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Part III: Executive Authorities: Control of the Security Sector

Decree No. (149) of 1993 on establishing the National Information and Documentation Authority

The General People’s Committee

Decree No. (149) of 1993 AD

on Establishing the National Information

and Documentation Authority


The General People’s Committee,
Upon review of:

  • Law No. (16) of 1963 AD on Statistics

and Census;

  • The State Financial System Law enacted on 24/10/1967 AD, as amended;
  • Law No. (85) of 1970 AD on Regulating Planning and Development Affairs,

as amended;

  • Law No. (79) of 1975 AD on the Audit Bureau;
  • Law No. (55) of 1976 AD on the Civil Service Law;
  • Law No. (15) of 1981 AD On the Salary System of National Workers in the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya;
  • Law No. (7) of 1984 AD on the Deposit of Works Prepared for Publication;
  • Law No. (4) of 1990 AD on the National Information and Documentation System;
  • Law No. (13) of 1990 AD on the People’s Committees;
  • Law No. (16) of 1992 AD on the Administrative Structure;
  • The General People’s Congress Resolution No. (4) of 1992 AD on the Reorganization of

Specialized General People’s Committees, as amended;

  • The General People’s Committee Decree No. (584) of 1984 AD on the Public Documentation Center,

as amended by Decree No. (59) of 1987 AD;

  • The General People’s Committee Decree No. (27) of 1985 AD on the National Center

for Information and Documentation

  • The General People’s Committee Decree No. (772) of 1989 AD on Establishing Sectoral Centers

for Information and Documentation;

  • The General People’s Committee Decree No. (1011) of 1990 AD on the Regulations of the Administrative
  • tructures of the National Information and Documentation System; and
  • The General People’s Committee’s approval in its Nineteenth Ordinary Meeting of

1992 AD,

has decreed the following:


Article (1)

By virtue of the provisions of this Decree, a public authority called the “National Information and Documentation Authority” shall be established. Such Authority shall have an independent legal personality and financial liability and report to the General People’s Committee. 


Article (2)

The headquarters of the Authority and its (temporary) legal domicile shall be located in the city of (Tripoli) in the Great Jamahiriya. 

The Authority may establish branches or offices by a decision of the Secretary of the Authority’s Management Committee with their establishment, functions and scope of work.


Article (3)

The National Information and Documentation Authority shall undertake the following functions: 

– Following up the implementation of the provisions of Law No. (4) of 1990 AD on the National Information and Documentation System; 

– Collecting and archiving data, information and documents in accordance with the technological principles, methods and means, and making them accessible to public and private entities; 

– Laying down the guiding principles, unified standards and organization methods to attain coordination and integration among the relevant entities; 

– Contributing to anything that would increase information circulation, documentation and dissemination efforts within the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya; 

– Creating national bases and sources of information in the fields of human power, science, technology and other fields that reflect the expertise and experiences of the Jamahiriya and Arab and human heritage; 

– Contributing to the development of the use of computers and other documentation, archiving and retrieval equipment with a view to optimizing their use in the Great Jamahiriya; 

– Developing and organizing databases and information that help support decisions and facilitate studies, research and planning tasks in the economic, social, scientific and legal fields; 

– Developing the national information directory; 

– Organizing and following up the objectives of the national information and documentation system, coordinating work with various information and documentation centers, supervising the implementation of the national information system, and following up any guides, instructions, directions and procedures issued within its framework; 

– Organizing the flow of data and information between various information and documentation centers inside and outside the Great Jamahiriya and linking them within the framework of the national information network; 

– Proposing the necessary legislation to implement the national information and documentation system to ensure the fulfillment of its objectives; 

– Documenting the literature of the Revolution and the people’s power, collecting information and documents related thereto and classifying them to be ready for use in the political, economic and social fields and for attaining the objectives of academic research inside and outside the Great Jamahiriya; 

– Researching and studying statistical issues in order to assist the public authorities in drawing up, tracking and financing plans, and identifying and measuring social and economic developments; 

– Proposing the schedules and methods of conducting statistical operations; identifying the dates and methods of publishing the results of such operations to ensure their soundness, accuracy and efficiency; making such results available for public use, conducting the general census and other counting operations and taking the necessary measures to implement them; 

– Identifying the agencies or bodies to be concerned with carrying out statistical operations within the mandate of the Authority in order to achieve full alignment between such operations; 

– Identifying the official source for each type of statistics needed by the State; 

– Raising statistical awareness in the State and promoting the quality of its statistics; 

– Proposing the establishment of statistical training centers and developing their curricula and enrollment conditions; 

– Collecting the data necessary for preparing and publishing the national income accounts of the national economy on annual basis, and cooperating with the competent entities in preparing such accounts. 

– Analyzing national accounts and developing the necessary indicators that help preparing periodic economic growth studies and reports; 

– In cooperation with other entities, preparing projections and forecasts for the main economic variables in the national accounts required for developing transformation plans; 

– Using the national accounts data and sectoral data available at relevant entities in preparing the economic and social indicators bulletins; and 

– Conducting research and studies to develop the Authority’s work, and representing the Great Jamahiriya in academic societies, international entities and other specialized entities in the field of the Authority.


Article (4)

In order to fulfill its objectives, the Authority may take the actions required to perform such functions, in particular: 

– Engaging with public entities and cooperating with academic institutions and information banks and bases in various fields of knowledge, especially those engaged in an activity similar to that of the Authority; and 

– Delivering training courses within the Great Jamahiriya in the field of the Authority, in coordination with the competent entities.


Article (5)

The management of the Authority shall be assumed by a management committee to be formed by a decree of the General People’s Committee. The bylaws of the Authority shall identify the mechanism of such management committee and how its meetings are convened and who shall have the right to attend them. 


Article (6)

The Authority’s Management Committee shall undertake the following functions: 

a. Laying down the plans and programs necessary to fulfill the Authority’s objectives; 

b. Approving the establishment of branches and offices of the Authority; 

c. Approving the regulations organizing the Authority’s work to be referred to the General People’s Committee for issuance; and 

d. Approving the Authority’s budgets and final account to be referred to the General People’s Committee for approval. 


Article (7)

The Authority’s Secretary of Management Committee shall have the widest powers to manage its affairs. In particular, the Secretary shall undertake the following functions: 

1. Implementing the Authority’s general plans and programs, and managing, coordinating, directing and supervising its work; 

2. Proposing the regulations organizing the work of the Authority; 

3. Managing the personnel affairs of the Authority’s employees, in accordance with the regulations organizing the Authority and other applicable legislation; 

4. Issuing decisions related to the Authority’s organizational structure; 

5. Preparing the Authority’s budgets and final accounts; 

6. Proposing obtaining the necessary loans to finance the Authority’s activities; 

7. Preparing periodic reports on the Authority’s activity; and 

8. Representing the Authority in its relations with third parties and before courts, and signing contracts related to its activities.


Article (8)

The Authority shall provide public bodies with advice and technical services that fall within its specialization. The Authority may also provide its services to other bodies for a fee to be determined in accordance with the principles and controls issued by a decree of the General People’s Committee. 


Article (9)

In the performance of its duties, the Authority may engage some experts from its employees or third party experts. Such an expert, shall be paid a remuneration to be identified and governed by a decision of the Authority’s Secretary of Management Committee.


Article (10)

The Financial Resources of the Authority shall consist of: 

– Appropriations allocated to it in the state budget; 

– Revenues gained by the Authority from the Authority’s activities or services provided to others; 

– Unconditional gifts and aids accepted by the Management Committee; and 

– Proceeds of the loans procured by the Authority.


Article (11)

The Authority shall have an independent budget. 

The financial year of the Authority shall commence with the beginning of the State’s financial year and shall end upon the end of the same. However, the first financial year shall begin as of the date of enforcement of this Decree and shall end at the end of the current financial year.


Article (12)

The Authority shall have an annual budget prepared at least three months before the beginning of the financial year and the final account shall be prepared within three months from the end of the financial year.


Article (13)

The Authority may open a bank account in a bank operating in the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.


Article (14)

The Secretariat of the General People’s Committee for People’s Monitoring and Follow-up shall undertake the examination and audit of the Authority’s accounts, pursuant to the provisions of the aforesaid Law No. (79) of 1975 AD. 


Article (15)

The following entities shall be incorporated in the Authority: 

a. The National Center for Information and Documentation; 

b. The Statistics and Census Authority; and 

c. The Public Documentation Center. 

All funds, rights and assets of such entities shall be transferred to the Authority on the date of enforcement of this Decree and the Authority shall undertake their rights and obligations. 

The employees of the aforementioned entities shall also be transferred to the Authority, with their same original positions.


Article (16)

The employees of the Authority, designated by a decision of the Secretary of the Management Committee, shall have the capacity of judicial enforcement officers in relation to the collection of information and detection of crimes committed in violation of the provisions of the aforesaid Law No. 4 of 1990 AD.


Article (17)

Any provision that is contrary to the provisions of this Decree shall be repealed.


Article (18)

This Decree shall enter into force as of the date of its issuance and shall be published in the official gazette.


The General People’s Committee

Issued on: 24 Sha’ban 1402 FDP

Corresponding to: 16 February 1993 AD

Text Type:Decree
Text number:149
Text date:1993-04-15
Institution:General People's Committee

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