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Part III: Executive Authorities: Control of the Security Sector

Decree No. (32) of 2010 on approving the organisational structure of the Libyan Fund for Assistance and Development

General People’s Committee

Decree No. (32) of 1378 FDP (2010 AD)

on approving the organisational structure of the
Libyan Fund for Assistance and Development

The General People’s Committee,

Upon review of:

  • Law No. (1) of 1375 FDP on the rules of procedure of the People’s Congresses and the People’s Committees, and the implementing regulations thereof;
  • Law No. (55) of 1976 AD issuing the Civil Service Law, amendments thereto and the implementing regulations thereof;
  • General People’s Committee Decree No. (374) of 1375 FDP establishing the Libyan Fund for Assistance and Development in Africa;
  • General People’s Committee Decree No. (620) of 1377 FDP approving a provision on the Libyan Fund for Assistance and Development;
  • Director of the Libyan Fund for Assistance and Development Letter No. 1/3/1342 dated 20/06/1377 FDP;
  • General People’s Committee Decree No. (83) of 1377 FDP approving certain provisions on certain decrees issued thereby;

has decreed:

Article (1)

The Libyan Fund for Assistance and Development shall operate under the organisational structure set out in this Decree.

Article (2)

The organisational structure of the Libyan Fund for Assistance and Development shall consist of the following organisational divisions:

  1. Assistance and Relief Department
  2. International Relations and Cooperation Department
  3. Development Programs and Projects Department
  4. Administrative and Financial Affairs Department
  5. Legal Affairs Office
  6. Planning and Development Studies Office
  7. Monitoring and Coordination Office
  8. Information and Documentation Office
  9. Internal Audit Office
  10. Regional Office for Belt Countries
  11. Regional Office for West Africa
  12. Regional Office for East Africa
  13. Regional Office for Asia
  14. Regional Office for Latin America

Article (3)

The Board of Directors shall hold competence to perform the following duties:

  1. Establish policies and propose plans and programs to achieve the Fund’s goals.
  2. Approve the Fund’s annual draft budget and balance sheet.
  3. Establish regulations governing administrative and financial aspects.
  4. Review the periodic reports submitted by the Fund’s General Director on the Fund’s work flow and financial position.

Article (4)

The General Director shall hold competence to perform the following duties:

  1. Draft policies and establish plans and programs related to the Fund’s work, to achieve its approved goals.
  2. Issue the decrees necessary for the performance of his competencies and activities.
  3. Directly supervise the conduct of financial, administrative, and technical matters, sign agreements and enter into and approve contracts related to the Fund’s activities.
  4. Supervise and monitor the organisational divisions and work flow of the Fund and those working therein in accordance with the regulations and legislation in force.
  5. Represent the Fund in its relations with third parties and before the courts.
  6. Submit periodic reports on the Fund’s activities to the Administrative Board.

Article (5)

The Assistance and Relief Department shall hold competence to perform the following duties:

  1. Prepare studies and research to improve work methods, keeping pace with the ongoing development of international standards on relief and assistance.
  2. Study the reports of delegates on assistance operations being carried out, assess the dilemmas and constraints such operations face and propose solutions and alternatives to avoid them in the future.
  3. Keep and certify all documentation related to the department’s work.
  4. Continuously monitor the application of the work strategy and scheduled plans.
  5. Propose partnership agreement projects and study projects submitted to the Fund by national, regional and international organisations related the implementation of relief and assistance programs and annual programs.
  6. Directly supervise the selection process of delegates and establish standards for such selection, participate in programs to prepare and train delegates domestically and abroad, in cooperation with the competent bodies, and strengthen relations among the delegates.
  7. Establish a mechanism for implementing scheduled and unscheduled assistance and study such in accordance with the Fund’s annual work plan.
  8. Receive calls for relief and assistance.
  9. Establish all administrative arrangements related to shipping and distribution of the approved relief and assistance materials, and monitor the implementation thereof from beginning to end.
  10. Document and keep documents, calls, publications and statistics, and issue reports on the relief and assistance works under implementation as relates to its competencies.
  11. Secure and monitor all communications necessary to implement relief and assistance operations.
  12. Directly supervise the implementation of field assistance operations.
  13. Coordinate with the related bodies in implementing assistance and relief materials from the point of embarkation to disembarkation.
  14. Monitor communications and documentation with the related bodies.
  15. Any other activities assigned thereto in accordance with its competencies.

Article (6)

The International Relations and Cooperation Department shall hold competence to perform the following duties:

  1. Study and monitor cooperation agreements between the Fund and other regional and international bodies.
  2. Establish bilateral relations with the Fund’s counterparts in the field of humanitarian work.
  3. Monitor international and regional activities in the development field.
  4. Media coverage of the Fund’s activities in the field of assistance, development and international relations.
  5. Coordinate with local and international media to conduct investigations and press reports and adopt all necessary technical measures.
  6. Establish programs and plans to publicise the Fund’s activities in regional and international arenas.
  7. Monitor the activities of international organisations in humanitarian fields and seek the assistance of the bodies affiliated thereto in realising the Fund’s strategic programs.
  8. Any other activities assigned thereto in accordance with its competencies.

Article (7)

The Development Programs and Projects Department shall hold competence to perform the following duties:

  1. Study the plans of projects scheduled for implementation and review the general contract terms.
  2. Prepare technical and quantitative studies and reports and study the market, review prices and specifications related to the offers submitted to implement projects.
  3. Supervise the projects whose implementation is being monitored by the Fund, and approve the extracts thereof.
  4. Keep and certify all documentation related to the Department’s work.
  5. Prepare studies and plans on the development programs scheduled for implementation.
  6. Establish the necessary mechanism for the implementation of the targeted development programs, and monitor the implementation thereof as concerns the Fund’s work.
  7. Prepare scientific studies and research in the development field.
  8. Prepare training courses in cooperation with the related regional bodies in the development field.
  9. Monitor the various development issues abroad, and prepare periodic publications and reports thereon.
  10. Present the results and conclusions of the studies and research conducted by the Department.
  11. Any other activities assigned thereto in accordance with its competencies.

Article (8)

The Administrative and Financial Affairs Department shall hold competence to perform the following duties:

  1. Implement the decrees related to the professional affairs of the Fund’s workers.
  2. Attend to the employees’ personal files and keep, index and monitor the storage thereof.
  3. Supervise the attendance record at the Fund’s office.
  4. Supervise the Fund’s incoming and outgoing mail and open the necessary records for such.
  5. Prepare annual promotions and allowances for the Fund’s workers.
  6. Prepare statistics and information related to the Fund’s workforce.
  7. Undertake archival and documentation activities, utilising information technology for such.
  8. Prepare the salaries and entitlements of the Fund’s employees and all procedures related thereto.
  9. Participate in the preparation of the Fund’s budget.
  10. Collect and identify the equipment, tools and stationery needs of the departments, offices and units affiliated to the Fund and all Fund requirements, with the exception of those related to external assistance activities, and submit such to the procurements committee to issue a decision on the provision thereof.
  11. Supervise the storage and disbursal of materials in accordance with the set documentation and procedures, and implement the regulations issued in this regard.
  12. Maintain and keep the necessary records on stores and work therein and submit periodic reports on the movement of stores.
  13. Prepare the Fund’s balance sheet.
  14. Conduct annual and periodic inventory of Fund and stores content, compare such with the books, record inventory results and submit a report on such.
  15. Supervise printing activities and the photocopying and withdrawal of documents.
  16. Supervise and regulate vehicle movement and undertake all activities related thereto.
  17. Implement procedures related to public relations activities and perform the relevant administrative transactions.
  18. Organize security for the Fund and its installations, entrances and walls, organise the arrival of visitors and preserve public order.
  19. Supervise all of the Fund’s cleaning and maintenance activities.
  20. Perform service activities for the Fund’s workers in accordance with the legislation in force.

Article (9)

The Legal Affairs Office shall hold competence to perform the following duties:

  1. Provide opinions and legal advice on the issues submitted thereto, prepare studies and review the laws and regulations related to the Fund’s work.
  2. Propose disciplinary measures with regard to violations that might occur as a result of certain employees’ performance and hold membership on investigating committees and disciplinary boards.
  3. Monitor cases in which the Fund is a party and adopt the necessary measures with regard thereto with the competent bodies.
  4. Prepare and review contracts the Fund is entering into, in coordination with the related bodies.
  5. Supervise, observe and update the Legislation and Laws Office.
  6. Propose and submit executive plans and programs related to the area of the Office’s competencies.
  7. Any other activities assigned thereto in accordance with the legislation in force.

Article (10)

The Planning and Development Studies Office shall hold competence to perform the following duties:

  1. Prepare executive plans and programs related to the Fund’s activities in the various fields (administrative, technical and economic).
  2. Propose improving the performance of the Fund’s administration through studies and research.
  3. Prepare economic research and studies of target countries in cooperation with the related bodies and watch and monitor economic conditions in the various target countries.
  4. Submit reports on development and investment opportunities in the target countries.
  5. Prepare courses and publications including the most important events concerning the Great Jamahiriya.
  6. Coordinate and cooperate with research institutions, centres and institutes inside the Jamahiriya.
  7. Prepare periodic reports on information published on the internet related to the area of the Fund’s work and submit it to the competent bodies.
  8. Any other activities assigned thereto in accordance with its competencies.

Article (11)

The Monitoring and Coordination Office shall hold competence to perform the following duties:

  1. Contribute to organising and monitoring the Fund’s relations with civil institutions.
  2. Propose horizons and framework for cooperation with civil society institutions.
  3. Organise voluntary work in coordination with the related bodies.
  4. Propose programs to develop the skills of volunteers and supervise the implementation thereof.
  5. Coordinate with other departments and offices in the field of the Office’s work.
  6. Monitor civil society activities and participate in their events.
  7. Monitor and assess plans and programs and propose solutions and alternatives.
  8. Collect and monitor data and information in the various fields.
  9. Prepare periodic reports on the field of the Office’s work.
  10. Any other activities assigned thereto in accordance with its competencies.

Article (12)

The Information and Documentation Office shall hold competence to perform the following duties:

  1. Collect data and statistics on development plans in the target countries and categorise, sort and keep them to ensure utilisation thereof.
  2. Survey global market activity and collect information and statistics on the developments thereof to assist in preparing plans related to development assistance and investment in the target countries.
  3. Collect and categorise data in the various fields, and analyse it in coordination with the relevant departments.
  4. Provide departments, offices and units with the information they need.
  5. Supervise the maintenance and programming of computers in the departments, offices and units, and undertake the technical procedures related thereto.
  6. Employ electronic publication to facilitate the Fund’s work, and utilise it in highlighting the Great Jamahiriya’s positions within the Arab world, Africa and globally.
  7. Monitor content published on websites about the Great Jamahiriya and Arab, African and world affairs, sort topics, articles and analyses about the Great Jamahiriya and its positions and refer them to the various departments at the Fund in order to undertake the necessary measures with regard thereto.
  8. Supervise the operation and development of the Fund’s website, organise the electronic archive and perform all technical activities the network requires around the clock.
  9. Certify all documentation related to the Fund’s activities and programming, in coordination with the departments, offices and units.
  10. Take photographs and videos, issue publications, magazines and all written and audio-visual media related to the Fund’s activities.
  11. Any other activities assigned thereto in accordance with its competencies.

Article (13)

The Internal Audit Office shall hold competence to perform the following duties:

  1. Audit the Fund’s activities domestically and at people’s investment offices abroad.
  2. Audit the Fund’s revenues and expenditures in accordance with the financial regulations.
  3. Propose and submit executive plans and programs related to the area of the Office’s competencies.
  4. Prepare financial reports on the work flow of regional offices abroad and provide observations thereon.
  5. Examine and audit all Fund expenses, financial authorisations issued and the operating budget, in accordance with the legislation in force.
  6. Participate in preparing the Fund’s general budget.
  7. Inspect the treasury and perform periodic inventories thereof.
  8. Periodically inspect the budget of regional offices abroad, and confirm sound expenditures.
  9. Any other activities assigned thereto in accordance with the legislation in force.

Article (14)

The Regional Office for Belt Countries shall hold competence to perform the following duties:

  1. Monitor and implement the Fund’s activities in the African belt countries.
  2. Keep the Office’s records.
  3. Watch and document information, and prepare studies and reports on economic, social and political conditions in these countries.
  4. Boost relations between the Fund and regional organisations in these countries.
  5. Provide the logistical support and executive arrangements required when necessary to implement the Fund’s activities and programs.
  6. Any other activities assigned thereto in accordance with its competencies.

Article (15)

The Regional Office for West Africa shall hold competence to perform the following duties:

  1. Monitor and implement the Fund’s activities in West African countries.
  2. Keep the Office’s records.
  3. Watch and document information, and prepare studies and reports on economic, social and political conditions in these countries.
  4. Boost relations between the Fund and regional organisations in these countries.
  5. Provide the logistical support and executive arrangements required when necessary to implement the Fund’s activities and programs.
  6. Any other activities assigned thereto in accordance with its competencies.

Article (16)

The Regional Office for East Africa shall hold competence to perform the following duties:

  1. Monitor and implement the Fund’s activities in East African countries.
  2. Keep the Office’s records.
  3. Watch and document information, and prepare studies and reports on economic, social and political conditions in these countries.
  4. Boost relations between the Fund and regional organisations in these countries.
  5. Provide the logistical support and executive arrangements required when necessary to implement the Fund’s activities and programs.
  6. Any other activities assigned thereto in accordance with its competencies.

Article (17)

The Regional Office for Asia shall hold competence to perform the following duties:

  1. Monitor and implement the Fund’s activities in Asian countries.
  2. Keep the Office’s records.
  3. Watch and document information, and prepare studies and reports on economic, social and political conditions in these countries.
  4. Boost relations between the Fund and regional organisations in these countries.
  5. Provide the logistical support and executive arrangements required when necessary to implement the Fund’s activities and programs.
  6. Any other activities assigned thereto in accordance with its competencies.

Article (18)

The Regional Office for Latin America shall hold competence to perform the following duties:

  1. Monitor and implement the Fund’s activities in Latin American countries.
  2. Keep the Office’s records.
  3. Watch and document information, and prepare studies and reports on economic, social and political conditions in these countries.
  4. Boost relations between the Fund and regional organisations in these countries.
  5. Provide logistical support and executive arrangements when necessary to implement the Fund’s activities and programs.
  6. Any other activities assigned thereto in accordance with its competencies.

Article (19)

The Fund’s internal regulations shall be issued by a decree from the General Director of the Fund, in a manner consistent with the provisions of this Decree.

Article (20)

This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its issue, and shall be implemented by the competent bodies.

The General People’s Committee – Libya

Issued on: 8 Safar

Corresponding to: 28/01/1378 FDP (2010 AD)

Text Type:Decree
Text number:32
Text date:2010-01-28
Institution:General People's Committee

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