Charts & Infographic

Migration Infographic

Article 6

Decree No. (145) of 2012

The administrative structure of the Ministry of Interior shall be composed of the following administrative divisions: 1. General Directorate for Police Operations 2. General Directorate for Border Security […] 4. General Directorate for Coastal Security 5. General Directorate for Combating Illegal Immigration […] 10.  General Directorate for Training 12.  General Directorate for Investigation and Follow-up […] 16.  Criminal Investigation Directorate […] 24.  Arab and International Criminal Police Department 25.  Rotation and Coordination Office

Article 5

Decree No. (145) of 2012

The following authorities, which shall possess legal personality and independent financial liability, shall be subordinate to the Ministry of Interior: […] 2. Passport, Nationality, and Foreign Affairs Department […]

Article 1

Decree No. (392) of 2000

A Guard called the Land Border Guard affiliated with the Ministry of Defence shall be established in accordance with the provisions of this decree.

Article 4

Decree No. (392) of 2000

The Guard shall work under the supervision and oversight of a committee called the Land Border and Crossings Security Committee. The committee shall be responsible for setting the Guard’s general policy and overcoming any potential difficulties. It shall be composed of the following: 1. Representative from the Ministry of Defence as chairman 2. One or more representatives from the following bodies: […]


Article 1

Law No. (82) of 1970

A public institution shall be established called the “Public Corporation for Ports and Lighthouses.” It shall have independent legal personality and be subordinate to the Minister of Transport.


Article 4

Law No. (10) of 2010

A council shall be formed called the Customs Tariff Council that is competent to draft the general customs tariff policy in accordance with its financial, economic, and social aims. A decision shall be issued to form this Council by the General People’s Committee based on a proposal by the Secretary.

Articles 1 and 10

Decree No. (386) of 2014

Article 1 A public authority shall be established by virtue of the provisions of this decree called the “Anti-Illegal Immigration Authority.” It shall enjoy legal personality and independent financial liability and shall be subordinate to the Ministry of Interior. Article 10 The authority shall be comprised of the General Department for Combating Illegal Immigration subordinate to the Ministry of Interior. Members of the aforementioned Department shall be transferred to work in their current professional conditions. The Minister of Interior shall issue the necessary decrees therefor.

Articles 1 and 4

Decree No. (815) of 1990

Article 1 A general authority shall be established by virtue of the provisions of this Decree called the “Customs Authority.” It shall be subordinate to the General People’s Committee for the Treasury. Article 4 First: The Authoriy shall be comprised of the following organisational divisions: a. Technical Affairs Department b. Training and Planning Department c. Coast and Border Guard Department

Article 1

Decree No. (165) of 2012

The formation of a committee shall be as follows: 1. Representative from the Ministry of Interior – Chairman. 2. Representative from the Cabinet – Member. 3. Representative from the Ministry of Justice – Member. 4. Representative from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs […]

Article 2

Decree of 1973 on re-organising the Ministry of Treasury

First: The organisational structure of the Ministry shall be comprised of the following public authorities and departments: […] 2. Customs Authority: Shall be competent in implementing customs law and collecting the prescribed duties for imports and exports […] The Customs Authority shall be comprised of the following public departments: a. Technical Affairs Department b. Customs Guard Authority Department […]


Article 1

Decree No. (244) of 1997

The organisational structure of the Travel Documents, Nationality and Foreigner Affairs Authority shall be as follows: […]

Article 105

Law No. (81) of 1970

Each unit operating in the ports shall have a sufficient crew on board for the management and operation thereof.

Article 11

Decree No. (392) of 2000

By virtue of this decree, all moveable and immovable assets used in activities that support the Guard’s activities shall be transferred to the Guard. This shall include assets affiliated with the bodies that work along Libya’s border crossings based on their rights and duties.

Article 6

Resolution No. (16) of 2012

The Cabinet shall provide all material, technological, and technical capabilities necessary to ensure the securing of these borders and the establishment of security throughout these zones.

Article 3

Decree No. (386) of 2014The Authority shall be responsible for exercising the following competencies: […] 12. Work on providing all technical and modern means and methods needed by the Authority to implement the functions assigned thereto.

Article 1

Decree No. (313) of 2009

The dependency of all land, sea and air ports shall be attached to the General People’s Committee for General Security.


Article 5

Law No. (20) of 1994

The Basic People’s Congresses shall be responsible for protecting existing and future fortifications. They shall manage them through a. The Local People’s Defence b. Armed People’s Rotation Units c. Security and policed. Any other body commissioned for this purpose. These bodies shall coordinate to perform this duty.

Announcement: Launch of Enhanced Legal Database Design.

We are thrilled to announce the successful launch of our new legal database design as part of DCAF's ongoing commitment to our valued users. This update introduces a range of improvements, including a streamlined, user-friendly interface and enhanced functionalities, ensuring effortless access to vital information.

We take great pride in delivering this significant enhancement, and we reaffirm our dedication to providing you with the utmost service excellence. We extend our sincere gratitude for your continued trust and support.