Latest laws


Part II: Legislative Authorities: Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector

Decree No. (273) of 1994 on information related to the identity of persons who report crimes

The General People’s Committee for Justice and Public Security

Decree No. (273) of 1432 FBP

on the Identity-related Data of Reporters of Crimes


The General People’s Committee for Justice and Public Security,
Upon review of:

  • Law No. (10) of 1992 AD on the Security

and Police, as amended; and

  • The minutes of the first meeting of the General People’s Committee for Justice and Public Security in

1423 FBP,


has decreed the following:


Article (1)

The General People’s Committee for Justice and Public Security shall raise the security awareness among citizens through various media channels and hold seminars in this regard. This is intended to encourage citizens to perform their security role by reporting any incidents or information that may undermine the Jamahiriya regime, which is based on the authority of the people, disturb security and public order or put lives, property or honor in danger. 


Article (2)

Police stations and people’s local security posts shall receive reports on the incidents and information referred to in the previous Article, take all the measures that would simplify and facilitate the procedures of accepting such reports from citizens, promptly complete the relevant work, and take the necessary legal measures in their regard.


Article (3)

Citizens may file reports through any possible means, whether by phone, written communication or in-person, to the competent security entity. In case of filing a report personally, the report shall be made using the form enclose herewith.


Article (4)

Reports may be files without providing any data relating to the reporter’s identity. If the person filing the report provides any data related to his/her identity, such data shall be deemed confidential and the disclosure thereof shall be prohibited.


Article (5)

This Decree shall enter into force as of the date of its issuance and shall be implemented by the competent bodies and published in the official gazette.


The General People’s Committee for Justice and Public Security

Issued on: 15 Dhul Hijjah 1430 FDP

Corresponding to: 26/05/1423 FBP

The Great Socialist People’s                                       The General People’s Committee for Justice

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya                                            and Public Security


Report Form

On:   /    /     FDP, corresponding to:   /   /   AD, within the jurisdiction of the Basic

People’s Congress of ……………………., at ………………… I,

……………… holder of Personal ID Card No. ………………………

………………, residing at ……………………………………….

 …………………. street, noticed the following:







“Please mention the incident, names or descriptions of the accused, the number(s) of car(s) or vehicle(s), the type of crime,

the name or description of the victim, the time of the incident or crime, the names or descriptions

of those present and the role played by the reporting person.”





  1. The report may be submitted without mentioning the data related to the reporting person’s identity.
  2. The place where the incident has occurred must be specified precisely.
Text Type:Decree
Text number:273
Text date:1994-05-26
Institution:General People's Committee

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