Latest laws


Part VI: Organisation and Status of Core Security and Justice Providers

Decree No. (61) of 2014 on forming a committee and determining its duties

President of the General National Congress

Decree No. (61) of 2014 AD

on forming a committee and determining its duties

Upon review of:

  • The interim Constitutional Declaration issued on 03 August 2011 AD and amendments thereto;
  • The rules of procedure of the General National Congress;
  • General National Congress Decree No. (45) of 2014 AD delegating certain competencies to the President of the General National Congress;

the following Decree is issued:

Article (1)

A committee shall be formed as follows:

  1. Omar Mohammed Abu Leefa, Committee Chairman.
  2. Mahmoud Salama Al-Gharbani, Deputy Committee Chairman.
  3. Dr. Adel Abdel-Hafiz Kander, Member.
  4. Dr. Mohammed Ramadan Bareh, Member.
  5. Abdel-Raouf Basher Al-Najar, Member.
  6. Lutfi Ali Al-Ahwal, Member
  7. Wissam Suleiman Al-Sagher, Member

Article (2)

The committee shall submit a full legal study of the violation of Libyan airspace by foreign military aircraft from 18/8/2014 AD to 23/8/2014 AD, and its shelling of certain locations inside Libyan borders, violation of the sovereignty of Libyan territory and commission of a crime of aggression against the Libyan state.

Article (3)

This committee shall prepare the proposed draft complaints and statements of claim to be submitted to the relevant bodies locally, regionally, and internationally, and set out the mechanisms for filing cases against all natural persons, local and foreign, who perpetrated or contributed to this brutal aggression, whether by agreement, incitement, or assistance, and against the states and governments active or participating in this aggression, and indicate the preliminary procedures for claiming compensation for lives, bodies, and property.

Article (4)

The National Salvation Government, all civil and military official bodies in the state, and centres for research and expertise shall submit everything required to support and assist this committee in the performance of the duties entrusted thereto in this Decree.

Article (5)

The committee may seek the assistance of anyone holding expertise and competence at the local and international level whose assistance it deems useful. The committee must submit the content of its conclusions within two weeks from its first meeting.

Article (6)

Financial remuneration shall be disbursed to committee members from outside the General National Congress and to those persons whose expertise and competence is sought to assist the committee.

Article (7)

The office of the General National Congress shall provide all facilities necessary to the committee to complete the task assigned thereto.

Article (8)

This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its issue and shall be published in the Official Gazette and the available media. Any provisions conflicting with this Decree shall be repealed. All concerned parties shall implement this Decree.

Nuri Busahmain

President of the General National Congress – Libya

Issued in Tripoli

Corresponding to: 27/8/2014 AD

Text Type:Decree
Text number:61
Text date:2014-08-27
Institution:General National Congress (GNC)

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