Latest laws


Part III: Executive Authorities: Control of the Security Sector

Decree No. (37) of 2014 on establishing the Joint Security Operations Room in southern regions

Cabinet Decree No. (37) of 2014

on establishing the Joint Security Operations Room in southern regions

The Cabinet

Upon review of:

  • The Constitutional Declaration and the amendments thereof;
  • Law No. (40) of 1974 on service in the Armed Forces and the amendments thereof;
  • Law No. (10) of 1992 issuing the law on security and police;
  • Law No. (11) of 2012 on approving some provisions pertaining to the powers of command levels in the Libyan Army;
  • General National Congress Resolution No. (10) of 2012 on granting the interim government the vote of confidence;
  • Cabinet Decree No. (644) of 2013 amending Cabinet Decree No. (345) of 2013 on mandating competences to the prime minister;

has decreed:

Article (1)

A security operations room called the “Joint Security Operations Room” shall be established to maintain security in the southern regions. It shall be affiliated with the Chief of Staff and it shall work under his supervision.

Article (2)

The Joint Security Operations Room stated in the foregoing article shall be composed of a military officer of the rank of colonel or above as chief, and an assistant thereto from officer ranks. The chief and his assistant shall be appointed by a decision issued by the prime minister. The Joint Security Operations Room shall include representatives of the entities determined by its chief and stipulated by a decision issued by the prime minister.

Article (3)

The Joint Security Operations Room shall perform the duties it determines in coordination with all its components.

For the performance of its duties, the Joint Security Operations Room shall be entitled to:

– Use all professional and technical means it deems necessary to perform its duties. All security entities involved in the work of the Joint Security Operations Room shall take the urgent measures that allow it to achieve its security goals.

– Coordinate with ministries and public entities in order to guarantee proper performance of its duties according to the schedule prepared by the Joint Security Operations Room in this respect.

– Coordinate with civil society organisations and dignitaries of target areas, solicit their help and include them in the security plan as appropriate for the nature of their duties in a way that limits excessive use of force and protects lives and properties.

– Form a media team in the Joint Security Operations Room to document infiltrations that are immediately detected. The Joint Security Operations Room shall also have a media spokesperson who communicates with the media to clarify the missions and goals of the security plan.

– Resort to any person it deems necessary to carry out its duty.

Article (4)

At the technical level, members of the Joint Security Operations Room shall be under the supervision of the chief and his assistant.

Article (5)

Entities to which members of the Joint Security Operations Room are affiliated shall, each within its mandate, pay the salary and all other bonuses, financial benefits, and remunerations of their members in accordance with the legislation in force.

Article (6)

The Joint Security Operations Room shall work within the administrative boundaries set by the Chief of the General Staff. It shall be composed of several organisational divisions determined by a decision issued by its chief.

Article (7)

This decree shall enter into force from its date of issuance, repealing any contrary provision. It shall be implemented by the concerned entities and published in the Official Gazette.

The Cabinet — Libya

Issued on 2 Rabi’ al-Awwal 1435 AH

Corresponding to 22/01/2014 AD

Text Type:Decree
Text number:37
Text date:2014-01-22

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