

– Draft a general policy that aims to improve the media in the country.

– Draft regulations and draft laws regulating media activity.

– Issue a media code of ethics.

– Take the necessary measures to provide national technical and media expertise and improve its competency, within a plan drafted by the Interim Higher Media Council.

– Prepare media studies and research monitoring scientific progress in the media field.

– Grant the necessary licenses to media institutions of all types.

– Provide a vision of how to elect the chairman and members of the Interim Higher Media Council in the future and of its adoption by the National Transitional Council or its replacement.

– Take the necessary administrative decisions that contribute to the operation of all media facilities that are subordinate to the Interim Higher Media Council.

– Examine the complaints of individuals against media institutions.

– Coordinate between media institutions in the economic, technological, and administrative fields concerning training and qualification.

– Cooperate with the councils and similar bodies in the world and exchange expertise and experience in matters that fall within the competence of the Council.

Article (3)

The Higher Media Council shall be considered the administratively and financially responsible legal replacement for the following:

– National Press Foundation.

– Radio and Television Foundation.

– Media offices inside and outside the country.

Article (4)

This resolution shall enter into force from its date of issuance, and it shall be published in the Official Gazette. Any contrary provision shall be repealed.

National Transitional Council – Libya

Issued in Tripoli

On 2012

Text Type:Resolution
Text number:44
Text date:2012-01-01
Institution:National Transitional Council (NTC)

Repealed by

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