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Part VI: Organisation and Status of Core Security and Justice Providers

Decree No. (155) of 1988 on establishing the Libyan Jamahiriya Broadcasting Corporation


The General People’s Committee

Decree No. (155) of 1988 AD on Establishing the Libyan Jamahiriya Broadcasting Corporation


Upon review of:

● Law No. (17) of 1964 AD on Establishing the Jamahiriya News Agency, as amended;

● Law No. (86) of 1973 AD on Publications;

● Law No. (13) of 1981 AD on the People’s Committees, as amended; and

● The General People’s Committee Decree No. (154) of 1988 AD on Reorganizing the Secretariat of Information and Culture, and

● Based on the submission of the General People’s Committee for Information and Culture; and

● The approval provided by the General People’s Committee for Public Service,


The General People’s Committee has decreed the following:


Article (1)

Subject to the provisions of this Decree, a public authority named the (Libyan Jamahiriya Broadcasting Corporation “LJBC”) shall be established, with a legal personality, and supervised by the General People’s Committee for Information and Culture.


Article (2)

The headquarters of LJBC shall be located in the city of Tripoli. The LJBC may, by a decree of the General People’s Committee for Information and Culture and based on a proposal by the LJBC’s Management Committee, establish offices thereof across the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.


Article (3)

The LJBC shall have the following mandates:

1. Implementing the media plan for the TV and radio broadcasting stations, as decided by the Basic People’s Congresses;

2. Deepening the revolutionary concepts and familiarizing citizens with their national and humanitarian issues;

3. Spreading the Arab and Islamic culture, contributing to the affirmation of the Islamic, spiritual values and preserving and disseminating Arab heritage;

4. Enlightening the public on local and international news and information and acquainting the Arab citizens with the scientific developments and inventions from a revolutionary, progressive perspective; and

5. Directing radio-TV broadcast services to serve the public and their national issues.

To implement such mandates, the LJBC shall take any required measures, particularly:

1. Establishing, operating, maintaining and managing the radio-TV broadcasting networks, the related transmitting and relay stations, and recording and broadcasting rooms. It shall also arrange to meet any relevant and development needs and propose the establishment of other entities to manage the same;

2. Producing and presenting political, cultural, orientational, educational and entertainment programs for radio-TV broadcasting in order to achieve the LJBC objectives and mission towards the public, according to the media plan of the Great Jamahiriya, based on the principle of “knowledge is a natural right of every human being”;

3. Forming broadcast artistic teams, concluding agreements with creators and artists to provide the LJBC with their artistic work and encouraging and developing talents;

4. Organizing public concerts of all types and broadcasting folk and sports celebrations and other events;

5. Recording, videotaping and archiving audio-visual broadcasting works, as well as regulating the use and disposal thereof;

6. Cooperating with counterpart entities in brotherly and friendly countries with a view to exchanging expertise and programs and cooperate on joint productions;

7. Participating in broadcasting unions and organizations and attending and calling for conferences at both Arab and international levels;

8. Overseeing and managing the radio and television broadcasting stations, the Holy Quran Radio and the foreign radio and television stations;

9. Carry purposeful, public and economic advertisements, agreeing with relevant local and overseas institutions to broadcast the same on radio and TV stations and identifying a financial compensation therefor, in contribution to the implementation of LJBC’s technical and media plan; and

10. Preparing, qualifying and developing the technical and broadcasting staff required to run the business operations and provide financial and administrative services across various broadcasting entities.


Article (4)

The LJBC’s organizational structure shall consist of:

1. Department of Administrative and Financial Affairs and Public Relations;

2. Broadcast Engineering Department;

3. General Programs Department;

4. Department of News and Political Affairs;

5. Department of the Holy Quran Radio;

6. Department of Foreign Radio Stations;

7. Office of International Broadcasting Cooperation;

8. Follow-Up Office;

9. Legal Affairs Office;

10. Music and Singing Office; and

11. Broadcast Training Center.


Article (5)

The management of LJBC shall be assumed by a management committee consisting of a secretary and four members, all of whom must be highly experienced and competent in radio and television broadcasting. The said committee shall be formed by virtue of a decree by the General People’s Committee based on a submission by the General People’s Committee for Information and Culture.


Article (6)

The Management Committee shall be responsible for implementing the policy of the LJBC within the framework of the general policy of the Jamahiri media. Such Committee shall manage and run LJBC affairs, particularly through:

1. Implementing the general programs and plans established in the LJBC’s area of expertise;

2. Proposing the financial, administrative and technical regulations as well as a reward system for LJBC’s broadcasting production. Such regulations shall be approved by the General People’s Committee based on a submission of the General People’s Committee for Information and Culture;

3. Proposing the LJBC’s annual budget, approving the final account and referring the same to the General People’s Committee for Information and Culture;

4. Managing, investing and disposing of the LJBC’s funds in accordance with the applicable rules and the purposes for which the LJBC is established;

5. Establishing LJBC branched and offices, as needed;

6. Supervising, controlling, coordinating and evaluating the performance of LJBC offices; and

7. Studying periodic reports on work progress across various aspects of LJBC’s activities.


Article (7)

The Management Committee may form, from among the members thereof or otherwise, specialized technical committees to study the issues falling within their area of expertise to express an opinion or take an action in their regard. The Committee may delegate some of its functions to the Secretary or any member thereof.


Article (8)

Upon a call by the Secretary, the Management Committee shall convene at least once every two months. The Secretary may, at his own discretion, call for a meeting whenever he deems necessary, or if the majority members of the Committee so requests by means of a reasoned letter.

The Committee deliberations may be valid only if the absolute majority of its members are present. If the quorum is not reached, the Committee shall be called to convene within a week from the date set for the first meeting. In such a case, the meeting shall be valid regardless of the number of members present. Resolutions shall be passed by the majority votes of members present. In case of a tie, the chairman side shall have a casting vote. The Committee may invite to the meeting anyone it deems the expertise and opinions of whom are beneficial without having the right to vote. The Committee’s resolutions and recommendations shall be communicated to the General People’s Committee for Information and Culture.


Article (9)

The Secretary of LJBC’s Management Committee shall assume the following duties and responsibilities:

1. Supervising LJBC’s affairs in accordance with the provisions of this Decree and the Implementing Regulations thereof;

2. Implementing the decisions of the Management Committee and preparing the issues to be presented thereto;

3. Managing LJBC’s affairs and coordinating and guiding the activities thereof;

4. Preparing the draft budget and final account;

5. Representing the LJBC in its relations with third parties and before the judiciary, and signing contracts related to the activities thereof;

6. Developing the LJBC’s work system, strengthening the entities affiliated therewith, and establishing offices and branched, as necessary;

7. Providing the details, studies and statistics necessary to decide on issues submitted to the Management Committee; and

8. Any other functions set out in applicable legislation.


Article (10)

The most senior member of LJBC’s Management Committee shall act on behalf of the Secretary thereof, if the latter is absent or there is a legal impediment to undertake his duties.


Article (11)

The Department of Administrative and Financial Affairs and Public Relations shall be responsible for:

1. Implementing the laws and administrative regulations related to personnel affairs and taking the necessary measures to ensure the sound application thereof;

2. Preparing financial and periodic reports for LJBC’s annual final account and implementing the applicable financial laws and regulations;

3. Preparing the draft budget in conjunction with LJBC’s concerned entities;

4. Participating in the preparation of contracts and following up the progress thereof, as well as archiving, collecting and coordinating relevant documents;

5. Reviewing the statements and documents related to the expenses of LJBC;

6. Overseeing all warehouses of LJBC, following up the implementation of warehouse regulations, and preparing relevant statistics and reports;

7. Overseeing the treasury work, preparing cash vouchers for obligations (salaries and revenue collection), and taking the necessary measures in this regard;

8. Organizing the administrative works related to receiving, exporting, distributing and archiving correspondence;

9. Providing the office tools and equipment required for LJBC, monitoring the movement thereof and disposing of the same in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations;

10. Overseeing the movement of LJBC’s vehicles;

11. Introducing the LJBC’s activities in the media, conducting PR work for employees, and receiving and bidding farewell to the delegations and guests visiting the LJBC; and

12. Strengthening the relationships between LJBC employees, the administrative units, public authorities and institutions and other entities.


Article (12)

The Broadcast Engineering Department shall be responsible for:

1. Operating and maintaining radio and TV broadcasting rooms for transmission stations, radio or TV outside broadcasting, and providing all engineering needs and services required for broadcasting;

2. Developing transmission and relay stations, broadcasting rooms, as well as the devices and equipment thereof;

3. Identifying, making inventory and preparing orders of spare parts and technical requirements for transmission stations, broadcast rooms and the complementary devices thereof, and following up the procedures of providing the same;

4. Managing and operating LJBC’s maintenance workshops and feeding them with necessary equipment;

5. Conducting measurements and tests for field strength and quality of radio signals to ensure appropriate media coverage both locally and abroad;

6. Following up the technical competence of the operation and maintenance crews, preparing reports on their performance, and proposing appropriate training, as needed;

7. Participating in Arab and international conferences and meetings on telecommunications engineering;

8. Attending engineering exhibitions related to broadcasting, and keeping abreast of the researches and studies on broadcast engineering to use the same in developing broadcasting equipment and departments; and

9. Directing, following up, overseeing and coordinating between various LJBC-affiliated entities as they carry out their functions.


Article (13)

The General Programs Department shall be responsible for:

1. Planning, preparing and implementing radio and TV broadcasting courses and providing their needs of technical tools and equipment, in coordination with the Broadcast Engineering Department;

2. Straightening the relationships with experienced, competent and well-educated professionals across the community to build on their productions in improving the efficiency of radio and TV programs;

3. Develop acting production plans as part of LJBC mission and implementing such plans upon the approval thereof;

4. Providing series, programs and songs for radio and TV broadcasting, and cooperating with local and international teams or other broadcasts outside the Great Jamahiriya;

5. Following up Arab and international broadcast productions and evaluating acting, musical and program works in terms of objective and material aspects, as set out in LJBC production regulations;

6. Preparing and supervising artistic concerts organized by the LJBC;

7. Overseeing and developing public bands for the LJBC; and

8. Attracting, sponsoring and introducing talents in order to deepen the revolutionary concepts through genuine folk artwork.


Article (14)

The Department of News and Political Affairs shall be responsible for:

1. Producing and presenting radio and TV newscast;

2. Monitoring the world TV news and exchanging news with sisterly and friendly radio and TV broadcasts;

3. Preparing and presenting news programs and analyses;

4. Producing and presenting political commentaries;

5. Archiving and documenting TV news materials; and

6. Covering the news related the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya both locally and globally.


Article (15)

The Department of the Holy Quran Radio shall be responsible for:

1. Reciting the Holy Quran in Tajweed with a good voice, and interpreting the same in a proper way with no confusion, falsification and extraneous ideas; as revealed by Allah Almighty and explained by Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him;

2. Preaching the pioneering thought and the age of the masses through theses of the Third International Theory, which is originally derived from the Holy Quran; the law of society;

3. Mobilizing the Muslim masses to adhere to the Book of Allah Almighty and renounce sectarianism and partisanship;

4. Broadcasting the Radio station in Arabic to every house and every Arab and Islamic arena through radio correspondence or other media services;

5. Introducing programs for non-Arabic speakers in cooperation with specialized Islamic institutions and entities, for the purpose of promoting the message and practical teachings of Islam, as well as calling for the true faith and jihad in Allah’s sake;

6. Inciting to jihad and calling for preparing an Islamic power in terms of weapons and manpower;

7. Organizing intellectual meetings on the Holy Quran and the message of Islam;

8. Organizing Holy Quran Tajweed and recitation competitions and training courses on how to recite the Holy Quran, commemorating Islamic historic events to highlight their significance and draw lessons therefrom, and developing educational programs to achieve such objectives in cooperation with the relevant entities;

9. Communicating with the Muslim World (peoples, institutions and scholars) either by holding international competitions for memorizing and reciting the Holy Quran or relevant competitions at the local level. This can also be achieved by inviting Muslim peoples, institutions and scholars to participate in such events or Islamic conferences, meetings and religious broadcast festivals, Quranic and international intellectual competitions. It is equally important to refute the arguments of those attempting to distort the Islam or the Holy Quran;

10. Confronting the enemies of the Holy Quran and Islam and unveiling their tricks and falsifications by disseminating the true narrative of Allah’s Book, exposing the plans and approaches of the enemies of Islam, and contributing to the clarification of the Zionist and imperialist danger as well as the Christianization and Judaization movements; and

11. Providing radio and TV religious programs to the broadcast stations in the Great Jamahiriya as well as the brotherly and friendly countries.


Article (16)

The Department of Foreign Radio Stations shall be responsible for:

1. Obtaining, compiling and categorizing news and information, preparing newscasts and political commentaries and retaining such information for the production of radio programs;

2. Preparing and presenting radio and TV programs to raise the awareness of the theses of masses theory and the civilizational achievements realized on the land of the Great Conqueror;

3. Producing, preparing and presenting radio and TV materials in various fields;

4. Setting scientific, comprehensive plans to provide quality broadcast service to foreign listeners and viewers inside and outside the Great Jamahiriya;

5. Maintaining a library of audio and visual recordings to meet the needs of the broadcasting services as per the established programs;

6. Translating articles, literary and cultural texts, research and studies into foreign languages and presenting the same appropriately; and

7. Producing and preparing programs that show the true image of Islam, and providing Arabic language education programs for foreigners.


Article (17)

The Office of International Broadcasting Cooperation shall be responsible for:

1. Organizing and maintaining the relations between the LJBC and the broadcasting corporations of brotherly and friendly countries, either directly or through broadcasting unions and exchange with them;

2. Following up and implementing broadcasting agreements and building relationships between the LJBC and international TV news agencies; and

3. Participating in international meetings, forums and seminars on broadcasting.


Article (18)

The Follow-Up Office shall be responsible for:

1. Following up the procedures related to the progress of broadcasting, coordinating work among LJBC departments and offices, identifying technical issues and proposing appropriate solutions;

2. Conducting research and studies to develop LJBC work; and

3. Following up the implementation of daily decisions and directives, organizing the shift schedule, and preparing periodic and annual follow-up reports on the implementation of broadcast program plans.


Article (19)

The Legal Affairs Office shall be responsible for:

1. Advising on legal and regulatory issues presented thereto by the LJBC Secretary or department managers;

2. Liaising with the Law and Cases Departments of the Public Authority for Judicial Affairs and the legal advisors in administrative units, authorities, institutions and companies, as necessary, to discuss any legal issues related to the LJBC;

3. Following up cases filed by or against the LJBC and preparing the legal memoranda that express its view in that regard;

4. Attending committees and meetings, as assigned by the LJBC’s Secretary, in order to express its view in that regard;

5. Preparing and reviewing draft regulations, decisions and agreements related to LJBC work;

6. Making arrangements to participate in negotiations on cooperation, as well as drafting and reviewing contracts before conclusion; and

7. Investigating administrative and financial violations, reviewing technical investigations and, upon request, participating in investigation committees.


Article (20)

The Music and Singing Office shall be responsible for:

1. Determining the quality and volume of music and singing production in agreement with the General Programs Department. This shall not include unexpected, special occasions;

2. Evaluating and approving artistic works, whether produced locally or abroad, to obtain them by means of purchase or exchange with other parties; and

3. Approving singers, composers and songwriters as per the relevant prescribed requirements.


Article (21)

The Broadcast Training Center shall be responsible for:

1. Developing plans and implementing the training programs proposed by the competent entities;

2. Selecting trainees based on suggestions from other competent entities of LJBC and technically preparing them;

3. Delivering training to the staff of the Great Jamahiriya broadcast stations to improve their skills in a variety of technical fields;

4. Delivering specialized training courses for fresh graduates and new employees joining the LJBC from non-specialized schools;

5. Providing the material and technical capabilities needed for broadcast training;

6. Following up all internal and external training courses and preparing periodic reports on the Center’s activity and overseas training;

7. Issuing the required certificates for those who have completed the training, and approving the same by the competent entities; and

8. Cooperating and coordinating with training departments, institutions and institutes inside and outside the country in order to meet the LJBC’s need for technical staff.


Article (22)

The resources of LJBC shall consist of:

1. Appropriations allocated thereto in the State budget;

2. Revenues generated from advertisements, works and services provided to others in return for a fee; and

3. Any other resources the LJBC is allowed to draw on.


Article (23)

The LJBC shall have an independent budget. The financial year of the LJBC shall commence with the beginning of the State’s financial year and shall end upon the end of the same. However, the first financial year of LJBC shall begin as of the date of enforcement of this Decree and shall end at the end of the current financial year.


Article (24)

The LJBC may open one or more bank accounts in a bank operating in Jamahiriya.


Article (25)

The People’s Follow-Up Authority shall examine and audit the LJBC’s accounts in accordance with the provisions of Law No. (79) of 1975 AD on the Audit Bureau, as amended.


Article (26)

All fixed and movable assets, machinery, tools, devices and equipment related to the Great Jamahiriya Radio and its offices located in the Secretariat of Information and Culture shall be transferred to the LJBC. The financial appropriations allocated to Great Jamahiriya Radio in the budget of the Secretariat of Information and Culture shall also be transferred to the LJBC.


Article (27)

All employees of the Great Jamahiriya Radio and the offices thereof shall be transferred to the LJBC with the same grades, seniority and benefits they currently receive.

The LJBC staff members shall be governed by the provisions of Law No. (55) of 1976 AD on the Civil Service and the regulations thereof, as well as Law No. (15) of 1981 on the Salary System of National Workers in the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, as amended.


Article (28)

The bylaws and distribution of work and mandates of the LJBC shall be determined by a decree of the General People’s Committee for Information and Culture, upon approval by the General People’s Committee for Public Service.


Article (29)

Any provision that is contrary to the provisions of this Decree shall be repealed.


Article (30)

This Decree shall enter into force as of the date of its issuance and shall be published in the official gazette.


The General People’s Committee

Issued on 28 Rajab 1397 FPD

Corresponding to 16 March 1988 AD

Text Type:Decree
Text number:155
Text date:1988-06-30
Institution:General People's Committee

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