Latest laws


Part III: Executive Authorities: Control of the Security Sector

Decree No. (106) of 2007 establishing security directorates in the administrative area of non-basic People’s Congresses in the districts

General People’s Committee Decree

No. (106) of 1375 FDP (2007 AD)

establishing security directorates in the administrative area of non-basic People’s Congresses in the districts

The General People’s Committee

Upon review of:

  • Law No. (1) of 1375 FPD on the bylaws of People’s Conferences and Committees;
  • Law No. (10) of 1992 issuing the Security and Police Law and its amendments;
  • General People’s Congress Resolution No. (3) of 1375 FDP determining the sectors managed by General People’s Committees;
  • General People’s Congress Resolution No. (4) of 1375 FDP determining the management of some sectors;
  • General People’s Committee Decree No. (288) of 1374 FDP reorganising the administrative unit of the General People’s Committee for Public Security;
  • The proposal of the Secretary of the General People’s Committee for Public Security in his Letter No. (3665) on 26/02/1375 FDP;
  • And the decision of the General People’s Committee in its first extraordinary session of 1375 FDP;

has decreed:

Article (1)

A Directorate of General Security shall be established in the administrative jurisdiction of every non-basic People’s Congress in the districts. It shall exercise the powers stipulated in this decree and operate under the supervision of the General People’s Committee for Public Security.

Branch offices may be established in every directorate. They shall be established and their powers determined by virtue of a decision issued by the Secretary of the General People’s Committee for Public Security.

Article (2)

Security Directorates established by virtue of this decree shall undertake the powers specified below:

  1. Monitor and implement the plans, programs, decisions, and instructions of the General People’s Committee for the sector within the scope of its jurisdiction.
  2. Maintain security on the level of Basic People’s Congresses that fall within the jurisdiction of the People’s Congress of the district by taking the necessary actions and measures that ensure the same in the context of general plans.
  3. Take the necessary measures to prevent and combat crime and arrest perpetrators.
  4. Propose practical and scientific programs on the prevention and combating of crime and take necessary actions in this regard.
  5. Contribute to the implementation of security plans in which it is assigned to participate.
  6. Oversee that administrative units perform the duties of their functions well and the extent of the implementation of the legislation in force.
  7. Provide the necessary security support for other administratively independent security bodies and agencies as assigned and develop approved security plans.
  8. Participate in the development of the financial assessments necessary to prepare the draft steering budget and the transfer budget of the sector.
  9. Gather statistical data concerning the sector’s activity, audit and analyse them, and submit them to the competent authorities.

10. Work on raising the level of security awareness among community members and encourage them to contribute to security.

11. Determine the necessary human and financial requirements for the conduct of work and address the competent authority to provide them.

12. Propose programs to train workers for the sector to raise their level of competence and performance.

13. Tally the district’s residents, citizens and foreigners, in records specific to each category, classify criminal record holders, and submit them to the competent authorities upon request.

14. Accept applications and documents relating to affairs of passports, citizenship, ID cards, and criminal records and follow up on the related procedures.

15. Propose the establishment of security areas within the district and administratively oversee the workflow in the same.

Article (3)

The Security Directorate shall be managed by a security director, who shall be directly responsible for the workflow in the directorate. He shall be assigned to this function by virtue of a decision issued by the General People’s Committee for Public Security. His financial remuneration shall be specified as the first salary for the 12th grade if the financial grade he occupies is lower than the grade mentioned above.

By virtue of a similar decision, one assistant or more may be assigned to help the security director in carrying out his duties.

Article (4)

The organizational divisions of Public Security Directorates shall consist of a number of departments and offices that shall be determined and their powers specified by virtue of a decision from the General People’s Committee for Public Security.

Article (5)

Employees who were administratively and technically subordinate to the former People’s Committees for Public Security in districts shall be transferred to Public Security Directorates, except those who are subordinate to security divisions and units of public bodies and departments in the sector.

Article (6)

Any provision contrary to the provisions of this decree shall be repealed.

Article (7)

This decree shall enter into force from its date of issuance. The entities concerned shall implement it and it shall be published in the Code of Procedure.

The General People’s Committee — Libya

Issued on 11 Safar

Corresponding to 28/02/2007 AD

Text Type:Decree
Text number:106
Text date:2007-02-28
Institution:General People's Committee

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