Latest laws


Part III: Executive Authorities: Control of the Security Sector

Decree No. (174) of 1993 on re-organizing the Secretariat of the General People’s Committee

The General People’s Committee

Decree No. (174) of 1993 AD

on the Reorganization of the

Secretariat of the General People’s Committee

has decreed the following:


Article (1)

The Secretariat of the General People’s Committee, hereinafter referred to as the (“Secretariat”), shall organize and determine the responsibilities of its main organizational divisions and exercise functions in accordance with the provisions of this Decree, under the supervision and guidance of the Secretary of the General People’s Committee. The Secretary of the General People’s Committee may delegate to the Undersecretary the responsibilities he deems necessary for the proper functioning of work.


Article (2)

The Secretariat shall undertake the following responsibilities: 

a) Study, consider, and prepare the issues to be presented to the General People’s Committee or its Secretary, draft decisions and directives issued by the same and communicate them to the concerned entities; 

b) Follow up the implementation of the resolutions of the Basic People’s Congresses drafted in the General People’s Congress, in cooperation with the various People’s Committees and other competent entities, and develop periodic reports on the progress of implementation; 

c) Prepare, collect and provide data, information and statistics that it deems fit to be presented to the People’s Congresses and determine the implementation position thereof by the concerned entities; 

d) Follow up the implementation of the regulations, resolutions, and directives issued by the General People’s Committee, develop periodic reports on the implementing procedures in this field, and follow up the secretariats, local people’s committees, and public bodies, institutions and agencies to ensure the implementation of their responsibilities; 

e) Review draft laws and decisions, the approval of which falls within the competence of the Basic People’s Congresses, refer them to the Secretariat of the General People’s Congress to take the necessary action, and review their wording before issuance; 

f) Draw up and review the draft regulations and decisions that the General People’s Committee is responsible for their issuance, and express an opinion on legal and regulatory issues; 

g) In cooperation and coordination with the competent bodies and entities, express scientific and technical opinion on the issues submitted to the General People’s Committee, address the deficiencies therein, and state the action required to be taken in their regard; 

h) Consider and discuss external cooperation matters, develop the necessary reports thereon, and follow up any relevant issues; 

i) Track and extrapolate the most important international economic indicators, develop scientific reports thereon, derive their trends, and propose the most successful ways to cope with them to preserve the interests of the Great Jamahiriya; 

j) Consider and identify the most successful ways to ensure the control and organization of the various means of delivering public projects, including general contracting companies, and solve any issues and difficulties encountered by them. 

k) Receive and study the minutes of the meetings of the people’s committees of sectors and the people’s committees of the Basic People’s Congresses and state any necessary remarks or directives related thereto; 

l) As for the activities of the General People’s Committee, set up a system for documentation and data entry, renewal and extraction using state-of-the-art scientific methods; 

m) Undertake the process of military coordination for those enrolled in national service, armed people alternate and local defense programs, in accordance with the decisions made in this regard. 

n) Undertake the financial and administrative affairs of the Secretariat and its employees; and 

o) Any other matters entrusted to thereto in accordance with the legislation in force.


Article (3)

The Secretariat of the General People’s Committee shall have an undersecretary, to be supported by an assistant undersecretary. 

The Undersecretary shall be responsible – under the supervision of the Secretary of the General People’s Committee – for the workflow of the Secretariat and shall act as a point of contact between the General People’s Committee and other bodies, in addition to undertaking the responsibilities designated for the Undersecretary in the legislation in force.


Article (4)

The organizational structure of the Secretariat shall be as follows: 

First: General Directorates: 

a) General Directorate for Legal Affairs 

b) General Directorate for People’s Committee Affairs 

c) General Directorate for Technical Affairs 

d) General Directorate for Economic and Financial Affairs 

e) General Directorate for Data and Documentation 

f) General Directorate for Financial and Administrative Affairs 

Second: Offices: 

a) Secretary’s Office 

b) Foreign Affairs Office 

c) Undersecretary Office 

d) Inspection Office 

e) Technical Committees and Experts Affairs Office 

f) General Military Coordinator Office


Article (5)

The General Directorate for Legal Affairs shall have the following responsibilities: 

f) Draw up and review the draft regulations and decisions that the General People’s Committee is responsible for their issuance; 

e) Review draft laws before referral to the Secretariat of the General People’s Congress, and review their wording before issuance; 

(c) Express an opinion and advise on legal and regulatory issues; 

(d) Consider the legislation related to public service to ensure its development and consistency with the directives of the transition to production within the framework of the community policy; 

(e) Review and give opinion on draft contracts to be concluded by the Secretariat of the General People’s Committee; and 

(f) Refer to the General People’s Congress any matter that falls within its responsibilities and receive the approved matters to be referred to the competent entities for implementation.


Article (6)

The General Directorate for People’s Committee Affairs shall have the following mandates: 

(a) Receive any incoming issues and matters required to be presented to the General People’s Committee and develop and organize documents, information, papers, and statements related thereto; 

(b) Make preparations for the meetings of the General People’s Committee and other expanded meetings, prepare their agendas, and inform the secretaries of the date and place of holding the same; 

(c) Record the proceedings of the meetings of the General People’s Committee, prepare the minutes of its meetings, and communicate its decisions and directives; 

(d) Make preparations for the meetings of the committees formed by a decree of the General People’s Committee or its Secretary, record and maintain their minutes, follow up their proceedings, provide any data or information deemed necessary by such committees and receive their reports in order to be presented; 

(e) Receive and present the correspondence and minutes of the meetings of the People’s Committees of Basic People’s Congresses and communicate the resolutions and directives issued thereto; 

(f) Make preparations for the meetings of the People’s Committees of the Basic People’s Congresses held in the presence of the Secretary of the General People’s Committee and implement the resolutions made by such Committees; 

(g) Contribute to the organization and standardization of the work approach among the People’s Committees of the Basic People’s Congresses; and 

(h) Prepare the correspondence related to foreign missions for various purposes.


Article (7)

The General Directorate for Technical Affairs shall have the following mandates: 

a) Consider the technical notes and reports referred to the Committee, address the deficiencies therein, draw conclusions therefrom, submit proposals and state the action required to be taken in their regard; 

b) Express a technical opinion on the issues and notes submitted to the General People’s Committee in technical fields; 

c) Conduct studies and collect accurate data and statistics in technical fields; 

d) Consider and suggest the proposed contracting approach and system, their relevance to the nature of projects, as well as the suitability of prices and bases of comparison; 

e) Identify cases of non-compliance with the conditions and controls set out in the Administrative Contracts Regulations and the forms of contracts issued pursuant thereto and other decisions regulating contracts for projects that the General People’s Committee is concerned with deciding on, and identify the availability of a financial coverage and source of funding for these projects before deciding thereupon; 

f) Ensure that all contracting requirements are met by the notes submitted to the General People’s Committee; 

g) Ensure compliance with the notes of the Secretariat of the General People’s Committee for People’s Monitoring and Follow-up in the contracts that the General People’s Committee is concerned with deciding on; 

h) Develop forms and templates for the technical reports requested by or presented to the Secretariat, cooperate in developing them with the concerned entities, study these reports, draw conclusions therefrom, and submit proposals in their regard; 

i) Consider and evaluate proposals and studies related to the issues and difficulties facing general contracting companies and other public implementation special purpose vehicles, provide data and information about them, follow up the implementation of decrees made by the General People’s Committee in their regard, and make the necessary recommendations to overcome the obstacles to the proper implementation of their functions; and 

j) In coordination with the competent entities, develop proposals and studies that facilitate ways to provide key building and construction supplies, especially materials, machinery and equipment, as well as the manpower needed to implement projects.


Article (8)

The General Directorate for Economic and Financial Affairs shall have the following mandates: 

a) Develop a system for identifying and analyzing economic and financial indicators, evaluate their effects, and submit the necessary proposals in their regard; 

b) Keep track of the world prices of the most important commodities, world trade activity in general and the affairs related to the global economy directions, and set up a system for archiving and classifying any relevant data and documents in this regard; 

c) Follow up the activities of international economic bodies and develop periodic reports on them, together with any proposals it deems useful; 

d) Express a technical opinion on economic issues expected to be presented at international conferences concerned with economic and financial affairs in which the Great Jamahiriya participates; 

e) Express a technical opinion on the issues and notes submitted to the General People’s Committee in financial, economic and monetary fields; 

f) Conduct studies and collect accurate data and statistics in economic and financial fields; 

g) Develop forms and templates for economic and financial reports requested by or presented to the Secretariat, cooperate in developing them with the concerned entities, study these reports, draw conclusions therefrom, and submit proposals in their regard; and 

h) Examine and study draft plans and budgets, express an opinion thereon, evaluate the stages of their implementation, and identify any obstacles or difficulties that may be encountered.


Article (9)

The General Directorate for Data and Documentation shall have the following mandates: 

(a) Prepare, classify, tabulate and automatically retrieve data and information related to transformation plans projects; 

(b) Develop periodic bulletins with automated data and information and update these bulletins continuously; 

(c) Introduce and develop text-processing systems for printing and provide relevant training; 

(d) Carry out archiving work and archiving documents in the files assigned thereto in accordance with the designated classification;

(e) Keep electronic documents and technical reports in a way that facilitates their handling and reference; 

(f) Collect and provide data, information, and statistics, and prepare notes and issues that it deems necessary to be presented to the People’s Congresses; 

(g) Follow up the implementation of the resolutions of the Basic General People’s Congresses drafted in the General People’s Congress, in cooperation with the various People’s Committees and other competent entities, determine their implementation position by the concerned entities and develop the necessary reports in this regard; 

(h) In coordination with the competent entities, collect data on production and service projects included in the various phases of transformation plans; 

(i) Follow up the decisions and directives issued by the General People’s Committee with regard to the projects of transformation plan and submit periodic reports thereon; 

(j) Follow up the implementation of the approved bilateral, regional and international agreements on technical cooperation in the field of transformation projects programs; 

(k) In coordination with the competent entities in this regard, follow up the implementation of development plans and budgets and submit periodic reports thereon; 

(l) Cooperate and coordinate with the specialists of the General People’s Committee for People’s Monitoring and Follow-up and the competent administrative bodies to ensure that the observations received regarding production and service transformation projects are taken into account; and 

(m) Follow up the implementation phases of projects of a special technical nature that pertain to several sectors.


Article (10)

The General Directorate for Financial and Administrative Affairs shall have the following mandates: 

(a) Undertake all matters related to personnel affairs and arrange the functional organizational structure in accordance with the legislation in force; 

(b) Carry out services and public relations works and supervise printing works; 

(c) Prepare the Secretariat’s budget, manage all the financial affairs therein, cover its requirements, and provide the stores with the necessary items within the limits of approved appropriations; 

(d) Regulate the movement of the Secretariat’s vehicles and monitor their use and maintenance; 

(e) Organize the social, cultural, sports and intellectual activities of the Secretariat’s employees, develop necessary programs, enhance the relationship among employees, and identify and address their problems; and 

(f) Receive the Secretariat’s guests, organize their appointments and meetings and finalize their procedures.


Article (11)

The Secretary’ Office shall have the following mandates: 

– Organize the Secretary’s appointments, meetings and contacts; 

– Receive the correspondence of the Secretary and prepare responses thereto; 

– Receive, prepare, organize and keep the correspondence of a special nature; 

– Make preparations for the official visits to be paid by the Secretary of the General People’s Committee to other countries in coordination with the Foreign Affairs Office and any related entities; and 

– Any other work assigned thereto.


Article (12)

The Foreign Affairs Office shall have the following mandates: 

a) Study and follow draft international bilateral agreements and prepare reports thereon; 

b) Study any proposal received from the People’s Bureau for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation and other competent secretariats regarding conferences, seminars and other national and international forums held or participated in by the Great Jamahiriya, and receive and consider reports from delegations thereto and make any necessary proposals towards implementing their contents; 

c) Make preparations for the meetings of the Secretary of the General People’s Committee with representatives of countries and prepare reports on the proceedings of such meetings; 

d) Make preparations for the official visits to be paid by the Secretary of the General People’s Committee to other countries, in coordination with the Secretary Office; 

e) Follow up the implementation of the decrees or instructions issued by the General People’s Committee in all matters related to relations or integration with sister and other countries; 

f) Follow up the documents and work of the joint economic committees, submit reports thereon, and prepare the matters to be presented to the General People’s Committee; 

g) Examine and study the contributions of the Great Jamahiriya to the competent international bodies and organizations and express an opinion thereon; 

h) Follow up local and international media, prepare a summary of its most important content, and translate them; and 

i) Organize and supervise the library.


Article (13)

The Undersecretary Office shall assume the following responsibilities: 

a) Organize the Undersecretary appointments, meetings and communications; 

b) Present the mail to the Undersecretary and organize the receipt and referral thereof; and 

c) Prepare the correspondence of any issues assigned thereto by the Undersecretary.


Article (14)

The Inspection Office shall be responsible for following up, monitoring, detecting and reporting administrative violations at public entities, as well as any incidents of bribery, favoritism and nepotism, and following up the measures taken in their regard with the legally competent entities. 

This Office shall also be responsible for following up the performance rates of public authorities, ensure adherence thereto, and report any deficiency therein.


Article (15)

The Technical Committees and Experts Affairs Office shall have the following mandates: 

1. Follow up the technical or economic work of the committees formed by the General People’s Committee to consider various technical issues and evaluate the results of their work; 

2. Study and evaluate technical reports and follow-up reports on the work progress in sectors, and provide relevant feedback; 

3. Study international reports, publications and journals related to the activities of the General People’s Committee, especially the economic, financial and monetary indicators, analyze them and present the necessary proposals in their regard; 

4. Follow up the activities of international economic, technical and financial institutions and bodies and submit reports thereon; 

5. Coordinate with consultants, experts and scientific centers that are engaged to carry out the Committee’s work; 

6. Review and update the regulations related to administrative contracts, consulting offices, and public works contract forms, and propose the controls and principles required to implement the legislations related to service development and production affairs; and 

7. Develop programs and perceptions regarding enhancing performance efficiency.


Article (16)

The Military Coordination Office shall be concerned with military coordination for those enrolled in national service, armed people alternate and local defense programs, and responsible for supervising and following up the work of military coordinators in secretariats, local people’s committees and other bodies. 

It shall act as a Point of contact between the competent entities of the armed people and all military coordinators.


Article (17)

The bylaws of the Secretariat shall be issued by a Decree of the Secretary of the General People’s Committee, without prejudice to the provisions of this Decree.


Article (18)

The General People’s Committee Decree No. (1158) of 1990 AD referred to above, as amended, as well as any other provision to contrary of the provisions of this Decree, shall be repealed.


Article (19)

This Decree shall enter into force as of the date of its issuance and shall be published in the official gazette.


The General People’s Committee

Issued on: 14 Ramadan 1402 FDP

Corresponding to: 7 March 1993 AD

Text Type:Decree
Text number:174
Text date:1993-05-01
Institution:General People's Committee

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