Latest laws


Part II: Legislative Authorities: Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector

Resolution No. (20) of 2002 on formulating the resolutions of the Basic People’s Congresses adopted in their ordinary annual session for 1369 FDP formulated by the General People’s Congress between 25-28 December 1369 FDP

General People’s Congress Resolution No. (20) of 1396 FDP

on formulating the resolutions of the Basic People’s Congresses
adopted in their ordinary annual session for 1369 FDP formulated by
the General People’s Congress between 25-28 December 1369 FDP

The General People’s Congress,

Upon review of:

  • The Declaration on the Establishment of the Authority of the People;
  • Law No. (20) of 1991 AD on the promotion of freedom;
  • Law No. (1) of 1369 FDP on the People’s Congresses and the People’s Committees;

The General People’s Congress convened between 25-28 December 1369 FDP to formulate the resolutions of the Basic People’s Congresses in their ordinary annual session of 1369 FDP and study the proposed formulation of the resolutions of the Basic People’s Congresses adopted in their ordinary annual session of 1369 FDP, prepared by the Secretariat of the People’s Congresses for the districts in implementation of Article (28) of Law No. (1) of 1369 FDP on the People’s Congresses and the People’s Committees.

formulated the following:

Item I: Monitoring and Reporting

The Basic People’s Congresses monitored the measures implementing the speeches and statements of the leader of the Great September 1 Revolution and the resolutions of the Basic People’s Congresses. They discussed the following reports:

  1. Report of the General Planning Council
  2. Report of the General People’s Committee and its affiliated bodies
  3. Report of the General People’s Committee for the People’s Oversight Authority
  4. Report of the Central Bank of Libya
  5. Report of the People’s Committee for the Great Man-Made River Project Implementation and Management Agency
  6. Report of the Revolutionary Convoys

and resolved the following with regard thereto:

I. Report of the General Planning Council

  1. Assign the General Planning Council to study the speeches and statements of the leader of the Great September 1 Revolution and propose policies and prepare the necessary plans for the implementation thereof.
  2. Assign the General Planning Council to elaborate a comprehensive housing policy with a focus on urban development.
  3. Assign the General Planning Council to prepare an integrated study on the new educational infrastructure and submit it to the Basic People’s Congresses in the coming session.
  4. Ensure the formation of specialised committees to assess and monitor suspended projects and identify priorities for the completion of projects deemed viable.
  5. Assign the General Planning Council to prepare prospective economic and social studies, draft the plans necessary for the implementation thereof, and submit them to the Basic People’s Congresses.
  6. Assign the General Planning Council to establish the policies necessary to implement the resolutions of the Basic People’s Congresses related to the employment and regulation of migrant labour.
  7. Assign the General Planning Council to establish a clear policy to increase citizens’ income and improve the standard of living of limited income individuals.
  8. Confirm whether executive bodies are in compliance with the technical observations set out in the General Planning Council’s report.
  9. Support the General Planning Council and the planning councils in the districts to enable them to fully perform their role.

II. Report of the General People’s Committee and its affiliated bodies

  1. Ensure that the speeches and sayings of the leader of the Great September 1 Revolution are a course of action for the people’s committees and all agencies affiliated thereto and affirm the rapid implementation thereof.
  2. Ensure the return of experts to their areas, establishing scientific programs to facilitate such.
  3. Promote the role of public works agencies and support them with the necessary capabilities to achieve the desired objective.
  4. Liquidate the receivables of public companies and public agencies, address the obstacles faced thereby, and oblige them to perform their obligations.
  5. Promote the role of cooperatives and shareholding companies and empower them to perform their work in order to create work opportunities for job seekers.
  6. Expedite the implementation of General People’s Committee Decree No. (115) of 1369 FDP on housing loans and the transition to production in the districts where the implementation of this Decree is delayed and facilitate the necessary procedures for such.
  7. Focus on local industries in a manner that makes them competitive, provide supplies for the operation thereof, market their production, and facilitate the procedures of state-owned factories.
  8. Establish operational programs to distribute wealth to enable individuals in society to own companies and production projects.
  9. Ensure a focus on infrastructure projects and the completion of suspended projects that are economically viable.
  10. Ensure a focus on oil projects and establish operational programs to find alternative sources.
  11. Reorganize the food and medicine oversight agencies to ensure effective oversight and support them with capable technical elements.
  12. Focus on public transportation, work to provide vehicles, and regulate import agencies.
  13. Revive and focus on the tourism sector and facilitate investment by local and international shareholding companies.
  14. Expedite the implementation of railways and focus on the maintenance of roads, ports, and airports.
  15. Emphasize seed improvement programs, facilitate procedures for obtaining agricultural equipment, focus on agricultural production, and establish the necessary programs to market and export surplus thereof.
  16. Facilitate loan procedures to ensure expansion of the fields of industry and agriculture and investment in local raw materials.
  17. Continue programs on the transition to production, focus on productive family and traditional industries projects, and establish programs to ensure that local products are promoted and marketed.
  18. Ensure adherence to the regulations on administrative contracts and compliance with standard rates on projects implemented by the people’s committees for the districts or the public sectors.
  19. Focus on improving the performance of hospitals, public health centres, specialised centres, and educational institutions, and establish the necessary controls for the services provided by medical and educational cooperatives.

III. Report of the General People’s Committee for the People’s Oversight Authority:

  1. Affirm the observations contained in the report of the General People’s Committee for the People’s Oversight Authority and the need to adopt the necessary procedures with regard thereto.
  2. Continue to monitor and uncover wrongful practices, hold negligent parties accountable, adopt deterrent measures with regard thereto, and submit a summary of the outcomes to the Basic People’s Congresses.
  3. Support the People’s Oversight Authority with human and material resources enabling it to perform the tasks required of it.

IV. Report of the Central Bank of Libya

  1. Restructure the commercial and national banks, improve performance and strengthen monitoring thereof, organise those branches requiring such, and work to settle their debts and dues.
  2. Continued monitoring of the development of monetary policies to ensure the improved purchasing power of the Libyan dinar against other currencies.
  3. Improve banking services and introduce the use of modern technologies for such.
  4. Work to monitor the procedures adopted on the public debt, in coordination with the Secretariat of the General People’s Committee for Finance.

V. Report of the People’s Committee for the Great Man-Made River Project Implementation and Management Agency

  1. Work toward the full completion of all stages of the Great Man-Made River Project, prepare precise timetables thereon, and submit them to the Basic People’s Congresses in their coming session.
  2. Affirm the need to make best use of the Great Man-Made River waters in economically viable production projects.
  3. Affirm the need for the districts that supply themselves with Great Man-Made River water to focus on alternative water resources, and continued maintenance and preservation thereof.
  4. Ensure that the competent bodies maintain and monitor subsidiary water networks, prevent water leakage in internal networks of housing compounds, and rationalize water consumption therein.
  5. Confirm the necessity that the bodies benefiting from the waters of the Great Man-Made River meet their financial obligations to the People’s Committee for the Great Man-Made River Project Implementation and Management Agency for water consumption and assign the General People’s Committee for Finance and the Central Bank of Libya to conduct the necessary clearance operations for such.
  6. Confirm support for the Great Man-Made River Project Implementation and Management Agency, overcoming the obstacles faced thereby, and require it to absorb and train the greatest possible number of job seekers.

VI. Report of the Mobile Revolutionary Convoys

The Basic People’s Congresses confirm the report of the Revolutionary Convoys and deem the contents thereof to be points of accountability for the General People’s Committee.

Item II: Laws

The Basic People’s Congresses discussed the draft laws submitted thereto and approved issuance thereof, as follows:

  1. Law No. (14) of 1369 FDP on amending certain provisions of Law No. (2) of 1979 AD on economic crimes
  2. Law No. (15) of 1369 FDP on adding an article to the Penal Code
  3. Law No. (16) of 1369 FDP on imposing fees on luxury and special goods and leisure activities
  4. Law No. (17) of 1369 FDP organizing the Legal Register
  5. Law No. (18) of 1369 FDP on amending provisions of Law No. (10) of 1423 AD on cleansing
  6. Law No. (19) of 1369 FDP on reorganising civil society associations
  7. Law No. (20) of 1369 FDP on organising women’s associations
  8. Law No. (21) of 1369 FDP approving certain provisions on engaging in economic activities
  9. Law No. (22) of 1369 FDP amending and adding certain provisions to Law No. (7) of 1990 AD on narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
  10. Law No. (23) of 1369 FDP amending a provision of Law No. (15) of 1989 AD on protecting animals and trees
  11. Law No. (24) of 1369 FDP on barring the use of non-Arabic languages and numbers in all transactions
  12. Law No. (25) of 1369 FDP amending certain provisions of the Civil and Commercial Procedure Code
  13. Law No. (26) of 1369 FDP approving certain provisions on public service
  14. Law No. (27) of 1369 FDP approving certain provisions on service fees and considerations
  15. Law No. (28) of 1369 AD on the livestock and poultry tax
  16. Law No. (29) of 1369 FDP on amending certain provisions of Law No. (4) of 1987 AD on official holidays
  17. Law No. (30) of 1369 FDP amending and adding certain provisions to Law No. (11) of 1425 FBP reorganising the People’s Oversight
  18. Law No. (31) of 1369 FDP on ratifying the international treaties, agreements, and protocols entered into between the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and other countries related to regional and international organisations
  19. Law No. (32) of 1369 FDP on approving the budget for fiscal year 1370 FDP
  20. Law No. (33) of 1369 FDP on approving the operational budget and the defence budget for fiscal year 1370 FDP

Item III: General Issues

I. The Basic People’s Congresses discussed the memorandum submitted on establishing cooperatives and shareholding companies to employ job seekers and resolved the following:

  1. Assign the Secretariat of the General People’s Committee to establish controls regulating employment of job seekers at cooperatives and shareholding companies and preventing exploitation and labour trafficking.
  2. Emphasise monitoring of these cooperatives and companies by workforce offices in the districts, and periodically assess the activities thereof to ensure they meet the goals for which they were established.
  3. Review the rules and controls applied in the workforce offices in the districts.

II. The Basic People’s Congresses discussed the memorandum submitted on sports activities and resolved the following:

  1. Emphasize that sports clubs are national institutions, and those participating therein bear the various costs of the sports facilities and activities, are responsible for spending on sports competitions and international participation, and the costs of media coverage of the activities engaged in by these clubs.
  2. Facilitate access to investment loans for sports clubs and assist them in investing the returns from their various sports, cultural, and social activities.
  3. Focus on school sports, work to spread the concept of Jamahiriyan sports, and provide the necessary resources for such.

III. The Basic People’s Congresses discussed the memorandum on the management and operation of national production and service property whose owners cannot manage and utilise such and resolved the following:

  1. Assign the people’s committees in the districts to facilitate the procedures for establishing cooperatives and shareholding companies, encourage individuals to assume management and run national properties whose owners wish such, and promote the companies and cooperatives currently in place.
  2. Assign the Secretariat of the General People’s Committee to issue administrative decrees that ensure protection of these properties and the rights of their owners, to enable their proper utilisation and ensure the application of the socialist rules in the distribution of the income resulting from such.

IV. The Basic People’s Congresses discussed the memorandum submitted on supporting specialised banks and resolved the following:

  1. Assign the Secretariat of the General People’s Committee to adopt the necessary procedures to ensure the capital of specialised banks is increased from the set-aside amount.
  2. In increasing the capital of each specialised bank, take into consideration the areas and size of their activity so as to contribute to increasing the number of beneficiaries of loans granted in the production, service, and housing areas and achieve reverse migration.
  3. Review the structure of specialised banks to ensure they achieve their goals, facilitate the procedures for obtaining loans, and reduce interest thereon.

V. The Basic People’s Congresses discussed the memorandum submitted on increasing the basic pension and resolved the following:

  1. Assign the Secretariat of the General People’s Committee to increase the basic pension by 50% and deduct this amount from the set-aside amount as of November 1369 FDP.
  2. Assign the Secretariat of the General People’s Committee with allocating a sufficient amount for investment in the appropriate ways, to permanently improve the income of basic pension recipients.
  3. Assign the Secretariat of the General People’s Committee to study increasing the salaries of teachers and medical professionals, social solidarity pensions, and basic and retirement salaries proportionate to basic pensions.
  4. Assign the Planning Council to review Law No. (15) of 1981 AD on the salaries for national employees of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, and study increasing the basic salaries and family allowance.

Item IV: Budgets

I. Steering Budgets for 1370 FDP

The Basic People’s Congresses monitored the implementation of the steering budget for 1369 FDP, discussed the memorandum on the budget for 1370 FDP and the draft steering budget and defence budget for 1370 FDP, and approved the expenditure of four billion, six hundred eighty-two million, eight hundred ninety thousand Libyan dinars (LYD 4,682,890,000) on steering budget items during fiscal year 1370 FDP, as follows:

    1. Wages and salaries: two billion, three hundred forty-eight million, one hundred seventy-nine thousand Libyan dinars (LYD 2,348,179,000)
    2. Operating expenses: eight hundred sixty-one million, three hundred thirty-six thousand Libyan dinars (LYD 861,336,000)
    3. Support for public bodies, institutions, and entities: sixty-seven million, three hundred seventy-five thousand Libyan dinars (LYD 67,375,000)
    4. Contingencies and miscellaneous: two hundred four million Libyan dinars (LYD 204,000,000)
    5. Public bodies consumption: one hundred thirty million Libyan dinars (LYD 130,000,000) (electricity, post, water)
    6. Public debt instalments and interest: sixty million Libyan dinars (LYD 60,000,000)
    7. Investment portfolio instalment: one hundred million Libyan dinars (LYD 100,000,000)
    8. Prior obligations of the districts: seventy million Libyan dinars (LYD 70,000,000) (salaries)
    9. Legal obligations: seventy-two million Libyan dinars (LYD 72,000,000)
    10. Food subsidies: seven hundred seventy million Libyan dinars (LYD 770,000,000)

The Basic People’s Congresses approved the expenditure of five hundred seventy-five million Libyan dinars (LYD 575,000,000) for items related to the defence budget during fiscal year 1370 FDP, and approved issuance of the attached budget law and adherence to the following upon implementation of the budget law:

  1. The directives of the leader of the Revolution related to the budget shall be a course of action that must be complied with upon implementation.
  2. Boost tax collection on the income of individuals, cooperatives, shareholding companies, and public bodies, improve collection methods, and adopt deterrent legal measures against tax evaders.
  3. No new burdens shall be placed on the approved budget, which shall be implemented in accordance with the approved timetable.
  4. Review the tax law in line with the directives of socialist society, ensure fair distribution of wealth among citizens, contribute to stimulating personal savings, and realize suitable returns for the public treasury.
  5. Comply with the budget, accounts, and stores regulations and adopt the appropriate financial measures when implementing the budget.
  6. Distribute the district budgets to the Secretariats of the Basic People’s Congresses, the people’s committees thereof, and the people’s committees for the sectors therein, and to the Secretariats of the People’s Congresses for the districts, the people’s committees thereof, and the people’s committees for the sectors therein, and determine allocations for each body, in line with Law No. (1) of 1369 FDP on the People’s Congresses and the People’s Committees.
  7. Boost collection of taxes on the revenues of central projects, collection of society’s share, and distribution of the revenues thereof to all sectors and districts.
  8. Emphasise monitoring the collection of foreign debts due from foreign countries.
  9. Review customs duties and procedures for goods imported from abroad to achieve appropriate protection of domestic production.
  10. Provide suitable facilities to promote foreign investment and attract foreign capital, especially in the fields of tourism and production, and adopt the necessary measures with regard thereto.
  11. Confirm the submission of memoranda clarifying and describing disbursal items in the steering budget and submit them to the Basic People’s Congress sufficiently in advance to enable them to discuss them in a proper scientific manner.
  12. Require that the People’s Committees for the districts disburse revenue collected only within the bounds of the approved budget items.
  13. Confirm the collection of fees on foreign vehicles and individuals who pass through the various ports, without prejudice to reciprocity and bilateral and international agreements.
  14. Focus on the Tax Authority, support it with the required human and material resources, and equip it with the proper technological means.

II. Transformation Budget for 1470 FDP

The Basic People’s Congresses reviewed the implementation of the transformation budget for 1369 FDP, discussed the memorandum on the transformation budget for 1370 FDP and the draft transformation budget for 1370 FDP, and approved the expenditure of four billion, three hundred fifty-six million Libyan dinars (LYD 4,356,000,000) for transformation budget items, as follows:

    1. Districts: two billion, one hundred fifty-eight million, sixty-four thousand Libyan dinars (LYD 2,158,064,000)
    2. Universities: one hundred eight million, ninety-seven thousand Libyan dinars (LYD 108,097,000)
    3. Infrastructure: one hundred eleven million, seven hundred ninety thousand Libyan dinars (LYD 111,790,000)
    4. Production projects: seventy-two million, eight hundred thirty-three thousand Libyan dinars (LYD 72,833,000)
    5. Service projects: sixty-two million, four hundred sixty-eight thousand Libyan dinars (LYD 62,468,000)
    6. Studies and research: fifty-four million, two hundred thirty-nine thousand Libyan dinars (LYD 54,239,000)
    7. Strategic agricultural projects: seventy-six million, four hundred twenty-five thousand Libyan dinars (LYD 76,425,000)
    8. Human resources development: two hundred one million, two hundred twenty-eight thousand Libyan dinars (LYD 201,228,000)
    9. Agricultural and veterinary quarantine development: seven million, one hundred ninety-two thousand Libyan dinars (LYD 7,192,000)
    10. Liquidation of obligations: four hundred four million, seven hundred ninety-four thousand Libyan dinars (LYD 404,794,000)
    11. Reserve for projects under implementation: fifty-nine million, eight hundred twenty-nine thousand Libyan dinars (LYD 59,829,000)
    12. General reserve: forty million, forty-one thousand Libyan dinars (LYD 40,041,000)

The Basic People’s Congresses approved issuance of the law on the transformation budget for 1370 FDP (attached) and compliance with the following upon implementation of the budget:

  1. Prioritize completion of economically and socially viable existing projects and refrain from entering into contracts for new projects that are not among the approved projects in the public sectors and districts.
  2. Focus on studying the economic viability and environmental impact of new projects and not implementing any uneconomical or environmentally harmful projects that do not create new work opportunities for job seekers.
  3. Comply with disbursement of the transformation budget on the set dates and emphasise the need to prepare periodic monitoring reports on the implementation thereof on the set dates.
  4. Assign the planning councils in the districts with disbursing the transformation budget in the form of specific projects for each sector at the district level and in each basic people’s congress.
  5. Comply with the regulations on administrative contracts, standard rates, and contracting with national cooperatives and shareholding companies, in accordance with their technical capacity, material resources, and number of shareholders.
  6. Ensure the contribution of national consulting firms in the preparation of technical studies for new projects and supervision of the implementation of the transformation budget and eliminate the use of foreign consulting firms with the exception of strategic projects related to the Great Man-Made River, the oil sector, and the railway.
  7. Require that the planning councils in the districts adhere to allocating appropriate amounts from the transformation budget to building headquarters for secretariats of people’s congresses, people’s committees, and cultural facilities and maintaining those in existence and providing them with the proper equipment and the necessary transportation and communications.
  8. Adhere to the Budget Law and the Law of the Financial System of the State when making disbursals from the transformation budget and refer violators and transgressors to the judicial bodies as deterrence.
  9. Emphasise the submission of accurate reports on disbursals from the transformation budget to all bodies and submit them to the Basic People’s Congresses.
  10. Limit implementation of the transformation budget to cooperatives, shareholding companies, public companies, and public works agencies, and bar them completely from subcontracting.
  11. Seek the assistance of qualified scientists, expert associations, and specialised centres in the districts in implementing the transformation budget and supervise and monitor them.
  12. Esure the indivisibility of transformation projects and task the General People’s Committee for the People’s Oversight and Inspection Authority with monitoring violators and adopting legal measures against them.
  13. Promote foreign investment in the fields of communications and transport and facilitate the necessary measures for such.

Item V: Foreign Policy

The Basic People’s Congresses monitored the implementation of its resolutions on foreign policy for 1368 FDP and discussed the report of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation and the report of the General People’s Committee for African Unity for 1369 FDP. They commended the contents thereof and resolved the following:

  1. Proudly commend the leader of the Great September 1 Revolution, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, for his outstanding efforts to unite the African continent, crowned by the establishment of the African Union, and for his tireless efforts to establish one African-Arab space, affirming the importance of the leader’s call to form global spaces as a natural and vital space for realizing the interests of those peoples in Asia and Latin America that have not completed their spaces.
  2. Highly value the leader’s visits to fellow Arab countries and friendly countries, as well as the visits of presidents and kings to the Great Jamahiriya and the positive outcomes thereof, and assert the need to adopt practical measures to implement and realize them.
  3. Affirm the solid positions of the Great Jamahiriya on building international relations based on mutual respect and equitable cooperation among countries apart from struggles and war, attempts to control and dominate, and blockades and boycotts or the threat thereof, to ensure the protection of global peace and achieve development, progress, and the well-being of all peoples.
  4. Condemn global terrorism in all its forms, foremost among them official state terrorism, of which the Libyan people were the first victims, and renew calls to hold a special session of the United Nations General Assembly to define terrorism, understand its causes, and agree on the means to fight it, distinguishing between terrorism and peoples’ legitimate struggle for liberation and self-determination.
  5. Affirm the need for disarmament of weapons of mass destruction to promote international security and peace and call for all countries with nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons to join the international agreements prohibiting the possession or testing of weapons of mass destruction.
  6. Affirm the continued pursuit of the Great Jamahiriya’s call to reform the United Nation’s rules of procedure, eliminate the veto power, and expand permanent membership on the Security Council to include every continent so that the council is an executive instrument of the United Nations General Assembly, to ensure that the UN serves all peoples.
  7. Call upon the Security Council to immediately, permanently, and completely lift the oppressive measures imposed on the Great Jamahiriya and register its esteem and appreciation for all countries and regional and international organisations that assisted and supported the Great Jamahiriya and strengthened relations and promoted cooperation with it in all areas.
  8. Affirm the innocence of the political hostage and Libyan citizen Abdel-Basset Al-Megrahi, deeming the ruling issued against him a political ruling lacking any legal foundation, and looking to the Basic People’s Congresses in this regard, so that the acceptance of the appeal may be a step toward asserting his innocence.
  9. Affirm the continued efforts to obtain fair compensation for the human, material, and immaterial losses sustained by the Libyan people as a result of:
  1. The abhorrent Italian occupation and the rapid implementation of the Libyan-Italian joint declaration signed on 4/7/1998 AD
  2. The Turkish occupation
  3. The brutal American-British aggression of 1986 AD
  4. Unjust economic measures and sanctions

and work to recover stolen antiquities, manuscripts, and historical documents and require suitable compensation for such.

  1. Hail the establishment of the African Union, as well as the African leaders who responded to the leader’s call and together realized the dream of generations of Africans for a united continent; declare its upholding of this Union as an instrument for developing African resources, achieving progress, well-being, and dignity for its peoples, and task the General People’s Committee for African Unity with monitoring the effort to establish and implement its institutions in coordination with its African brothers, and submit periodic reports to the Basic People’s Congresses in their coming sessions.
  2. Support the Community of Sahel-Saharan States and work to complete construction and operation of its institutions, implement the resolutions issued thereby, and submit periodic reports to the Basic People’s Congresses with regard thereto.
  3. Support and activate the Arab Maghreb Union, promote its institutions and the holding of regular meetings in order to achieve the goals for which the Union was established, and ensure agreement and integration among the countries thereof to enable it to deal with its partners in the Mediterranean region professionally.
  4. Support the intifada of the Palestinian people, assert solidarity with them in their legitimate struggle to liberate their land, return to their homes, and establish an independent state throughout their national territory, and call upon the countries of the world to assume their legal and moral responsibility to stop the genocidal war and assassinations carried out by the Zionist terrorist army against the unarmed Palestinian people. It also calls upon Arab countries to adopt a unified Arab position on the crimes carried out by the Zionist entity against our Palestinian brothers and work resolutely to carry out the obligations imposed on them by the Arab treaties and conventions in this regard and mobilise the support of the international community and all international organisations for the equitable treatment of the Palestinian people and support of their just cause.
  5. Call for lifting the blockade on the Iraqi people, protecting their territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence, rejecting absolutely any aggression against them or any Arab country, and attaining Arab consensus to overcome the current risks and challenges.
  6. Ensure the continued monitoring of the recovery and collection of the debts owed to the Great Jamahiriya by other countries and their reuse in feasible investments.
  7. Work to expand the field of popular investment in Africa keeping in mind economic viability, ensure the necessary guarantees for investors, address the obstacles faced thereby and provide the necessary information thereto, and assign the General People’s Committee for African Unity with preparing a comprehensive report and submitting it to the Basic People’s Congresses in their coming session.
  8. Work to implement the agreements entered into with fellow Arab countries and friendly countries, promote cultural and media exchange with them, and encourage visits of people’s delegations in all fields.
  9. Focus on Libyan citizens residing abroad, monitor their affairs, protect their interests, provide suitable care thereto, and secure the necessary facilities for those located abroad for study or treatment.
  10. Support the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation and the General People’s Committee for African Unity through the following:
    1. Application of Law No. (2) of 1369 FDP on organizing political and consular work, and the implementing regulations thereof
    2. Reorganise cultural and media centres abroad, support them with capable and efficient resources, and provide the necessary material capabilities.
    3. Build up qualified elements capable of managing brotherhood bureaus and people’s bureaus abroad.
    4. Work to provide suitable premises for brotherhood bureaus and people’s bureaus abroad, furnish them with the necessary supplies and technical equipment, and secure modern transportation and communication.
    5. Comply with the disbursal of the amounts allocated to the sector in Libya and abroad on time without delay.
  11. The Basic People’s Congresses approve issuance of the law ratifying the treaties, agreements, and protocols entered into by the Great Jamahiriya and other countries on regional and international organisations, according to the list in the law.

Clause VI. Accountability

The General People’s Congress discussed the observations of the Basic People’s Congresses on accountability, as well as the observations of the General People’s Committee for the People’s Oversight Authority, and the observations of the Mobile Revolutionary Caravans, formulated them as specific points, and decided the following with regard thereto:

  1. Refer the final formulation of the accountability clause to the concerned bodies for their response.
  2. Assign the General Planning Council and the Secretariat of the General People’s Committee to prepare a comprehensive study of the new educational infrastructure and determine the requirements thereof.
Text Type:Resolution
Text number:20
Text date:2002-03-03
Institution:General People's Congress

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