Latest laws


Part VI: Organisation and Status of Core Security and Justice Providers

Decree No. (280) of 1994 on organising the rights and conditions of new recruits during their enrollment in police training institutions

 The General People’s Committee for Justice and Public Security

Decree No. (280) of 1423 FBP on Regulating the Rights and Conditions of New Recruits during Their Enrolment in Police Training Institutions


Upon review of:

● Law No. (10) of 1992 AD on the Security and Police, as amended; and

● The minutes of the first meeting of the General People’s Committee for Justice and Public Security in 1423 FBP,

The General People’s Committee for Justice and Public Security has decreed the following:


Article (1)

The accommodation, subsistence and clothing of new recruits during their training at the institution shall be at the expense of the State. They shall also be paid a monthly stipend of fifty dinars for bachelor and seventy dinars for the married.


Article (2)

During the training period, new recruits shall comply with the bylaws of the institution wherein they are enrolled.


Article (3)

The provisions prescribed for police personnel rank, as set out in the aforementioned Law No. (10) of 1992 AD, shall apply to new recruits.


Article (4)

This Decree shall enter into force by the beginning of the Gregorian month following the date of its issuance and shall be implemented by the competent entities and published in the official gazette.


The General People’s Committee for Justice and Public Security

Issued on: 15 Dhul Hijjah 1403 FDP

Corresponding to: 26/5/1423 FBP

Text Type:Decree
Text number:280
Text date:1994-06-07
Institution:General People's Committee

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