Charts & Infographic

Migration Infographic

  • Information and data exchange obligations and mechanisms
    Article 41

    Decree No. (247) of 1989

    The bodies that requested the ban must review their entries yearly. They shall notify the General Department of Passports and Nationality of the abatement of the reasons for banning from entry and exit. Failure to comply with this shall result in the initiation of the procedures necessary for lifting bans as the General Department of Passports and Nationality sees fit.

    Articles 3 and 4

    Decree No. (50) of 1990

    Article 3 The Committee Secretary may have recourse to whomever he deems specialized in his field of work. He may request of any internal body to provide him with documents, papers, and maps, and of specialized foreign bodies abroad to provide him with lawyers, experts, consultants, and translators, to perform activities related to the Committee’s functions. Article 4 The Committee shall provide the Secretary of the People’s Committee for the People’s Bureau for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation with a report on the progress of its work and activities, the results of its studies, as well as its proposals and recommendations, especially those related to existing problems, both periodically and whenever requested.

  • Joint risk analysis and/or sharing of risk assessment reports
  • Day-to-day cooperation procedures at Border Crossing Points and inland, including joint operations and controls
    Article 7

    Decree No. (746) of 1993

    The Secretary of the Agency’s Management Committee shall be responsible for the Agency’s executive affairs. It shall have the following responsibilities […]: 5. Take all security measures and procedures in cooperation with and with the assistance of competent bodies to guard the Agency’s projects and properties.

    Article 3

    Decree No. (10) of 1994

    The Secretary of the Agency’s Administrative Committee shall be responsible for all competencies assigned thereto by virtue of General People’s Committee Decree No. (746) of 1993. He shall undertake the following in particular […]: 8. Take all security measures and procedures in cooperation with and with the assistance of the competent bodies to guard the Agency’s projects and properties.

    Article 3

    Decree No. (392) of 2000

    The Guard shall bear responsibility for maintaining the safety and security of Libya’s land crossings and borders. It will specifically have the following duties: […] 6. Coordinate with the competent bodies to carry out the following: Organise entry, exit, and other movements at border crossings. Detect and stop violators of environmental protection legislation along all land borders and crossings and take legal measures regarding them. Cooperate with competent bodies to combat pollution and protect the environment along these ports and borders.

  • Joint training
  • Sharing of equipment and facilities, and joint procurement
    Article 4

    Law No. (20) of 1994

    The human, financial, and technical capabilities of the General People’s Congresses, as well as the agencies, organizations, and companies and equivalents thereof, shall be employed to contribute to implementing the immunization of the Arab Libyan coast.

  • Early warning and contingency plans

Article 8

Decree No. (247) of 1989

Lists containing the names of foreigners banned from entry or exit shall be drafted in Arabic, with names also written in Latin letters in alphabetical order. The lists must encompass all distinguishing information about the relevant person. Copies shall be distributed to entry and exit ports as well as People’s Bureaus.
Names shall be added to ban lists by virtue of a decision issued by the General Department of Passports and Nationality. The lists are to be considered secret and circulating them is prohibited.

Article 2

Decree No. (50) of 1990

Subject to the provisions of Article (5) of this Decree, the committee formed by virtue thereof shall be responsible for all functions related to the land and sea borders of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, especially those related to existing problems. It shall specifically […]

Article 23

Decree No. (472) of 1985

The person concerned must immediately report the loss of a travel document to the nearest police, public security, or passport authority, or People’s Bureau or their equivalents. These bodies must notify the General Department of Passports and Nationality of this within 48 hours of the time of the initial notification.

Article 3

Decree No. (339) of 2013, Decree No. (561) of 2013, Decree No. (607) of 2013

The JOR shall undertake the following:
2. Establish a legal mechanism for reporting, complaints, and gathering information thereon, and take the necessary legal procedures to refer the same to the Public Prosecution.

Article 3

Decree No. (386) of 2014

The Authority shall be responsible for the following […]:
6. Gather information and investigate cases of trafficking, organised crime, human smuggling and infiltration. It shall also sort and classify these cases and coordinate with the relevant security forces to track perpetrators and suspects.

Article 7

Decree No. (247) of 1989

The bodies that requested the ban must review their entries yearly. They shall notify the General Department of Passports and Nationality of the abatement of the reasons for banning from entry and exit. Failure to comply with this shall result in the initiation of the procedures necessary for lifting bans as the General Department of Passports and Nationality sees fit.

Article 5

Decree No. (10) of 1994

The legal office shall be responsible for the following:
3. Liasion with the General Legal Department and advisors from other bodies to study legal matters related to the work of the Authority in cases that require such.

Article 15

Decree No. (145) of 2012

The General Directorate for Police Aviation is responsible for:
2. Carry out air support operations in cases of participation in operations to seize smugglers and infiltrators, search and rescue operations, or upon request.

Article 6

Decree No. (247) of 1989

The relevant bodies for banning foreigners from entry or exit shall provide the General Department of Passports and Nationality with the reasons for the ban and the complete information regarding the person whose entry or exit is to be banned, including the following: […]

Article 40

Decree No. (247) of 1989

The director of the General Department of Passports and Nationality may delegate to the presidents of branches and offices some of the competencies assigned to him by virtue of the aforementioned Law No. (6) of 1987 and of this decree.

Article 3

Decree No. (392) of 2000

The Guard shall bear responsibility for maintaining the safety and security of Libya’s land crossings and borders. It will specifically have the following duties: […]
7. Organise cooperation and coordination with the competent defence, security, judicial, and technical apparatuses.

Article 5

Resolution No. (16) of 2012

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall be mandated to notify all embassies, the United Nations delegation, and the international, regional, and local organizations working in Libya of the provisions of this resolution.

Articles 2 and 3

Decree No. (339) of 2013, Decree No. (561) of 2013, Decree No. (607) of 2013

Article 2
The JOR referred to in the previous article shall be composed of a chief, who shall be an army officer of the rank of colonel or above, an assistant chief from the officer ranks, with both being appointed by a decision issued by the Prime Minister, in addition to representatives of the following entities:
1. Libyan Intelligence Service (LIS).
2. National Security Directorate of […]
3. Customs Department.
4. Passport, Nationality, and Foreign Affairs Department.
5. Illegal Immigration Department […]

Article 3
The JOR shall undertake the following:
1. Take all necessary procedures and arrangements to maintain security in border regions […]
7. For the performance of its duties, the JOR shall be entitled to:
A) Use all professional and technical means it deems necessary to perform its duties. All security entities concerned with the work of the JOR shall take urgent measures enabling the JOR to achieve its security goals.
B) Coordinate with ministries and public entities to ensure the proper performance of the JOR duties in accordance with the schedule prepared by the JOR in this respect.
C) Coordinate with civil society organisations and dignitaries of target areas, solicit their help and include them in the security plan […]

Article 11

Decree No. (145) of 2012

The General Directorate for Combating Illegal Immigration shall have the following duties:
4. Coordinate with governorates and offices so as to ensure the implementation of security plans and programs and develop detailed duties to ensure their success.

Article 18

Decree No. (145) of 2012

The General Directorate for Investigation and Follow-up shall have the following duties:
2. Coordinate with other offices in the achievement of the objectives of the governorate and assign tasks and duties in details to ensure efficient performance.

Article 30

Decree No. (145) of 2012

The Arab and International Criminal Police Department shall have the following duties:
1. Cooperate with Arab and international criminal police organisations to fight crime and arrest and track wanted people.

Articles 1 and 2

Decree No. (165) of 2012

A committee shall be formed as follows:
1. Representative from the Ministry of Interior – Chairman.
2. Representative from the Cabinet Office – Member.
3. Representative from the Ministry of Justice – Member.
4. Representative from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs […]

Article 2
The committee formed by virtue of Article (1) of this decree shall be responsible for the following:
1. Review international and domestic agreements and legislation regulating illegal immigration.
2. Evaluate the procedures taken to combat illegal immigration to stop the problems and difficulties faced by workers in this field and propose solutions […]

Announcement: Launch of Enhanced Legal Database Design.

We are thrilled to announce the successful launch of our new legal database design as part of DCAF's ongoing commitment to our valued users. This update introduces a range of improvements, including a streamlined, user-friendly interface and enhanced functionalities, ensuring effortless access to vital information.

We take great pride in delivering this significant enhancement, and we reaffirm our dedication to providing you with the utmost service excellence. We extend our sincere gratitude for your continued trust and support.