Charts & Infographic

Migration Infographic

  • Conduct of border checks
    • Screening, searching and establishing the identity of persons

      Article 8

      Decree No. (145) of 2012

      The General Directorate for Border Security shall have the following duties: 2. Monitor the entry and exit of people, vehicles, equipment, etc. and take the necessary action in their regard in the light of the outcome of the results of this follow-up.

      Article 1

      Law No. (6) of 1987

      Entry and exit from Libyan territory shall be through the prescribed entry and exit areas, and with permission from the competent bodies. Entry and exit shall be with a visa in the passport or its equivalent.

      Article 142

      Law No. (81) of 1970

      Representatives of the Port Authority may board any ship in the port to inspect and search it, or to review its papers and documents, in accordance with the requirements of their duties and positions, and within the limits of their authority.

      Article 3

      Decree No. (49) of 1990

      The adopted land, sea, and air entry ports into the Great Jamahiriya shall be open to the entry and exit of all Arab citizens, by virtue of an ID or travel document or other official travel paper verifying the Arab identity thereof.

      Article 8

      Law No. (6) of 2005

      Employees of customs, public security, and health and agricultural quarantine shall have the right to inspect airplanes or any person or cargo on board under the laws and regulations in force in Libya. This inspection shall not cause unreasonable delay and shall be under the supervision of the Civil Aviation Authority, without interference in the inspection procedures.

      Article 4

      Decree No. (325) of 2013

      The General Investigation Service shall have the following powers: 10.  Monitor cargo and passenger luggage in land, maritime, and aerial ports and secure the safety of passengers in coordination with the relevant authorities. 11.  Monitor citizenship affairs, entry and exit movements, and immigration to and from the State of Libya in coordination with the relevant authorities.

      Article 3

      Law No. (82) of 1970

      6. Perform all maritime inspection functions, implement and apply international treaties and agreements pertaining to ships, prevent the pollution of sea waters, and other functions within the field of maritime navigation and transport. 7. Collect the prescribed port fees.

    • Providing case management and legal advice
    • Providing formal status and documentation

      Article 2

      Law No. (81) of 1970

      The owner of any ship heading to the port, or the deputy or captian thereof, shall provide the Port Authority with a declaration at least 24 hours before the date of the ship’s expected arrival. The declaration shall contain the following: […]

      Article 6

      Law No. (81) of 1970

      The captain or agent of the ship shall refer to the Port Authority within 24 hours of the time of arrival to prepare the presence declaration on the designated form, which must contain the following information: […]

      Article 7

      Law No. (81) of 1970

      The presence declaration shall be accompanied by the following documents: […]

      Article 8

      Law No. (81) of 1970

      The travel release request shall be submitted to the Port Authority accompanied by verification that the ship has completed all customs and health procedures. It shall include the following information: […]

      Article 1

      Decree No. (472) of 1985

      The travel document shall be considered an important document. Its holder may not provide any unauthorized persons with access to the travel document or send it abroad.

      Article 2

      Law No. (6) of 1987

      Foreigners may enter, reside in, or exit Libyan territory provided they obtain a valid visa in accordance with the provisions of this Law. It shall be issued on a valid passport or its equivalent document by a recognized competent authority. It shall grant the visa holder the right to return to the issuing country.

      Article 3

      Law No. (6) of 1987

      Citizens of Arab countries shall have the right to enter Libyan territory using personal ID cards. They shall enter through specified entry ports and in accordance with the rules and procedures specified by the General Directorate of Passports and Nationality.

      Article 39

      Decree No. (247) of 1989

      Necessary records, forms, permits, applications, and notifications shall be determined by virtue of a decree issued by the director of the General Department of Passports and Nationality. The General Department shall be responsible for printing these documents and distributing them to requesting parties in exchange for a specified sum of money allocated for this purpose. The sum of money shall be determined for each of these forms and papers by virtue of a decision issued by the director and shall not exceed the cost.

      Article 22

      Law No. (6) of 1987

      The provisions of this Law shall not apply to the following categories: a) Members of the political and consular corps and their accredited equivalents in the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya […]

      Article 42

      Decree No. (247) of 1989

      The exit and re-entry visa may be granted to people who were not able to obtain residency provided their status is settled upon return. This shall be in the narrowest scope and for justifications accepted by the director of the General Department of Passports and Nationality.

      Article 10

      Decree No. (145) of 2012

      The General Directorate for Coastal Security shall have the following duties: 7. Prepare the records of ships and fishing and recreational boats, collect data about them, and issue licenses and license plates for the same.

      Article 12

      Decree No. (137) of 2004

      The Department, in cooperation with the competent customs authority, shall issue entry permits into the area for licensed business owners. It shall also issue permits for workers in licensed facilities.

    • Applying basic human health, plants and plant product, animal and food and feed checks on behalf of other services

      Article 5

      Law No. (81) of 1970

      If the captain of an arriving ship suspects the presence of any contagious illness on his ship, or if the ship is arriving from an infected port, or if a contagious epidemic has appeared therein, he shall inform the quarantine doctor and the Port Authority thereof immediately upon his arrival […]

      Article 2

      Decree No. (183) of 2012

      The committee formed by Article (1) of this decree shall be responsible for procedures to ensure the combat of foot-and-mouth disease. It shall specifically be responsible for the following: – Control border ports to decrease the smuggling of livestock suffering from foot-and-mouth disease into Libya, in coordination therefor with the Ministry of Interior. – Support those responsible for veterinary quarantine at ports, and especially the land ports with Egypt, Chad, and Sudan, to ensure […]

  • Crime Prevention

    Article 9

    Law No. (6) of 1987

    Anyone who shelters or houses foreigners in any way must provide information regarding the foreigner or his companions within 48 hours of the sheltering or housing to the nearest passports office or local public security station. This shall be done on the form designated for this purpose. The police station or local public security station must notify the nearest branch or passports office of this.

    Article 19

    Law No. (6) of 1987

    Without prejudice to any more severe punishment stipulated by any other law, the following persons shall be sentenced to imprisonment and fined an amount of money that does not exceed LYD 200 or either of these two punishments: a) Anyone who give false statements before competent authorities or knowingly provides them with false information or papers in order to facilitate the entry, residence, or exit from the country for himself or another person in violation of the provisions of this Law. b) Anyone who enters, resides in, or exits the country without a valid visa issued by the competent authorities […]

    Article 21

    Law No. (6) of 1987

    Public employees working in the General Directorate of Passports and Nationality selected by virtue of a decree issued by the General People’s Committee shall have the capacity of judicial officers in matters concerning the implementation of the provisions of this Law and the regulations issued pursuant thereto.

    Article 4

    Decree No. (247) of 1989

    Foreigners belonging to the following categories may not be granted entry visas: […]

    Article 5

    Decree No. (247) of 1989

    Foreigners belonging to the following categories are banned from exiting: 1. Persons whom competent judicial bodies have requested in writing be banned from exiting. 2. Persons whose exit from the country will result in undermining either public security or the national economy.

    Article 3

    Decree No. (392) of 2000

    The Guard shall bear responsibility for maintaining the safety and security of Libya’s land crossings and borders. It will specifically have the following duties: […] 2- Detect and stop suspects and violators of laws, decrees, bylaws, and systems within the scope of the crossings, and take legal measures regarding them.

    Article 4

    Decree No. (325) of 2013

    The General Investigation Service shall have the following powers: […] 10.  Monitor cargo and passenger luggage in land, maritime, and aerial ports and secure the safety of passengers in coordination with the relevant authorities. 11.  Monitor citizenship affairs, entry and exit movements, and immigration to and from the State of Libya in coordination with the relevant authorities.

    Article 12

    Law No. (4) of 1985

    Travel documents may be denied to an applicant or revoked from its holder in the following circumstances: […] 2. If strong justifications exist related to public security or protecting the national interest.

    Article 28

    Decree No. (472) of 1985

    An applicant may be refused to have a travel document issued or a travel document holder may be refused to have it renewed in the following cases: a. If he has a criminal record related to international crime such as smuggling or drug trafficking. b. If evidence is made available indicating that he will use the travel document to harm the security or well-being of Libya domestically or abroad […]

    Article 3

    Resolution No. (16) of 2012

    The Minister of Defence, in consultation with the General National Congress, shall be charged with appointing a military commander and his aides for the zones specified above.  The military commander must not be from these zones.  The military commander shall be granted all the powers and competences vested in the executive authorities, specifically the powers to arrest all wanted persons in these zones and to deport persons who have infiltrated the borders to their countries of origin. […]

    Article 3

    Decree No. (339) of 2013, Decree No. (561) of 2013, Decree No. (607) of 2013

    The JOR shall undertake the following: 5. Establish security posts to impose security and display it overtly. 6. Fight illegal immigration, smuggling though customs, and drug trafficking.

    Article 8

    Decree No. (145) of 2012

    The General Directorate for Border Security shall have the following duties: […] 2. Monitor the entry and exit of people, vehicles, equipment, etc. and take the necessary action in their regard in the light of the outcome of the results of this follow-up.

    Article 11

    Decree No. (145) of 2012

    The General Directorate for Combating Illegal Immigration shall have the following duties: […] 5. Directly oversee the anti-infiltration and smuggling centres and border points, prepare a detailed statement about them, and submit it to competent authorities.

    Article 9

    Law No. (66) of 1974

    Delegates of the competent maritime authority shall have the right to at any time board any boat headed to the state’s ports to inspect the certificates of sea captains, navigation officers, maritime engineers, and pilots of sailing ships. Each sea captain must present these certificates to the aforementioned delegates upon request. The competent maritime authority shall suspend the travel of any boat that fails to meet the conditions stipulated in Articles (2), (4), and (5).

  • Border surveillance +

    Article 3

    Law No. (81) of 1970

    Before approaching the external borders of the port’s piloting zone, each incoming ship shall raise the following signals: […]

    Article 8

    Law No. (6) of 1987

    Foreigners subject to the provisions of this law shall meet the following requirements: b) Refer to the nearest passports authority to register within seven days of his arrival date. Present the relevant information and documents for himself and his family members that are granted entry visas as dependents on the form designated for this purpose. c) Provide the information requested of him by the dates specified for him. Report the loss, damage, or expiration of his travel document.

    Article 1

    Decree No. (247) of 1989

    Entry or exit from Libyan Arab territory shall be through the following ports: […]

    Article 3

    Decree No. (392) of 2000

    The Guard shall bear responsibility for maintaining the safety and security of Libya’s land crossings and borders. It will specifically have the following duties: 3. Provide security for citizens and other people during their entry into and exit from Libya. 4. Investigate and monitor land ports from all sides and combat acts of vandalism, smuggling, destructive activities, and land infiltration through the borders.

    Article 4

    Decree No. (325) of 2013

    The General Investigation Service shall have the following powers: 10.  Monitor cargo and passenger luggage in land, maritime, and aerial ports and secure the safety of passengers in coordination with the relevant authorities. 11.  Monitor citizenship affairs, entry and exit movements, and immigration to and from the State of Libya in coordination with the relevant authorities.

    Article 1 bis

    Resolution No. (16) of 2012

    Subject to the competences of civil institutions and entities in the State, the aforementioned military zones and districts shall be entrusted with the following duties. 1. Duties of military zones: – Secure and protect the zone against any internal or external attacks. – Coordinate the cooperation between other security services inside the zone. […] – Set up emergency plans for emergencies and external threats. – Execute all orders and instructions issued by higher levels. – Coordinate with various armed forces (air force– naval forces– air defence – border guard) regarding the security and protection of the zone. 2. Duties of military districts: […] – Coordinate with other forces regarding the security of the border district.

    Article 2

    Resolution No. (16) of 2012

    The Libyan land borders shared with the following countries shall be closed temporarily: 1.   Chad 2.   Niger […]

    Article 9

    Law No. (6) of 2005

    The user of the aircraft arriving or departing Libyan territory shall abide by the provisions of the legislation in force, including legislation related to arrival, departure, passports, customs, and the health and agricultural quarantine.

    Article 13

    Decree No. (526) of 1992

    The General Directorate of Passports and Nationality shall be comprised of the following: […] 4. The Control and List Affairs Department shall be responsible for the following: * Oversee entry and exit movement through the prescribed ports. * Direct technical supervision of passport controls in the exit and entry ports; receive notifications related to entry and exit movement and take the necessary procedures in their regard […]

  • Information gathering, recording and sharing +

    Article 11

    Decree No. (145) of 2012

    The General Directorate for Combating Illegal Immigration shall have the following duties: 9. Collect information, data, and records on smuggling, infiltration, and illegal immigration issues etc., and classify, arrange, and categorise them to use as reference when necessary.

    Article 10

    Decree No. (145) of 2012

    The General Directorate for Coastal Security shall have the following duties: 7. Prepare the records of ships and fishing and recreational boats, collect data about them, and issue licenses and license plates for the same.

    Article 36

    Decree No. (247) of 1989

    Anyone who shelters or houses foreigners in any capacity is required to inform the nearest passports authority of the foreigners he is housing as well as their departure within 48 hours on the designated form for this purpose […]

    Article 3

    Decree No. (746) of 1993

    The Agency shall be responsible for implementing all functions necessary to protect the coast, including providing work requirements for what it implements itself or through volunteers, and other functions undertaken by the masses of the People’s Congresses or the General People’s entities […]

    Article 4

    Decree No. (325) of 2013

    The General Investigation Service shall have the following powers: 10.  Monitor cargo and passenger luggage in land, maritime, and aerial ports and secure the safety of passengers in coordination with the relevant authorities. 11.  Monitor citizenship affairs, entry and exit movements, and immigration to and from the State of Libya in coordination with the relevant authorities.

    Article 9

    Decree No. (145) of 2012

    The Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances General Directorate shall have the following duties: 9. Conduct initial and preliminary analysis of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and save samples of various drugs and tools used in smuggling, trafficking, and drug use.

    Article 10

    Decree No. (145) of 2012

    The General Directorate for Coastal Security shall have the following duties: 6. Follow up on and evaluate the security situation in ports, harbours, marinas, and maritime clubs and take security measures in their regard.

    Article 11

    Decree No. (145) of 2012

    The General Directorate for Combating Illegal Immigration shall have the following duties: 10. Prepare forms, cards, and models from the information of the questionnaires filled out by smugglers, infiltrators, and people involved who are caught in illegal immigration cases and other crimes and sort out the data and analyse it for reference when necessary.

    Article 3

    Decree No. (386) of 2014

    The Authority shall be responsible for exercising the following competencies: 5. Document records pertaining to infiltrators and smugglers that are arrested; prepare a database in their regard. […] 7. Prepare studies and research on the reasons behind the phenomenon of illegal immigration and human trafficking, the limitation thereof, and the proposal of developing work methods and introducing modern scientific technology to limit these criminal phenomena.

    Article 22

    Decree No. (472) of 1985

    The General Department of Passports and Nationality must prepare a guide for tallying the various travel documents issued. It shall contain the date and place of issue, validity period, and the full name, mother’s name, nationality, date and place of birth, sex, and residency of each document holder. Issuing bodies must inform the General Department of Passports and Nationality of all necessary information to be included in the guide.

    Article 2

    Decree No. (244) of 1997

    3. The Oversight and Documentation Administration shall be responsible for the following: Prepare electronic documentation programs for information. Receive information and data from competent departments, branches, and offices, and document them in accordance with the approved programming. […] Prepare statistics related to travel documents, nationality, personal ID cards, and foreign residents, then classify, sort, and analyse them. […]

  • Confidentiality and respect for privacy +

    Article 14

    Decree No. (50) of 1990

    The documents, papers, reports, and research prepared by the Committee shall be considered confidential. They may not be viewed, except with special permission from the Secretary of the General People’s Committee, or from the People’s Committee for the External People’s Bureau and International Cooperation.

    Article 8

    Decree No. (247) of 1989

    […] Names shall be added to ban lists by virtue of a decision issued by the General Department of Passports and Nationality. The lists are to be considered secret and circulating them is prohibited.

  • Investigations +

    Article 11

    Decree No. (145) of 2012

    The General Directorate for Combating Illegal Immigration shall have the following duties: 3. Investigate smuggling of people, contraband materials, goods, and infiltration across the desert and border areas and take required legal action in their regard.

    Article 13

    Decree No. (526) of 1992

    The General Department of Passports and Nationality shall be composed of the following: […] 2. The Inspection and Oversight Department shall be responsible for the following: * Perform the functions of investigating and collecting evidence against violators of provisions of the legislation regulating Arab nationality, travel documents, IDs, the entry and residency of foreigners, and taking necessary measures to refer them to judicial bodies. * Oversee the implementation of rulings and decrees related to deportation, take the necessary procedures thereof according to the law. * Investigate foreigners, monitor their movements to verify the legality of their residency, and apply the legislation that the Department implements in their regard.

  • Asylum-seekers +
  • Restraint in the use of force +

    Article 13

    Law No. (10) of 1992

    Members of the police agency shall be entitled to use force without the use of weapons to the extent necessary for the performance of their duties, insofar as such is the only possible way. The use of weapons shall be limited to the following cases: […] In all the foregoing cases, firing the weapon shall be the only possible way to achieve the aforementioned purposes. The General People’s Committee for Justice shall issue a decision stipulating the authorities entitled to issue shooting orders, the methods to be used in all circumstances, and the procedure for addressing the shooting warning. 6- Self-defence and resisting armed assault.

    Article 49

    Law No. (10) of 2010

    Every driver of a means of transport shall comply with the orders of customs officials. Customs officials may take all appropriate measures to stop means of transport in the event that the driver fails to comply.

    Article 51

    Law No. (10) of 2010

    Authorised customs officers may board vessels within the customs control zone to search the same or request manifests and other documents required by the established rules. In the event of failure to present such documents, in the absence thereof, or in the event of suspicion of the presence of smuggled or prohibited goods, the necessary measures shall be taken, including the use of force, to seize the goods and sail the vessel to the nearest customs office when necessary.

  • Law Enforcement

    Article 46

    Law No. (10) of 2010

    Customs employees who are appointed by a decision by the Secretary shall be considered judicial officers with regards to application of the provision of this law and within the scope of their competences.

    Article 55

    Law No. (10) of 2010

    In all cases, customs officers shall be entitled to apprehend persons, seize goods and means of transport, and transport the same to the nearest customs office. For this purpose, they shall enjoy free movement along the coast or any part thereof, as well as on seashores and any port, gulf, road, or public land, with the right to pass through private property within 5 kilometres from the borders.

    Article 57

    Law No. (10) of 2010

    Customs officers may perform the duties set forth in previous articles and take any of the following measures: […]

    Article 98

    Law No. (10) of 2010

    […] The administration shall destroy goods proved through analysis to be harmful at the expense of and in presence of their owners or their legal representatives. If they wish, they may re-export the same within a deadline determined by the administration, provided that this take place through the same location where they entered and not another location passing through Libyan territory.  If they fail to appear or re-export after being notified in writing, the destruction shall take place at their expense, and a record drafted fining them for twice the cost of the destruction […]

    Article 20

    Decree No. (137) of 2004

    Goods in transit shall be stamped in accordance with the regulation issued by virtue of a Customs Authority decree. The transit contractor shall be responsible for any tampering with these stamps. In the event that such tampering is confirmed, the goods and their conformity to the documents shall be inspected. The owner of the goods must pay all assessed customs fees for any shortage in the goods, as well as the prescribed penalty in accordance with the Customs Law. The transit contractor shall be subjected to an equivalent fine.

    Article 37

    Decree No. (137) of 2004

    The free zone shall be subject to the provisions related to smuggling or the violation of customs regulations prescribed in Customs Law.

    Article 7

    Law No. (6) of 2005

    The General Director shall have the right to inspect airplanes and prohibit them from flying. He may seize any documents related thereto to monitor the implementation of the provisions of this law.

    Article 3

    Decree No. (386) of 2014

    The Authority shall be responsible for exercising the following competencies: […] 4. Control illegal immigrants in Libya and place them in housing centers; monitor them and complete the procedures for their deportation to their countries of origin in coordination with the relevant bodies.

    Article 10

    Law No. (19) of 2010

    The General People’s Committee for Public Security shall control the crimes set forth in this law. It may also seize the proceeds from the crime and the means of transport used in smuggling, and it shall refer the arrestees to the competent judicial authorities. In all cases, the court shall rule to confiscate the proceeds from the crime, even if they were falsified, substituted, or converted to legal resources. The court shall also rule to confiscate the means of transport, items, and tools used or prepared for use in the commission of the crimes […]

  • Specific responsibilities of customs agencies +
    • Inspect vehicles and persons crossing the border

      Article 47

      Law No. (10) of 2010

      Authorised customs officers shall have the right to search places, people, goods, and means of transport inside the customs station and in the locations and warehouses under the supervision of Customs. Customs may take all necessary measures to prevent smuggling in the customs station.

      Article 51

      Law No. (10) of 2010

      Authorised customs officers may board vessels within the customs control zone to search the same or request manifests and other documents required by the established rules […]

      Article 53

      Law No. (10) of 2010

      Customs officers may inspect all ships within the maritime customs control zone.

      Article 54

      Law No. (10) of 2010

      Customs officers may inspect facilities and equipment established on the continental shelf or exclusive economic zone at any time. They may also inspect means of transport that are used or help explore for or exploit natural resources contained in the continental shelf or the exclusive economic zone.

      Article 8

      Law No. (6) of 2005

      Employees of customs, public security, and health and agricultural quarantine shall have the right to inspect airplanes or any person or cargo on their board under the laws and regulations in force in Libya. This inspection shall not cause unreasonable delay and shall be under the supervision of the Civil Aviation Authority without interference in the inspection procedures.

    • Ensure that all goods or animals transported are declared and compliant with legislation and prohibitions and restrictions protecting the safety and security of citizens and the environment

      Article 95

      Law No. (81) of 1970

      If damaged parcels are found, or it is suspected that they have been tampered with, then they shall be sorted, counted, weighed, and stamped, and an official report shall be prepared therefor, signed by the ship’s agent and a representative from the Port Authority. The report shall indicate any contradictions between the information included in the shipment manifest, and the actual goods received. If the goods are loose or cannot be counted due to their type or amount, they shall be entered in total with indication thereof in the report.

      Article 96

      Law No. (81) of 1970

      […] The Port Authority may refuse to receive goods whose export is prohibited that have damaged or deformed parcels, or those that have nondurable covers.

      Article 97

      Law No. (10) of 2010

      Customs may analyse the goods in order to verify their type, specifications, or conformity with the regulations in force […]

      Article 117

      Law No. (10) of 2010

      The customs office shall be responsible for inspection of the transit goods upon their arrival at the point of entry and shall verify their conformity with the documents and inspect all or some packages in accordance with the rules issued by the Customs Authority […]

      Article 121

      Law No. (10) of 2010

      All warehouses shall be subject to customs oversight. […]

      Article 14

      Decree No. (137) of 2004

      The Department shall provide customs with lists of anyone who enters or exits the zone within 36 hours of the entry or exit process.

      Article 19

      Decree No. (137) of 2004

      Goods in transit shall be transported under the responsibility of the transit contractor. Goods in transit may not be detained, prohibited, or stopped, except in cases for which a decree is issued by the Customs Authority.

      Article 21

      Decree No. (137) of 2004

      The exit of goods in transit to their destination shall be recorded through the submission of a certificate from the customs station in the goods’ port of exit indicating the validity of the stamps and the conformity of the number of parcels. If the goods are transported in containers, it is sufficient to indicate the validity of the stamps on the containers.

      Article 23

      Decree No. (137) of 2004

      The Customs Authority shall be responsible for inspecting goods in transit upon their arrival at the entry port, ensuring their conformity with the documents related thereto, and inspecting all or some of the parcels in accordance with the rules issued by the Customs Authority. In all cases, inspection shall be completed in the entry and exit ports within 24 hours of the date of the submission of documents.

      Article 26

      Decree No. (137) of 2004

      A customs declaration shall be submitted for goods imported or exported from the free zone to the competent customs body. Attached thereto shall be a declaration of the official necessary documents from the free zone administration.

      Article 13

      Decree No. (145) of 2012

      The General Directorate for Information Security shall have the following duties: 6. Ensure the safety of persons and goods located in areas of entry and exit in an unobtrusive manner.

    • Check validity, authenticity and accuracy of documents

      Article 48

      Law No. (10) of 2010

      Customs officers may control the identity of persons who enter the customs territory or who circulate within the customs control zone.

      Article 50

      Law No. (10) of 2010

      Customs officials are entitled to examine all ledgers, documents, and documentation pertaining to customs operations related to the work of the following: […]

      Article 93

      Law No. (10) of 2010

      After registering the customs declaration, the customs office shall inspect the goods and verify their type, value, origin, and conformity with the declaration and the relevant documents. It may also inspect all or some packages or refrain from doing so based on the rules issued by the Director-General.

    • Issue documents and certificates

      Article 50

      Law No. (10) of 2010

      […] If these documents are completed electronically through media applications and systems as well as the necessary information and systems to operate them, customs officials shall deliver a statement of what was recorded to these persons or companies.

    • Collect revenues and duties

      Article 5

      Law No. (10) of 2010

      […] Customs duties and other fees and taxes levied on the import and export of goods shall be collected in accordance with the regulating laws thereof. Goods may not be released before completion of customs procedures and payment of duties and fees, unless stipulated otherwise by the law.

      Article 184

      Law No. (10) of 2010

      Without prejudice to the exemptions stipulated by special laws or in execution of conventions to which the government is party, the following shall be exempted from customs duties and other fees and taxes, subject to inspection: […]

    • Conduct investigations and operations to combat smuggling and fraud

      Article 52

      Law No. (10) of 2010

      Customs officers shall have the right to seize prohibited or smuggled goods if their existence violates the rules applicable in the customs territory. In the event of strong suspicion of smuggling, they shall have the right to search places and shops and look for smuggled goods in accordance with the provisions of the law and within the control zone.

      Article 55

      Law No. (10) of 2010

      Customs officers and those who assist them from other entities shall have the right to pursue smuggled goods and follow up thereon after such goods leave the customs zone. They may also inspect and search passing caravans in the desert if they are suspected of violating the provisions of the law. […]

      Article 56

      Law No. (10) of 2010

      If proof emerges that a crime has been committed in violation of the law, authorised customs officials may inspect homes where goods or documents pertaining to such crimes are found, after obtaining permissions from the public prosecution. The inspection shall be conducted in the presence of two witnesses if the owner or the house or his representative is not present. In cases of in flagrante delicto, they may inspect homes or shops without being subject to the procedures set forth in the previous paragraph […]

      Article 223

      Law No. (10) of 2010

      Except in cases of in flagrante delicto, customs guards officers may only conduct investigations upon issuance of written permission from the Secretary.

    • Assist in the surveillance of the border

      Article 22

      Law No. (10) of 2010

      A customs declaration shall be submitted to the nearest customs office for any goods that enter or leave the State in accordance with customs regulations. A detailed declaration shall be submitted for all goods that are imported or exported in accordance with customs regulations. […] Every traveller shall present himself to the competent customs station, in accordance with the regulations prescribed in this regard.

      Article 74

      Law No. (10) of 2010

      All ships, trains, cars, aircraft or other means of transport, whether laden or unladen, shall be prohibited from leaving the State without presenting to the customs station a manifest in conformity with the provisions of Article (61) and all the documents mentioned in said article, and obtaining authorisation to leave. […]

Article 1

Decree of 1972

The residency of customs guard personnel arriving as part of training delegations in a training institution in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya shall be at the expense of the institution in which the training is held.

Article 1

Decree No. (272) of 1994

The daily supply value allocated to members of the police force who perform the functions of guarding the borders, facilities, or oil ports, those working in entry and exit ports, or those ensuring the continuation of work after the end of official work hours and those working in patrols, gates, and public security companies shall be as follows: […]

Article 222

Law No. (10) of 2010

A fund called the Social Care Fund shall be established within the Customs Authority. A decision by the Secretary shall be issued on its naming and organisation and determining its activities, resources, and manner of investing its funds, provided that such does not contradict the laws in force.

Article 1

Decree No. (149) of 2012

Workers in the Ministry of Inerior shall be granted professional or technical bonuses or those of a special nature, according to the case – at a rate of 50% of the base salary of the following categories:
3. Workers in field positions and those working in all ports.

Table Cancelled remunerations, allowances, bonuses […] 19. Remunerations granted to customs employees at a rate of ½ of the the total penalties collected for customs smuggling.
  • A functioning central authority responsible for managing all issues relating to and overseeing the work of BCPs, whether airports, land border crossing points or ports
    Article 1

    Decree No. (313) of 2009

    The dependency of all land, sea, and air ports shall be assigned to the General People’s Committee for General Security.

    Article 1

    Decree No. (54) of 2012

    All land, sea, and air ports of entry shall be put under the control of the Ministry of Interior within a period of no more than two weeks following the date of issuance of this decree.

    Article 2

    Decree No. (145) of 2012

    The Ministry of Interior shall undertake the implementation of legislation, laws, regulations, decisions, and the necessary measures and procedures that ensure the country’s security and the protection of lives and property. It shall also undertake the implementation of policies, plans, and programs necessary for the implementation of legislation in the field of security and police. In particular, it shall have the following powers: […] 16. Manage the affairs of passports, nationality, identity cards, civil status affairs, and the foreigners’ residence and immigration and control the entry and exit through entry points prescribed for this purpose.

    Article 3

    Law No. (10) of 2010

    The Secretary shall determine the land routes between the borders and the customs stations, as well as the times and conditions for the means of transport to cross the customs borders to transport goods.

    Article 1

    Law No. (82) of 1970

    A public institution shall be established called the “Libyan General Ports Authority.” It shall have an independent legal personality and shall be subordinate to the Minister of Transport.

  • A clear division of tasks between border management agencies

    Article 30

    Decree No. (472) of 1985

    On the basis of the Proposal of the director of the General Department of Passports and Nationality, the General People’s Committee for Justice shall issue organising decisions for the following matters: a) Application forms for obtaining and renewing travel documents, as well as all related additions, inclusions, and amendments. b) Determining the bodies that are permitted to request the revocation of a travel document or to refuse to issue or renew […]

    Article 2

    Law No. (4) of 1985

    The General Department of Passports and Nationality shall bear exclusive responsibility for issuing, renewing, and revoking passports, and for conducting all the activities related thereto inside Libya […]

    Article 13

    Decree No. (247) of 1989

    The General Department of Passports and Nationality shall be responsible for granting all types of visas and extending the residence period granted by the visa. People’s Bureaus and political representation delegations abroad shall be responsible for granting entry visas for the purposes of tourism, visits, official missions, and transit visas […]

    Article 17

    Decree No. (247) of 1989

    The rules and procedures required for granting entry visas for the purposes of work, visits, education, official missions, joining a foreign resident, and tourism, shall be determined by virtue of a decision issued by the director of the General Department of Passports and Nationality.

    Article 12

    Decree No. (1160) of 1990

    The General Department of Passports and Nationality shall be responsible for the following […]: 5. Control exit and entry movement from and into Libya through the prescribed ports therefor. 6. Perform the functions of foreigner affairs, and the residencies, visas, deportations, and extraditions thereof […]

    Articles 2 and 3

    Law No. (10) of 2010

    Article 2

    Customs offices and entry points shall be established and their competencies determined by a decision by the Secretary. Customs stations and offices designated upon the entry into force hereof shall be considered to be designated or established under its provisions. Goods may only be imported or exported to or from the country through customs stations. Means of transport may only cross the Libyan customs borders through a customs office […] Article 3 The Secretary shall determine the land routes between the borders and the customs stations, as well as the times and conditions for the means of transport to cross the customs borders to transport goods.

    Article 45

    Law No. (10) of 2010

    1. The administration shall exercise its competencies in the customs territory according to the conditions defined in the present law […]

    Articles 8, 10 and 11

    Decree No. (145) of 2012

    Article 8 The General Directorate for Border Security shall have the following duties: 1. Develop security plans and executive programs to achieve the goals and objectives to protect points of entry and the important and vital facilities and buildings therein, so as to ensure the implementation of these plans as required. […] Article 10 The General Directorate for Coastal Security shall have the following duties: 1. Develop and implement the necessary plans to protect, guard, and secure the Libyan coasts. […] Article 11 The General Directorate for Combating Illegal Immigration shall have the following duties: 1. Prepare the maps locating specific border control points, routes, and locations of desert border patrols. […]

    Article 3

    Decree No. (746) of 1993

    The Agency shall be responsible for implementing all functions necessary to protect the coast, including providing work necessities for what it implements itself or through volunteers, and other functions undertaken by the masses of the People’s Congresses or the General People’s entities […]

    Article 12

    Decree No. (137) of 2004

    The Department shall issue, in coordination with the competent customs authority, entry permits into the special zone for licensed business owners. It shall also issue permits for workers of licensed facilities.

    Article 2

    Decree No. (184) of 2012

    The committee formed by Article (1) of this decree shall be responsible for overseeing illegal immigration, including monitoring temporary housing stations for illegal immigrants and supervising the procedures of their deportation.

    Article 3

    Decree No. (386) of 2014

    The Authority shall be responsible for exercising the following competencies: 1. Participate in preparing and implementing joint security plans that ensure the preservation of security and public order in the country. 2. Study and draft strategic plans for limiting the phenomenon of illegal immigration to the Libyan state. 3. Prepare and implement security plans to combat crimes of human smuggling and infiltration […]

    Article 3

    Decree No. (815) of 1990

    The Customs Authority shall be responsible for the following: a. Implement the Customs Law, collect fees for imports and exports, implement all requirements by the legislation regulating import and export, monitoring money, boycotting the Zionist enemy, and other legislation that grant jurisdiction thereto. All customs agencies, branches, and offices throughout all of Libya shall be directly affiliated with the Authority. It shall be conducted by the Supervision, Monitoring, and Guidance Authority under the legislation in force. b. Prepare and train Customs Guard personnel.

    Article 1

    Decree No. (2) of 2016

    A regular military force shall be established in accordance with the provisions of this Decree called the “Presidential Guard.” It shall be directly subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief, and shall enjoy independent financial and administrative liability. It shall be responsible for performing the following functions: […] Secure and guard active targets, including land, sea, and air entry ports, water sources and lines, and electrical power stations […]

    Article 11

    Law No. (10) of 1992

    The police agency shall be responsible for preventing, detecting, and pursuing crimes. It shall also control traffic, reform and rehabilitation affairs, civil defence work as well as passport, nationality, personal identification cards, and foreigners’ affairs, in addition to any other competences stipulated by the legislation in force.

  • The chain of command between policy and operational levels is outlined

    Article 4

    Decree No. (392) of 2000

    The Guard shall work under the supervision and oversight of a committee called the Land Border and Crossings Security Committee. The committee shall be responsible for setting the Guard’s general policy and overcoming any potential difficulties. It shall be composed of the following: […]

    Article 2

    Decree No. (247) of 1989

    New points of entry and exit from Libyan territory may be established and determined by virtue of decrees issued by the General People’s Committee. Any of the areas stipulated in the previous article may be closed by virtue of a proposal from the General Department of Passports and Nationality.

    Article 5

    Law No. (10) of 2010

    Goods exported from Libyan territory shall only be subject to customs duties and other fees if a decision in this regard is issued by the General People’s Committee based on a proposal by the Secretary.

    Article 38

    Decree No. (137) of 2004

    The Customs Authority shall be responsible for monitoring goods in transit during the passage thereof through the Great Jamahiriya. It shall coordinate with the Department in this regard during the presence of the goods in free zones.

    Article 17

    Decree No. (7) of 2012

    The Security and Stability Office shall be responsible for: […] – Analyse risks, set priorities, follow up on emergency plans, and coordinate between various sectors in their regard. – Prepare reports on the performance of the Defence and Interior ministries to build the military and security institutions for the purpose of providing security and examine the necessary requirements. – Monitor projects related to security and stability, including the protection of the border, military laws and regulations, the intelligence service, training and rehabilitation, the security of ports, and passports. […]

    Article 1 bis

    Resolution No. (16) of 2012

    Subject to the competencies of civil institutions and entities in the State, the aforementioned military zones and districts shall be entrusted with the following duties. 1. Duties of military zones: […] – Execute all orders and instructions issued by higher levels. 2. Duties of military districts: […] – Execute all instructions and orders issued by the zone commander.

  • Networked systems allowing for quick and easy connection from the centre to the BCPs

    Article 5

    Decree No. (212) of 2009

    The General Department of Passports and Nationality shall facilitate and expedite the completion of entry and exit procedures for foreigners through the prescribed ports. It must use modern technological means to regulate and precisely execute these procedures. For this purpose, the Authority shall use modern means of recognition, including “digital fingerprint,” and “visual recognition,” etc. Brotherhood Bureaus, People’s Bureaus and consulates shall […]

  • A record-keeping database

    Article 8

    Decree No. (247) of 1989

    Lists containing the names of foreigners banned from entry or exit shall be drafted in Arabic, with names also written in Latin letters in alphabetical order. The lists must encompass all distinguishing information about the relevant person. Copies shall be distributed to entry and exit ports as well as People’s Bureaus.

    Article 10

    Decree No. (247) of 1989

    After a deportation decision has been issued, the foreigner’s name must be added to the list of people banned from entry.

    Article 10

    Decree No. (50) of 1990

    The Committee shall have an administrative secretariat responsible for the functions of archiving and documentation.

    Article 25

    Decree No. (472) of 1985

    The numbers of documents issued to each person must be consistent. The number of the last issued valid travel document shall be considered his main number, and all entries in previous files shall be collected in the file of the last travel document.

    Article 15

    Decree No. (678) of 1986

    The General Directorate for Passports and Nationality, sea affairs unit, and Libyan Arab Airlines company shall prepare registers to record and control all issued passports and comprehensive data on the bearer of the passport.

    Article 61

    Law No. (10) of 2010

    […] Such manifest shall be signed by the captain and it shall include the name of the ship, its nationality, type of goods, quantity of packages, their marks and numbers, the names of the consignor and the consignee, the description of packaging, and the seaports from which the goods are shipped.

    Article 83

    Law No. (10) of 2010

    […] The customs declaration shall be recorded, and its date of registration and annual serial number shall be noted, after verifying its conformity with the provisions of the present law.

    Article 10

    Decree No. (145) of 2012

    The General Directorate for Coastal Security shall have the following duties: 7. Prepare the records of ships and fishing and recreational boats, collect data about them, and issue licenses and license plates for the same.

    Article 11

    Decree No. (145) of 2012

    The General Directorate for Combating Illegal Immigration shall have the following duties: 6. Documented the records and data related to infiltrators, smugglers, people with expired visas, and people caught being and residing in the country illegally.

  • Acts that are offences are clearly defined and corresponding penalties have been clearly stated

    Article 204

    Law No. (10) of 2010

    Smuggling or attempted smuggling shall be penalized by a fine not exceeding three times the due customs duties in addition to three times the value of the goods, or the amount of LYD 1000 – whichever is greater – and by imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months, or by both penalties.

    Article 144

    Law No. (81) of 1970

    The following shall be sentenced to a penalty of no less than 10 LYD and no more than 100 LYD: […]

    Article 145

    Law No. (81) of 1970

    The following shall be sentenced to a penalty of no more than 50 LYD: […]

    Article 146

    Law No. (81) of 1970

    Anyone who violates the provisions of Articles (70), (71), (73), (81), (86), (87), Paragraphs (2), (115), (123), and (138) of this law shall be sentenced to a penalty of no less than 20 LYD and no more than 100 LYD.

    Article 147

    Law No. (81) of 1970

    The captain of any ship who fails to seek assistance from the services of the pilot, except if he is permitted to do so by the Port Authority due to an urgent necessity, shall be sentenced to a penalty of no less than 100 LYD and no more than 200 LYD.

    Law No. (10) of 2010

    Part (7) Customs Violations Chapter (1) Customs Violations

    Article 203

    Law No. (10) of 2010

    Any of the following acts shall be considered as smuggling: […]

    Article 1

    Law No. (19) of 2010

    In application of the provisions of this law, an illegal immigrant shall be anyone who enters the territory of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya or resides therein without permission or authorisation from the competent bodies, with the intent to settle therein or cross to another country.

    Article 2

    Law No. (19) of 2010

    The following shall be deemed acts of illegal immigration: 1. Admission of illegal immigrants into the country or removal therefrom by any means. […]

    Article 3

    Law No. (19) of 2010

    Anyone who employs an illegal immigrant shall be penalised by a fine of no less than 1,000 LYD and not exceeding 3,000 LYD.

Announcement: Launch of Enhanced Legal Database Design.

We are thrilled to announce the successful launch of our new legal database design as part of DCAF's ongoing commitment to our valued users. This update introduces a range of improvements, including a streamlined, user-friendly interface and enhanced functionalities, ensuring effortless access to vital information.

We take great pride in delivering this significant enhancement, and we reaffirm our dedication to providing you with the utmost service excellence. We extend our sincere gratitude for your continued trust and support.