Latest laws


Part III: Executive Authorities: Control of the Security Sector

Decree No. (400) of 2000 on organising the administrative unit of the General People’s Committee for African Unity

General People’s Committee

Decree No. (400) of 1430 FDP

on organising the administrative unit of
the General People’s Committee for African Unity

The General People’s Committee,

Upon review of:

has decreed:

Article (1)

The General People’s Committee for African Unity shall be the political instrument that proposes, plans, and implements the foreign policy of the Great Jamahiriya based on the decrees of the Basic People’s Congresses issued on Africa.

Article (2)

The Secretariat of the General People’s Committee for African Unity shall consist of:

  1. Secretary of the People’s Committee
  2. Assistant Secretary for Political Affairs
  3. Assistant Secretary for Foreign Investment Affairs
  4. Assistant Secretary for Foreign Trade Affairs
  5. Assistant Secretary for Technical Cooperation Affairs
  6. Assistant Secretary for Cultural and Media Affairs

The Secretariat shall collectively establish the executive steps and procedures for the competencies assigned thereto. The assistant secretaries shall, each within their competencies, monitor the implementation of such competencies and shall have the powers of the secretary as relates to the tasks and bodies they oversee under the supervision of the secretary.

Article (3)

The Secretariat of the General People’s Committee for African Unity shall perform its activities with a collective mentality, adhering to the philosophy of the Jamahiriyan system and the working mechanism of the people’s committees, and may, within the scope of its competencies, perform the following tasks:

  1. Implement the policy of the Great Jamahiriya in its foreign relations with African countries and perform all tasks required thereof to implement the decrees of the Basic People’s Congresses in establishing and strengthening relations to achieve African unity and implement the historical Sirte Declaration issued on 9/9/1999 AD.
  2. Propose plans and programs to create and strengthen political and economic relations and cooperation of all forms between the Great Jamahiriya and African countries and strengthen relations between the Libyan people and the peoples of the African continent in accordance with the principles and theses of the Third International Theory.
  3. Prepare studies and research in strategic, political, economic, cultural and other areas on African matters of importance to the Great Jamahiriya.
  4. Preserve the interests of the Great Jamahiriya and care for its citizens in African countries.
  5. Propose organising aspects of cooperation between the Great Jamahiriya and African countries, monitor the implementation of agreements concluded therewith, and monitor all aspects of cooperation engaged in by the secretariats of abolished general people’s committees related to the African continent.
  6. Monitor and implement policies aimed at guiding Libyan investment in Africa.
  7. Prepare plans to streamline, encourage, and guarantee people’s investment in Africa.
  8. Prepare plans and policies that aim to strengthen Arab-African cooperation in a practical manner, strengthening the principle of the shared Arab-African space.
  9. Propose, study, and research bilateral and regional agreements and treaties on the African continent and supervise the implementation, interpretation and amendment thereof.
  10. Monitor economic relations affairs on the continent in coordination with the related bodies.
  11. Prepare the annual draft budget for the General People’s Committee for African Unity.
  12. Propose opening brotherhood bureaus, people’s bureaus, and political missions in African countries to achieve the goals and policy of the Great Jamahiriya.
  13. Prepare plans and issue political, consular, and administrative instructions to brotherhood offices, people’s bureaus, and political missions in Africa and establish programs to promote the goals and principles of the Great September 1 Revolution.
  14. Monitor the affairs of African political missions accredited in the Great Jamahiriya.
  15. Perform all activities and procedures related to protocol, supervise the privileges and immunities of African diplomatic missions accredited in the Great Jamahiriya, and issue political and special passports in coordination with the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation.
  16. Provide opinions on joining global and regional organisations and bodies related to Africa.
  17. Participate in international and regional conferences held in or outside of Africa and related thereto, propose the formation of delegations participating therein, and supervise the organisation of conferences held in the Great Jamahiriya.
  18. Implement legislation related to the formation of African companies and the registration of branches thereof.
  19. Conclude and monitor the implementation of agreements in the field of foreign commerce with African countries and propose trade policies for the continent.
  20. Implement the legislation in force to regulate, manage, and supervise the affairs of companies and bodies in the sector.
  21. Supervise persons sent for study or training in African countries, monitor their supervisors, and oversee Libyan schools in African countries.
  22. Propose providing scholarships to African students to study in Libyan universities.
  23. Prepare and monitor the implementation of cultural and media plans and programs on the general orientations of the Great Jamahiriya toward Africa and provide all means necessary to achieve such in coordination with the related bodies.
  24. Monitor activities on African arts and heritage and prepare programs to hold and participate in folk festivals and African exhibitions in coordination with the concerned bodies.
  25. Prepare periodic and annual reports on the activities of the General People’s Committee for African Unity and the reports to be submitted to the Basic People’s Congresses.

Article (4)

The organisational structure of the General People’s Committee for African Unity shall consist of the following:

  1. Secretary of the People’s Committee
  2. Assistant Secretary for Political Affairs
  3. Assistant Secretary for Foreign Investment Affairs
  4. Assistant Secretary for Foreign Trade Affairs
  5. Assistant Secretary for Technical Cooperation Affairs
  6. Assistant Secretary for Cultural and Media Affairs
  7. Undersecretary
  8. The general directorates and offices within it, including:
    1. Political Departments:
  1. General Directorate for North and East Africa
  2. General Directorate for West and Central Africa
  3. General Directorate for South Africa
  4. General Directorate for Islamic Affairs
    1. Technical Departments:
  1. General Directorate for Financial and Administrative Affairs
  2. General Directorate for Treaties and Legal Affairs
  3. General Directorate for Organisations and Associations
  4. General Directorate for Arab Maghreb Union Affairs
  5. General Directorate for Economic Affairs
  6. General Directorate for Directing Investment and Monitoring
  7. General Directorate for Encouraging and Securing People’s Investment
  8. General Directorate for Foreign Trade
  9. General Directorate for Companies and Commercial Registrations
  10. General Directorate for Technical Cooperation
  11. General Directorate for Cultural Relations
  12. General Directorate for Media
    1. Internal Offices
  1. Committee Affairs Office
  2. Confidential Affairs Office
  3. Inspection and Oversight Office
  4. Human Rights Office
  5. Military Affairs Office
  6. Translation Office
  1. Brotherhood bureaus, people’s bureaus, and political and consular delegations in African countries

Article (5)

The following companies, agencies, bodies, and federations shall be subject to the supervision of the General People’s Committee for African Unity:

  1. Agency to Develop and Secure Investment Abroad
  2. Voice of Africa Broadcasting
  3. African Studies Centre

Article (6)

The Secretary of the General People’s Committee for African Unity shall be responsible for the sector and monitor the activities thereof. The Secretary may, within the bounds of the competencies set out in the legislation in force, adopt the measures and issue the instructions necessary to control work and distribute responsibilities and powers, and may undertake the following in particular:

      1. Coordinate with the related bodies in the Great Jamahiriya to achieve the foreign policy goals of the Great Jamahiriya in Africa.
      2. Sign the credentials of secretaries of brotherhood bureaus and people’s bureaus and delegates residing in Africa, consular acquittals and authorisations, accreditation documents, and other documents related to the activities of the General People’s Committee for African Unity.
      3. Accept the credentials of African delegates to the Great Jamahiriya, receive them, and conduct talks and consultations with them.
      4. Protect the privileges and immunities of African delegations to the Great Jamahiriya as well as African organisations and bodies and the members and employees thereof.

Article (7)

The administrative unit of the General People’s Committee for African Unity and all divisions thereof shall operate under the direct supervision of the secretary of the General People’s Committee for African Unity. The departments and offices mentioned below shall perform the duties assigned thereto for the administrative unit and all organisational divisions thereof set out on this Decree:

      1. General Directorate for Financial and Administrative Affairs
      2. General Directorate for Treaties and Legal Affairs
      3. General Directorate for Organisations and Associations
      4. General Directorate for Arab Maghreb Union Affairs
      5. Committee Affairs Office
      6. Confidential Affairs Office
      7. Inspection and Oversight Office
      8. Human Rights Office
      9. Military Affairs Office
      10. Translation Office

The other organisational divisions shall work under the supervision of the assistant secretary, where relevant, in accordance with this Decree.

Article (8)

The Assistant Secretary for Political Affairs shall exercise all competencies and powers provided to the Secretary under the legislation in force with regard to the political competencies entrusted thereto, and shall undertake the following:

      1. Assist the secretary in performing his political competencies, especially those related to coordinating with the competent bodies to achieve the foreign policy goals of the Great Jamahiriya in Africa.
      2. Supervise political affairs related to African countries and their political relations with the Great Jamahiriya and propose the appropriate political positions and means and methods of implementation.
      3. Directly supervise the political activities of the committee, brotherhood bureaus, people’s bureaus, and delegations located in Africa, and direct them to implement foreign policy targets.
      4. Propose participation in international, regional, and local meetings, symposiums, councils, and conferences related to political affairs in Africa, suggest the formation of delegations participating in the activities thereof, and monitor the implementation of the results thereof.

Article (9)

The following directorates shall be affiliated to and work under the supervision of the Assistant Secretary of Political Affairs:

      1. General Directorate for North and East Africa
      2. General Directorate for West and Central Africa
      3. General Directorate for South Africa
      4. General Directorate for Islamic Affairs

Article (10)

The Assistant Secretary for Foreign Investment Affairs shall exercise all competencies and powers provided to the Secretary under the legislation in force with regard to the technical competencies entrusted thereto related to investment affairs with African countries, and may undertake the following in particular:

      1. Directly supervise the technical activities of the organisational departments and units affiliated thereto.
      2. Approve plans and programs to encourage and secure African investment and Libyan investments in Africa and implement legislation related thereto.
      3. Supervise the affairs of the companies, bodies, and agencies affiliated to the sector related to the exercise of his competencies.
      4. Propose participation in international, regional, and local meetings, symposiums, councils, and conferences on economic and investment affairs in Africa, suggest the formation of delegations participating in the activities thereof, and monitor the implementation of the results thereof.

Article (11)

The following directorates shall be affiliated to and work under the supervision of the Assistant Secretary of Foreign Investment Affairs:

      1. General Directorate for Economic Affairs
      2. General Directorate for Directing and Monitoring Investment
      3. General Directorate for Encouraging and Securing People’s Investment

Article (12)

The Assistant Secretary for Foreign Trade Affairs shall have all competencies and powers provided to the Secretary under the legislation in force with regard to exercising the technical competencies entrusted thereto related to international trade affairs with African countries, and may undertake the following in particular:

      1. Directly supervise the technical activities of the departments affiliated thereto.
      2. Propose foreign trade policies that strengthen commercial exchange with Africa and monitor the implementation of the agreements concluded therewith or with a third country in the area of foreign trade.
      3. Supervise brotherhood bureaus, people’s bureaus, and delegations in African countries.
      4. Supervise the implementation of the Commercial Code and other legislation in force on the companies and bodies in the sector, their management affairs, and the supervision thereof.
      5. Propose participation in international, regional, and local meetings, symposiums, councils, and conferences related to commercial affairs in Africa, suggest the formation of delegations participating in the activities thereof, and monitor the implementation of the results thereof.

Article (13)

The following directorates shall be affiliated to and work under the supervision of the Assistant Secretary of Foreign Trade Affairs:

      1. General Directorate for Foreign Trade
      2. General Directorate for Companies and Commercial Registrations

Article (14)

The Assistant Secretary for Technical Cooperation Affairs shall exercise all competencies and powers provided to the Secretary under the legislation in force with regard to the technical competencies entrusted thereto related to investment affairs with African countries, and may undertake the following in particular:

      1. Directly supervise the technical activities of the departments affiliated thereto.
      2. Supervise the implementation of policies and the goals of bilateral and multilateral technical cooperation with African countries and establish suitable plans and programs for such.
      3. Coordinate and prepare for meetings of joint committees and monitor the implementation of the resolutions thereof.
      4. Propose participation in international, regional, and local meetings, symposiums, councils, and conferences related to cooperation affairs in Africa, suggest the formation of delegations participating in the activities thereof, and monitor the implementation of the results thereof.

Article (15)

The General Directorate for Technical Cooperation shall be affiliated to and work under the supervision of the Assistant Secretary of Technical Cooperation Affairs.

Article (16)

The Assistant Secretary for Cultural and Media Affairs shall exercise all competencies and powers provided to the Secretary under the legislation in force with regard to the technical competencies entrusted thereto related to cultural and media affairs with African countries, and may undertake the following in particular:

      1. Supervise persons sent for study or training in African countries, monitor their supervisors, and oversee students and cultural affairs in African countries.
      2. Supervise the implementation of cultural agreements related to cultural relations with African countries.
      3. Propose providing scholarships to African students to study in Libyan universities.
      4. Supervise the activities and media affairs for the sector at brotherhood bureaus, people’s bureaus, and delegations in African countries.
      5. Supervise the Voice of Africa radio.
      6. Propose participation in international, regional, and local meetings, symposiums, councils, and conferences related to cultural and media affairs in Africa, suggest the formation of delegations participating in the activities thereof, and monitor the implementation of the results thereof.

Article (17)

The following directorates shall be affiliated to and work under the supervision of the Assistant Secretary of Cultural and Media Affairs:

      1. General Directorate for Cultural Relations in Africa
      2. General Directorate for Media

Article (18)

The General People’s Committee for African Unity shall have an undersecretary or assistant secretary, who shall exercise the competencies related to administrative and financial affairs and perform the duties assigned thereto by the Secretary, and the directors of directorates and offices shall exercise their competencies internally, as set out in this Decree.

Article (19)

The General Directorate for North and East Africa shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Monitor bilateral relations between the Great Jamahiriya and African countries and propose methods for developing and improving them.
      2. Monitor political, social, and economic developments in North African countries.
      3. Observe the attitudes and positions of the countries of the region concerning the Great Jamahiriya.
      4. Directly supervise brotherhood bureaus in the region and prepare periodic reports thereon, assess the activities thereof and attend to the affairs of political missions of North African countries accredited by the Great Jamahiriya.
      5. Submit initiatives, proposals, and executive programs related to its area of competence.

Article (20)

The General Directorate for West and Central Africa shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Monitor bilateral relations between the Great Jamahiriya and West and Central African countries and propose methods for developing and improving them.
      2. Monitor political, social, and economic developments of countries in West and Central Africa.
      3. Observe the attitudes and positions of the region on issues concerning the Great Jamahiriya.
      4. Directly supervise brotherhood bureaus in the region and prepare periodic reports thereon, assess the activities thereof and attend to the affairs of political missions of West and Central African countries accredited by the Great Jamahiriya.
      5. Submit initiatives, proposals, and executive programs related to its area of competence.

Article (21)

The General Directorate for South Africa shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Monitor relations between the Great Jamahiriya and South African countries and propose methods for developing and improving them.
      2. Monitor political, social, and economic developments in South African countries.
      3. Observe the attitudes and positions of the region on issues concerning the Great Jamahiriya.
      4. Directly supervise brotherhood bureaus in the region and prepare periodic reports thereon, assess the activities thereof, and attend to the affairs of political missions of South African countries accredited by the Great Jamahiriya.
      5. Submit initiatives, proposals, and executive programs related to its area of competence.

Article (22)

The General Directorate for Islamic Affairs shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Take an interest in Islamic issues and Muslim affairs in general and monitor the conditions of Muslim minorities in Africa.
      2. Monitor Islamic projects undertaken by the Great Jamahiriya or to which it contributes.
      3. Monitor affairs related to the Hajj, Islamic associations, and the holy lands as relates to political aspects.
      4. Monitor the affairs of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, the issues submitted thereto, and the implementation of the resolutions thereof.
      5. Coordinate with the related directorates and bodies on matters falling within its competence.
      6. Submit initiatives, proposals, and executive programs related to its area of competence.

Article (23)

The General Directorate for Financial and Administrative Affairs shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Prepare the draft budget and issue the relevant authorisations in accordance with the approved items and the instructions issued in this regard.
      2. Exercise all procedural and scientific competencies to monitor and audit public accounts and brotherhood bureaus, people’s bureaus, and consular and political missions in Africa.
      3. Provide supplies, instruments, stationary, furniture, and all procurement related to the administrative unit.
      4. Exercise all competencies related to stores.
      5. Perform all activities related to administrative affairs, archives, printing, photocopying, mail, and diplomatic pouches.
      6. Exercise all competencies related to the buildings and real estate of the General People’s Committee for African Unity in Libya and the African continent and the maintenance thereof, and monitor matters related to the ownership thereof in coordination with the relevant competent bodies.
      7. Perform all relations affairs including organising the travel and return of delegations and employees, transportation and hotel reservations, and the administrative procedures related to passports and visas.
      8. Provide the necessary services to Authority employees related to settling their service discharges and affairs related to their service and procedural relations with other bodies.
      9. Exercise all competencies related to services and movement affairs.
      10. Supervise the provision of the required number of translators from the various languages to the conferences, meetings, and receptions held by the Great Jamahiriya and organised by the committee and work to secure the requirements thereof.
      11. Prepare and organise for ceremonies, receptions, and meetings related to the sector and secure the requirements thereof.
      12. Coordinate and cooperate with the Authority’s departments and other related bodies on matters falling within its competence.
      13. Submit initiatives, proposals, and executive programs related to its area of competence.
      14. Implement the regulations and rules related to employee affairs and handle all their professional affairs with regard to appointment, promotion, transfer, delegation, secondment, leaves, delegations, and other matters, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in this regard.
      15. Prepare and inventory employee needs, establish training plans and programs in Libya and abroad, and draft staffing for the committee, offices, delegations, and consulates abroad, in coordination and cooperation with the related bodies.
      16. Prepare records on seniority and priority and implement transfers between Libya and abroad.
      17. Monitor implementation of the decrees of the Authority’s Committee on Corps Affairs and Employee Affairs.
      18. Perform procedures related to social security and professional registration of employees.
      19. Coordinate and cooperate with the Committee’s departments and other related bodies on matters falling within its competence.
      20. Submit proposals and initiatives and prepare executive programs related to its area of competence.

Article (24)

The General Directorate for Treaties and Legal Affairs shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Study and prepare draft bilateral, regional, and international treaties and agreements related to the activities of the General People’s Committee for African Unity, participate in negotiations and conferences related thereto, review the drafting thereof, keep, collect, and sort them, and complete monitoring of the legal procedures related to the implementation thereof, and keep, collect, and sort the original documents of bilateral, regional, and international treaties and agreements related to Africa.
      2. Provide opinions on international legal issues related to Africa.
      3. Monitor the activities of the legal committees of international and regional organisations related to Africa, assess the results of their activities, and provide recommendations thereon.
      4. Participate in relevant regional and international conferences and symposiums, monitor the activities thereof, and the resolutions and recommendations issued thereby.
      5. Prepare legal memoranda, regulations, and decrees related to the Committee’s affairs.
      6. Monitor issues connected to borders with African countries, keep and sort all documentation and maps related thereto, prepare studies and research, and formulate the necessary regulations with regard thereto.
      7. Monitor all cases filed by or against the Committee and participate in the committees tasked with conducting the investigations therein.
      8. Provide opinions on the legal matters submitted thereto.
      9. Prepare draft regulations and decrees related to the Committee.

Article (25)

The General Directorate for Treaties and Legal Affairs shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Study and prepare draft bilateral, regional, and international treaties and agreements related to the activities of the General People’s Committee for African Unity, participate in negotiations and conferences related thereto, review the drafting thereof, keep, collect, and sort them, and complete monitoring of the legal procedures related to the implementation thereof, and keep, collect, and sort the original documents of bilateral, regional, and international treaties and agreements related to Africa.
      2. Provide opinions on international legal issues related to Africa.
      3. Monitor the activities of the legal committees of international and regional organisations related to Africa, assess the results of their activities, and provide recommendations thereon.
      4. Participate in relevant regional and international conferences and symposiums, monitor the activities thereof, and the resolutions and recommendations issued thereby.
      5. Prepare legal memoranda, regulations, and decrees related to the Committee’s affairs.
      6. Monitor issues connected to borders with African countries, keep and sort all documentation and maps related thereto, prepare studies and research, and formulate the necessary regulations with regard thereto.
      7. Monitor all cases filed by or against the Committee and participate in the committees tasked with conducting the investigations therein.
      8. Provide opinions on the legal matters submitted thereto.
      9. Prepare draft regulations and decrees related to the Committee.

Article (26)

The General Directorate for Arab Maghreb Union Affairs shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Prepare for meetings of the Presidential Council, the Council of Foreign Ministers, and the Follow-up Committee in coordination with the Union’s General Secretariat and the other competent bodies and contribute to proposing their agendas.
      2. Keep, document, and sort the resolutions and recommendations issued by the Presidential Council, the Council of Foreign Ministers, and the Follow-up Committee and prepare reports and studies on the progress of the implementation thereof.
      3. Prepare for meetings of the specialised ministerial committees and their sectoral councils and contribute to proposing their agendas.
      4. Monitor resolutions and recommendations issued by the specialised ministerial committees and their sectoral councils and prepare reports and studies on the progress of the implementation thereof.
      5. Address the matters submitted to the specialised ministerial committees and their sectoral councils and prepare opinions thereon, in cooperation with the other competent bodies.
      6. Keep, document, and sort copies of the resolutions, recommendations, and documents issued by the specialised ministerial committees and their sectoral councils.
      7. Organise and coordinate on all matters related to the membership of the General People’s Committees for the districts on the specialised ministerial committees and their sectoral councils.
      8. Participate in preparing to hold sessions of the Shura Council and coordinate the facilities needed for such participation.
      9. Provide the necessary facilities to members of the Court of Justice from the Arab-Libyan side.
      10. Monitor the activities of the Court of Justice and collect, document, and keep copies of the rulings and decisions issued thereby and prepare studies and reports thereon.
      11. Monitor the activities of the Secretariat and the implementation of the resolutions and recommendations issued thereby in cooperation with the competent bodies, keep and document the decrees, resolutions, and documents issued by the General Secretariat and prepare studies and reports thereon, and address issues related to the financial obligations of the Great Jamahiriya and its contribution to the budget of the Union’s General Secretariat, in coordination with the other related bodies.
      12. Propose the Great Jamahiriya’s nominations to General Secretariat positions and other positions in the different bodies of the Union and study the recommendations of Union members and submit recommendations thereon, in coordination and cooperation with the other related bodies.
      13. Monitor the activities of Maghreb popular organisations and coordinate participation of Libyan Arab people’s organisations in Maghreb events, and propose and establish plans and programs to achieve Maghreb unity at the popular and syndicate level.

Article (27)

The General Directorate for Economic Affairs shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Prepare economic studies and research in cooperation with the related bodies.
      2. Monitor the activities of economic blocs, groups, entities, and institutions, participate in the activities thereof, and submit reports thereon.
      3. Focus on economic data and statistics and the transformation plan in the Great Jamahiriya and categorise, sort, and keep such to ensure utilisation thereof.
      4. Collect data related to regional and international economic conditions and prepare studies and research thereon.
      5. Propose the formation of delegations participating in regional and international economic conferences, in coordination with the related bodies.
      6. Submit initiatives, proposals, and executive programs related to its area of competence.
      7. Monitor implementation of laws and decrees, review legislation regulating investment activity, and prepare studies and programs to monitor support, development, and regulation of investment activity in Africa.
      8. Monitor global market activity and collect information and statistics on the developments thereof to assist in preparing research and studies related to investment.
      9. Prepare plans and controls for investment in Africa.

Article (28)

The General Directorate for Directing Investment and Monitoring shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Approve plans and programs to encourage and secure Libyan investments in Africa and encourage and secure African investment in the Great Jamahiriya.
      2. Supervise and work to direct companies, bodies, and agencies concerned with foreign investment in Africa.
      3. Implement policies aimed at guiding Libyan investment in Africa.
      4. Propose the formation of general assemblies, people’s committees, and monitoring committees for companies in the sector, in line with the legislation regulating such and in accordance with the legislation in force in this regard.

Article (29)

The General Directorate for Encouraging and Securing People’s Investment shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Establish general policies and approve executive programs that ensure realisation of people’s investment goals in Africa, within the framework of the decrees of the people’s congresses.
      2. Work to coordinate with the concerned bodies to prepare the estimated budget and allocate the amounts necessary for the success of the program of people’s investment abroad.
      3. Work to propose and monitor the agreements concluded with African countries on securing investment therein and obtaining the greatest possible legal guarantees and tax exemptions.

Article (30)

The General Directorate for Foreign Trade shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Propose directing foreign trade toward Africa to promote transit trade between countries, particularly those of the Community of Sahel-Saharan States.
      2. Propose suspending dealings with any African country that adopts an adversarial position or a position that harms the interests of the Great Jamahiriya.
      3. Monitor the activities of the chambers of commerce and their general union and joint chambers and provide opinions on the resolutions and procedures issued thereby relating to economic and trade relations between the Great Jamahiriya and African countries.
      4. Monitor affairs related to exhibitions, and prepare reports thereon leading to the regulation of such activities in Libya and on the continent.
      5. Prepare draft trade agreements and monitor the implementation of approved agreements.
      6. Organise affairs related to trade representation between the Great Jamahiriya and African countries.
      7. Propose the nomination of directors of trade offices, advisers, and commercial attaches to brotherhood bureaus and people’s bureaus in Africa.
      8. Participate in the activities of local, international, and global conferences related to the directorate’s performance of its duties and prepare reports thereon on a rolling basis.
      9. Prepare for conferences related to economic and trade affairs held in the Great Jamahiriya and on the continent.

Article (31)

The General Directorate for Companies and Commercial Registrations shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Implement legislation related to the establishment of companies, branches of African companies, and commercial agencies in the Great Jamahiriya, issue the necessary decrees thereon, and monitor the registration thereof in the commercial register.
      2. Register commercial agencies from African countries and issue the necessary decrees for such in accordance with the Commercial Agencies Law.
      3. Monitor implementation of laws and regulations on companies in the sector and prepare studies related to assessing the financial, administrative, and economic performance of such companies, including analysing their budgets and monitoring the banking facilities issued thereto.
      4. Propose the formation of general assemblies, administrative boards, people’s committees, and monitoring committees for joint companies and companies in the sector, in line with the laws in effect and the bylaws thereof.
      5. Implement legislation related to the registration and protection of trademarks.
      6. Monitor the activities of joint companies between the Great Jamahiriya and any African country and the Great Jamahiriya’s agencies and institutions in Africa.

Article (32)

The General Directorate for Technical Cooperation shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Monitor cooperation between the Great Jamahiriya and African countries.
      2. Monitor the implementation of agreements, proceedings, cooperation programs, and assistance and loans, in coordination with the competent bodies in the Great Jamahiriya.
      3. Participate in the activities of joint committees.
      4. Propose the formation of delegations participating in the activities of joint councils and specialised technical bodies, in coordination with the related bodies.
      5. Submit initiatives, proposals, and executive programs related to its area of competence.

Article (33)

The General Directorate for Cultural Relations shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Monitor persons sent for study or training in Africa, prepare the necessary reports on the progress of their studies, and oversee Libyan schools in African countries.
      2. Monitor the supervisors of students in Africa and prepare reports thereon.
      3. Coordinate with the competent bodies on delegation affairs at the General People’s Committee as relates to the affairs of study and training delegations.
      4. Monitor implementation of international agreements and the possibility of utilising them in delegation and training programs in Africa, in coordination with the competent bodies.
      5. Monitor affairs related to the Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and national, regional, and international bodies related to Africa, in coordination with the competent bodies.

Article (34)

The General Directorate for Media shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Monitor brotherhood bureaus, people’s bureaus, and political and consular missions in Africa on all matters related to promoting the Third International Theory and introducing, publicising, and defending direct people’s democracy (the Authority of the People), providing the publications and information necessary for such in coordination with the related bodies.
      2. Prepare a daily brief on the most significant global events and circulate it to the directorates and offices of the concerned bodies.
      3. Prepare reports on the most significant global issues discussed in the media.
      4. Circulate official releases and press releases to political delegations accredited by the Great Jamahiriya and to brotherhood bureaus, people’s bureaus, missions, and consulates in Africa and provide them with the available newspapers, documents, data, and photographs on the Great Jamahiriya.
      5. Provide local media with news, activities, and meetings of the General People’s Committee for African Unity and the material received from brotherhood bureaus, people’s bureaus, missions, and consulates in African countries.
      6. Coordinate with the concerned political departments as relates to footage provided to African political missions accredited by the Great Jamahiriya.
      7. Coordinate with the related bodies on media use of the results of the recommendations of conferences and symposiums with the concerned bodies to provide newspapers, periodicals, publications, and documents for use in their work.
      8. Monitor content published in the African media on the Great Jamahiriya and direct offices and missions in African countries to adopt the necessary measures with regard thereto and monitor content published in the domestic media on the committee’s activities and prepare the necessary responses, in coordination with the concerned directorates.

Article (35)

The Committee Affairs Office shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Receive reports and correspondence addressed to the Committee or secretary thereof, complete the data and information thereon, and submit it to the Committee’s secretary and assistant secretaries, each according to their competencies.
      2. Prepare draft agendas for the Committee’s meetings, write the meeting minutes, record and report the decisions made therein, and monitor the implementation thereof.
      3. Organise the secretary’s meetings and communications, receive, keep and classify his mail, and provide the data and information requested thereon.
      4. Participate in the activities of the committees assigned thereto.

Article (36)

The Confidential Affairs Office shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Receive confidential correspondence and adopt the necessary measures with regard thereto.
      2. Prepare and distribute the code to brotherhood bureaus, people’s bureaus, and Libyan-Arab delegations in African countries.
      3. Supervise and maintain the code and work to provide equipment for such.
      4. Submit studies and proposals related to developments in confidential cable technologies and secure phone calls and establish executive programs related to its area of competence.

Article (37)

The Inspection and Oversight Office shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Monitor the activities of Authority employees and their performance of their duties to confirm proper workflow.
      2. Investigate workers’ violations in Libya and abroad in accordance with the legislation in force, in coordination with the General Directorate for Treaties and Legal Affairs.
      3. Monitor the laws, regulations, decrees, and instructions in force, propose the necessary amendments thereto in light of practice and application, in coordination with the competent departments.
      4. Monitor the workflow of departments, brotherhood bureaus, people’s bureaus, missions, and consulates in African countries through correspondence, reports, field visits, and the like, uncover errors and shortcomings therein, and submit recommendations and solutions to improve the work methods thereof.
      5. Perform periodic inspections of brotherhood bureaus, people’s bureaus, delegations, and political consulates in African countries, prepare reports on their activities and the difficulties faced thereby, and propose solutions to overcome them, in coordination with the competent departments.
      6. Submit initiatives, proposals, and executive programs related to its area of competence.

Article (38)

The Human Rights Office shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Address all aspects of human rights issues in light of national legislation and documents and the commitments of the Great Jamahiriya under international agreements and treaties.
      2. Prepare periodic and other reports required by international agreements and treaties and submit them to the various countries reflecting the political, civil, economic, social, and cultural rights and the status of women and children, in coordination with the concerned departments and bodies.
      3. Monitor the activities of government and non-governmental international organisations in the field of human rights and survey the effects of such activity on Africa in general and the Great Jamahiriya specifically.
      4. Observe the policy of the major powers on human rights issues.

Article (39)

The Military Affairs Office shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Monitor military cooperation in the areas of training, exchange visits, and delegations and coordinate with the related bodies on issues related to military affairs.
      2. Manage procedures for requests of African military aircraft to pass through Libyan airspace and the entrance of African military naval vessels into regional waters or Libyan maritime ports.
      3. Monitor and manage procedures for requests of Libyan military aircraft to pass through African airspace and obtain permits for Libyan naval vessels to visit African ports.

Article (40)

The Translation Office shall hold competence to perform the following:

      1. Perform oral and written translation between Arabic and other languages.
      2. Translate documents, reports, articles and other items required for the Authority’s work.
      3. Perform simultaneous translation for sector delegations, meetings, and conferences.
      4. Propose qualification of Authority workers to perform translation activities as needed.

Article (41)

The administrative divisions making up the Authority shall coordinate and cooperate among themselves to perform the competencies assigned to the General People’s Committee for African Unity.

Article (42)

The brotherhood bureaus, people’s bureaus, missions, and political consulates in Africa shall perform their functions in accordance with the legislation in force and the instructions issued thereto by the General People’s Committee for African Unity.

Article (43)

The General Directorate for Consular Affairs, the General Directorate for Protocol, and the Diplomacy Studies Institute shall continue to perform their competencies with regard to the General People’s Committee for African Unity and the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation and shall be affiliated to the two secretariats.

Article (44)

The General People’s Committee for African Unity may form standing and temporary committees to study any issues within its area of competence.

Article (45)

The internal regulations of the administrative unit of the General People’s Committee for African Unity shall be issued under a decree from the Secretary thereof, in a manner consistent with the provisions of this Decree.

Article (46)

Any provision that conflicts with those of this Decree shall be repealed. This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its issue and be published in the Official Gazette.

The General People’s Committee – Libya

Issued on: 22 Jumada al-Oula

Corresponding to: 13 August 1430 FBP

Announcement: Launch of Enhanced Legal Database Design.

We are thrilled to announce the successful launch of our new legal database design as part of DCAF's ongoing commitment to our valued users. This update introduces a range of improvements, including a streamlined, user-friendly interface and enhanced functionalities, ensuring effortless access to vital information.

We take great pride in delivering this significant enhancement, and we reaffirm our dedication to providing you with the utmost service excellence. We extend our sincere gratitude for your continued trust and support.