Latest laws


Part III: Executive Authorities: Control of the Security Sector

Decree No. (571) of 1993 on adding a provision to the executive regulation of Law No. (3) of 1999 on People’s Committees

The General People’s Committee

Decree No. (571) of 1423 FBP on Adding a Provision to 

The Implementing Regulations of Law No. (3) of 1423 FBP

on People’s Committees


The General People’s Committee,
Upon review of:

  • Law No. (3) of 1423 FBP on People’s Committees; and
  • The General People’s Committee Decree No. (190) of 1423 FBP on Issuing

the Implementing Regulations of Law No. (3) of 1423 FBP on People’s Committees;


has decreed the following:


Article (1)

A new paragraph shall be added to Article (44) of the Implementing Regulation of the People’s Committees Law referenced above, which shall read as follows: 

“The General People’s Committee may specify regions where Specialized General People’s Committees may perform the functions assigned thereto with the aim pf coordinating work between the People’s Committee of Basic People’s Congresses and provide the citizen with better access to service.”


Article (2)

This Decree shall enter into force as of the date of its issuance and shall be published in the official gazette.


The General People’s Committee

Issued on: 4 Jumada Al Oula 1404 FDP

Corresponding to: 10 October 1423 FBP

Text Type:Decree
Text number:571
Text date:1993-12-12
Institution:General People's Committee

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