Latest laws


Part III: Executive Authorities: Control of the Security Sector

Decree No. (474) of 2013 on assigning the Ministry of Finance to inventory the assets of institutions under the name of the Authority of the People system


Decree No. (474) of 2013 AD

on assigning the Ministry of Finance to inventory the assets of

institutions under the name of the Authority of the People system

The Cabinet,

Upon review of:

  • The Constitutional Declaration and amendments thereto;
  • The Law of the Financial System of the State, and the budget, accounts, and stores regulations and amendments thereto;
  • Law No. (12) of 2010 AD on issuing the Labour Relations Law and the implementing regulations thereof;
  • National Transitional Council Decree No. (12) of 2011 AD on abolishing the system under the name of the Authority of the People and the institutions thereof;
  • General National Congress Decree No. (10) of 2012 AD on granting confidence in the interim government;
  • Cabinet Decree No. (345) of 2013 AD on authorising the prime minister to perform his competencies;

has decreed:

Article (1)

The Ministry of Finance shall be tasked to inventory the assets of the institutions affiliated to what was formerly named the Authority of the People system contained in National Transitional Council Decree No. (12) of 2011 AD, audit these institutions, and adopt the necessary measures to settle their existing obligations. In performing such duty, the Ministry of Finance may seek the assistance of anyone it deems necessary.

Article (2)

This Decree shall enter into force on its date of issue and shall be implemented by the concerned bodies. Any provision contrary to those herein shall be repealed. This Decree shall be published in the Official Gazette.

The Cabinet – Libya

Issued on 18 Shawwal 1434 AH

Corresponding to: 25 August 2013 AD

Text Type:Decree
Text number:474
Text date:2013-08-25

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