Latest laws


Part III: Executive Authorities: Control of the Security Sector

Decree No. (74) of 2012 on adopting the organisation structure and organisation of the administrative body of the Office of the Prime Minister

Cabinet Decree

No. (74) of 2012

on adopting the organisation structure and organisation of the administrative body

of the Office of the Prime Minister

The Cabinet

Upon review of:

  • The Constitutional Declaration;
  • The statement announcing the establishment of the Interim National Transitional Council;
  • The rule of procedure of the National Transitional Council;
  • The Law of the Financial System of the State and budget, accounts, and warehouse regulation, and the amendment thereof;
  • Law No. (12) of 2010 issuing the labour relations law, and its executive regulation;
  • National Transitional Council Resolution No. (174) of 2011 on determining the structure of the government;
  • National Transitional Council Resolution No. (178) of 2011 on approving bodies subordinate to the government;
  • National Transitional Council Resolution No. (184) of 2011 on adopting the transitional government;
  • Cabinet Decree No. (1) of 2012 on determining the competencies of undersecretaries and their assistants;
  • The Cabinet’s decisions in its fourth ordinary session of 2012;

has decreed:

Article (1)

The organisational structure shall be adopted and the administrative body of the Cabinet Office shall be organised in accordance with the provisions of this decree. The Cabinet shall exercise the powers prescribed for it in the legislation in force.

Article (2)

The organisational structure of the Office of the Prime Minister shall be composed as follows:

First: The Prime Minister and his deputies

  1. Prime Minister
  2. First Deputy Prime Minister
  3. Second Deputy Prime Minister
  4. Third Deputy Prime Minister

Second: Undersecretaries

  1. Undersecretary for Project and Service Affairs
  2. Undersecretary for Political Affairs
  3. Undersecretary for Security Affairs
  4. Undersecretary for Economic and Financial Affairs
  5. Undersecretary for Community Affairs

Third: Departments and Offices

  1. Department of Legal Affairs and Complaints
  2. Department of Follow-Up
  3. Department of Administrative and Financial Affairs
  4. Department of Communication and Public Relations
  5. Department of Services
  6. Secretariat of the Cabinet
  7. Office of Advisors
  8. Crisis Management Centre
  9. Office for the Development of the National Information and Documentation System

10. Office of Electronic Government

11. Office of Local Councils

12. Office of Health Care and Education

13. Office of Projects and Programs

14. Office of Service Affairs

15. Office of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

16. Office of Security Affairs

17. Office of Military Affairs

18. Office of Economic Affairs

19. Office of Energy and Production

20. Office of Investment and Financial Resources

21. Office of the Wounded and the Families of Martyrs and Missing Persons

22. Office of National Reconciliation

23. Office of Culture and Civil Society

24. Office of Youth Affairs

25. Office of Elections

26. Office of Internal Audit

27. Media Office

28. Office of the Prime Minister

29. Office of the First Deputy Prime Minister

30. Office of the Second Deputy Prime Minister

31. Office of the Third Deputy Prime Minister

32. Offices of Undersecretaries

Fourth: The following bodies shall report to the Cabinet

  1. The Libyan Investment Authority
  2. Real Estate Registration and State Lands Department
  3. General Information Authority
  4. General Authority for Water Resources
  5. Department of Antiquities
  6. Atomic Energy Establishment
  7. Authority for Care of Wounded Affairs
  8. Warriors Affairs Commission
  9. The Libyan Humanitarian Relief Agency

10. General Authority for the Environment

11. General Authority for Tourism and Traditional Industries

12. The Challenge of Construction, Trade and Investment Unit

13. Centre for Information and Documentation

The Cabinet may form one or more offices according to the case in certain areas by virtue of decrees by the Prime Minister.

Article (3)

First: The Prime Minister and His Deputies

The competencies of the Prime Minister are as follows:

  1. Summon the Cabinet to convene and sign his decisions.
  2. Issue decisions pertaining to professional affairs, such as appointment, transfer, delegation, and secondment of employees of the Cabinet Office.
  3. Issue decisions naming the directors of organisational divisions and advisors in the Cabinet Office.
  4. Issue decisions pertaining to disbursement of petty cash in the Cabinet Office.
  5. Issue decisions on sending delegations concerning the official work functions of the employees of the Cabinet Office or delegations headed by him, his deputies, or ministers, regardless of the duration, in accordance with the legislation relating to delegations.
  6. Review resignation requests submitted by his deputies or minister, and take the necessary measures to refer the same to the National Transitional Council to decide thereon.
  7. Issue decisions of referral to voluntary retirement and resignation of employees to the Cabinet Office and the bodies subordinate to the Cabinet.
  8. Approve the disbursement of bonuses to employees of the Cabinet Office.
  9. Issue decrees and instructions required by the nature of the government’s work.

10. Chair meetings of a strategic nature.

11. Coordinate and consult with the President of the National Transitional Council and its members on issues that require such.

12. Present matters to the Cabinet over which it is competent.

13. Sign contracts, agreements, and the meeting minutes of joint high commissions with other countries.

14. The competencies assigned thereto under the legislation in force.

The competencies of the First Deputy Prime Minister shall be as follows:

  1. Substitute for the Prime Minister in the exercise of his competencies when he is absent or faces an impediment.
  2. Chair committees as assigned by the Prime Minister.
  3. Oversee organisational divisions that report directly to the Cabinet Office.
  4. Monitor ministers and bodies subordinate thereto in the performance of their functions, and the execution of decrees, instructions, and publications of the Cabinet.
  5. Issue executive measures approved by the Cabinet in its meetings, except for those pertaining to decisions and measures that the Prime Minister is competent to issue.
  6. Issue decisions on issues presented to him over which the Cabinet or Prime Minister is not competent.
  7. Study matters that he is assigned by the Cabinet or Prime Minister.
  8. Present urgent and important matters to the Prime Minister for discussion in Cabinet meetings.
  9. Form technical committees to study certain matters.

10. Communicate with the members of the National Transitional Council to study certain matters that fall within his competencies.

11. Exercise the competencies that are assigned to him by the legislation in force.

The competencies of the Second Deputy Prime Minister shall be as follows:

  1. Substitute for the First Deputy Prime Minister when he is absent or faces an impediment.
  2. Oversee organisational divisions that are subordinate to him in the Cabinet Office, and propose necessary measures in their regard.
  3. Decide on matters that he is assigned by the Cabinet or Prime Minister.
  4. Oversee the preparation of the competencies of ministries, organisational structures, and internal regulations, and discuss the same in any relevant proposals.
  5. Coordinate with the First Deputy Prime Minister in studying and preparing certain matters.
  6. Task committees to perform certain functions that do not fall within the competencies of the Prime Minister or First Deputy Prime Minister.
  7. Monitor and supervise the performance of ministries and other bodies in matters that he is assigned.
  8. Study and propose matters that he deems necessary to present to the Cabinet.
  9. Discuss with ministries issues of a technical nature that require particular measures to study them.

10. Matters assigned to him by the legislation in force.

The competencies of the Third Deputy Prime Minister shall be as follows:

  1. Substitute for the Second Deputy Prime Minister when he is absent or faces an impediment.
  2. Oversee the national number program, programs annexed thereto, and programs pertaining to information technology.
  3. Oversee organisational divisions subordinate to him in the Cabinet Office and propose the necessary measures in their regard.
  4. Work to establish e-government programs in coordination with the relevant bodies.
  5. Monitor the performance of ministries and competent bodies in the fields of communications, information, and information technology.
  6. Work to develop the national system of information and documentation, and propose the necessary measures to develop the administrative structures thereof.
  7. Oversee the digitisation of the archive of the Cabinet Office.
  8. Chair committees that he is assigned by the Cabinet in the field of e-government and others.
  9. Propose measures and the necessary guidelines to authenticate electronic data and information and make use thereof.

10. Matters assigned to him by the legislation in force.

Article (4)

Second: Undersecretaries

The Undersecretary for Project and Service Affairs shall have the following competencies:

  1. Monitor the performance of the bodies competent to implement development projects and other projects funded by the general budget that are contracted for implementation.
  2. Discuss matters pertaining to the execution of strategic projects presented to the Cabinet for a decision thereon.
  3. Monitor the implementation of Cabinet decrees pertaining to development projects.
  4. Monitor bodies such as utilities, health, education, higher education, scientific research, local government and others, and the extent of their commitment to providing services and implement the relevant legislation.
  5. Oversee the performance of organisational divisions in the field of projects and services in the Cabinet Office.
  6. Present the necessary proposals to the Second Deputy Prime Minister.
  7. Competencies assigned to him in accordance with the legislation in force.

He shall exercise his competencies through the following offices:

  1. Office of Local Councils
  2. Office of Heath Care and Education
  3. Office of Projects and Programs
  4. Office of Service Affairs

Article (5)

The Undersecretary for Political Affairs shall have the following competencies:

  1. Monitor the performance of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in the implementation of plans and programs pertaining to the Ministry, and prepare the necessary reports in this regard.
  2. Study matters of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation that are presented to him for the Cabinet to decide thereon in accordance with the principles and guidelines prescribed therefor.
  3. Review procedures pertaining to work delegations abroad that are referred to him by the Prime Minister.
  4. Discuss proposals submitted with regards to legislation relating to political and consular work and the work of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
  5. Prepare a database of foreign entities working in Libya, such as organisations and offices.
  6. Oversee the performance of organisational divisions of the Cabinet Office that are subordinate to him.
  7. Competencies assigned to him by the legislation in force.

He shall exercise his competencies through the following:

  1. Office of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
  2. Crisis Management Centre
  3. Office of Communication and Public Relations

Article (6)

The Undersecretary for Security Affairs shall have the following competencies:

  1. Monitor the performance of the Ministries of Defence and Interior in order to build the military and security institutions so as to provide security and examine the necessary requirements therefor.
  2. Discuss matters pertaining to security and defence that are necessary to present to the Cabinet.
  3. Propose the principles and necessary guidelines for security and defence, in coordination with the competent ministries, and present the same to the First Deputy Prime Minister.
  4. Oversee the performance of the organisational divisions in the Cabinet Office in the field of security and military affairs.
  5. Competencies assigned to him by the legislation in force.

He shall exercise his functions through the following offices:

  1. Office of Security Affairs
  2. Office of Military Affairs

Article (7)

The Undersecretary for Economic and Financial Affairs shall have the following affairs:

  1. Monitor the performance of ministries and bodies competent in economic and financial affairs in order to take the necessary measures for a positive effect on the livelihood of citizens.
  2. Establish a database of economic and industrial activities and take an interest in the industrial map.
  3. Verify through the Ministry of Economy and the relevant bodies that essential goods and food products are available.
  4. Commit to monitoring what is issued by the Cabinet pertaining to coordination with the Central Bank of Libya and financial institutions to exert the necessary efforts with international institutions in order to lift the freeze on Libyan assets abroad.
  5. Work to coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and the relevant bodies to prepare the necessary proposals pertaining to submitting the draft general budget of the State in accordance with the financial system and relevant legislation.
  6. Oversee the performance of organisational divisions that work under his supervision in the Cabinet Office.
  7. Propose principles and necessary guidelines in coordination with the Ministry of Economy to activate the economic cycle.
  8. Competencies entrusted to him under the legislation in force.

He shall exercise his competencies through the following offices:

  1. Office of Economic Affairs
  2. Office of Energy and Production
  3. Office of Investment and Financial Resources

Article (8)

The Undersecretary of Community Affairs shall have the following competencies:

  1. Monitor the performance of competent ministries in identifying missing persons and notifying their families, and statistics related to their numbers, in order to find out their conditions and needs.
  2. Work to monitor the competent bodies to provide material capabilities for the families of martyrs, the wounded, and missing persons, according to the legislation in force and the decisions of the ministers in this regard.
  3. Monitor the performance of the bodies competent in social affairs, retirement solidarity, and propose what in necessary in their regard.
  4. Coordinate with the relevant bodies to prepare draft laws regulating civil society institutions.
  5. Verify that government and private units are committed to spreading a culture of tolerance and invitation to dialogue within the framework of the national interests by holding conferences, seminars, etc.
  6. Monitor the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs in verifying the role of mosques, schools, universities, cultural and media centres, and civil society institutions in spreading a culture based on promoting the national interest.
  7. Coordinate with the Ministry of Justice in measures and arrangements that ensure transitional justice and amnesty for crimes committed by the members of the former regime who did not take part in torture, rape, and theft of public funds.
  8. Prepare the necessary reports on the performance of the bodies competent over elections and establish a database therefor.
  9. Monitor bodies interested in caring for youth and sports.

10. Supervise the performance of organisational divisions in the field of social affairs that are subject to the Cabinet Office.

11. Competencies that are assigned thereto under the legislation in force.

He shall exercise his competences through the following office:

  1. Office of the Wounded and the Families of Martyrs and Missing Persons
  2. Office of National Reconciliation
  3. Office of Culture and Civil Society
  4. Office of Youth Affairs
  5. Office of Elections

Article (9)

Third: Departments and Offices:

The Department of Legal Affairs and Complaints shall have the following competencies:

  1. Prepare and review draft legislation and decrees issued by the Cabinet, the Prime Minister, or the Deputy Prime Ministers.
  2. Prepare and review draft laws in coordination with bodies that are responsible for referring the same and the competent bodies.
  3. Prepare and review templates and draft contracts that are required by the work of the Cabinet Office, in coordination with the competent bodies.
  4. Implement the decree indexing system for which the Cabinet, the Prime Minister, and the Deputy Prime Ministers are competent to issue or approve the same using modern methods that guarantee ease of referral thereto when necessary.
  5. Present draft decisions, assignments, and measures approved by the Cabinet in the minutes of its meetings in order to issue the same and refer them to the competent bodies.
  6. Organise records for recording and stamping decrees issued by the Cabinet and the Prime Minister, and what is issued by the Deputy Minister.
  7. Express opinions and provide legal counsel on the issues and matters with which it is entrusted.
  8. Draft memoranda that the Prime Minister gives instructions to present to the Cabinet.
  9. Prepare correspondence of a legal character or that is issued pursuant to an opinion or legal counsel.

10. Express a legal opinion on cases to which the Cabinet or Prime Minister is a party, in coordination with the relevant bodies.

11. Participate in the activities of fact-finding committees, investigation committees, and disciplinary councils.

12. Oversee the legal office and regulate its affairs, including supplying, lending, and providing books and references.

13. Receive, organise, archive, and update the Official Gazette and legal encyclopaedias.

14. Receive, classify, and record incoming legal correspondence and memoranda.

15. Stamp, digitise, classify, tabulate, and circulate decisions issued and take the necessary measures in their regard.

16. Study complaints and grievances and submit the same to the Cabinet, and decide thereon.

17. Propose the necessary guidelines to develop the work system of the Department of Legal Affairs and Complaints, and include the necessary digitation thereof.

18. Prepare periodic reports about the work of the Department.

Article (10)

The Department of Follow-Up shall have the following competencies:

  1. Follow up on the decrees and instructions issued by the Cabinet, Prime Minister, or Deputy Prime Ministers, and submitted reports on the implementation thereof.
  2. Follow up on the preparation of responses to the Audit Office on matters relating to the work of the Department.
  3. Document documents, papers and technical reports in a manner that facilitates referral thereto.
  4. Compile the reports received by the Cabinet from ministries and bodies subordinate thereto, study the same, prepare a summary thereof, and propose the necessary measures in their regard.
  5. Follow up on the performance of the organisational divisions of the Cabinet Office.
  6. Propose the necessary principles and guidelines for the work of the Department and similar divisions in the ministries, and present the same for approval.
  7. Follow up on the preparation of the Cabinet’s annual report.
  8. Prepare periodic reports on the work of the Department.

Article (11)

The Department of Administrative and Financial Affairs shall have the following competencies:

  1. Tally and determine the needs of the Cabinet Office in terms of employees, according to their specialisations, and take the necessary measures in their regard.
  2. Prepare appointment, promotion, transfer, delegation, and secondment procedures, and other professional matters relating to employees of the Cabinet Office, in coordination with the relevant bodies.
  3. Archive the personal files of employees of the Cabinet Office, and prepare and archive the record of the professional staff, the seniority list, punch cards, and personal cards, and update the same in conformity with the situation on a regular basis.
  4. Propose performance levels for employees of the Cabinet, in coordination with the relevant bodies.
  5. Propose qualification and capacity-boosting programs for employees, and follow up on their adoption and implementation.
  6. Prepare for meetings of the Employee Affairs Committee and the Disciplinary Council, and follow up on the execution of the decisions issued thereby.
  7. Organise and oversee the comings and goings of employees, prepare and monitor the daily shift schedule, and take the necessary measures in this regard.
  8. Participate in drafting training plans for employees on using computers and modern technology, and prepare the necessary training courses that will enable them to make use of modern computer applications and the related technology.
  9. Monitor procedures for employees who have passed the age for active service.

10. Follow up on and prepare responses for the Audit Office on issues pertaining to administrative and financial affairs.

11. Prepare the Cabinet Office’s budget estimates and implement its items after they are adopted, prepare the final account, and maintain the necessary records therefor.

12. Prepare pay slips and other dues for employees of the Cabinet, in cooperation with the competent divisions.

13. Oversee the main and branch warehouses, their documentary cycle, and supply thereto and disbursement therefrom, and verify that punch cards and warehouse records are maintained.

14. Conduct the book and actual inventory of warehouses.

15. Disburse permanent and temporary petty cash and verify that it is used for the purposes for which it was disbursed, and follow up on and settle the same on the appointed deadlines.

16. Disburse the travel and lodging allowance to delegates on official missions domestically and abroad.

17. Monitor the accounts of the Cabinet Office in banks, and conduct reconciliations on the basis of account statements and financial records, and prepare the necessary settlement memoranda whenever necessary.

18. Receive incoming correspondence and memoranda, classify the correspondence and memoranda issued by the Cabinet or the Prime Minister, and enter the same in the relevant record.

19. Propose the best methods to develop the archive system through use of modern digitisation (electronic system) and advanced means of archiving and retrieval, and develop the work thereof.

20. Refer incoming correspondence and memoranda to the body entrusted with the procedure after recording, documenting, and archiving the same in the dedicated system.

21. Archive documents in the established files according to the prescribed classification.

22. Sort outgoing messages and distribute them to the competent bodies.

23. Perform copying, photographing, and translation services.

24. Prepare periodic reports on the work of the Department.

Article (12)

The Department of Communication and Public Relations shall have the following competencies:

  1. Undertake the communication and public relations duties of the Cabinet, and coordinate with the competent bodies on issues pertaining to public relations.
  2. Set the necessary guidelines and principles to conduct communications and public relations, and present the same to the Prime Minister for adoption.
  3. Study matters pertaining to public relations and propose the necessary measures in their regard.
  4. Discuss with offices working in public relations on issues that require discussion.
  5. Propose matters pertaining to public relations and follow up on the execution of what is decided in their regard.
  6. Submit periodic reports on the activity of the Department.

Article (13)

The Department of Services shall have the following competencies:

  1. Organise the circulation of vehicles, dispense fuel, oversee their use, maintain them, and provide their supplies.
  2. Perform administrative services and relations in accordance with the provisions of the law.
  3. Take the necessary measures to receive guests, organise interviews, secure transport and accommodation for them, and see them off, in coordination with other divisions of the Cabinet Office.
  4. Reserve the necessary travel tickets in accordance with the legislation in force.
  5. Prepare periodic reports on the work of the Department.

Article (14)

The Secretariat of the Cabinet shall have the following competencies:

  1. Prepare for meetings scheduled by the Cabinet and follow up on its decisions in their regard.
  2. Receive memoranda and documents pertaining to subjects on the agenda of meetings and present the same to the Cabinet.
  3. Record the minutes of meetings of the Cabinet and expanded and specialised committees, and archive and document the same in a manner that facilitates referral thereto.
  4. Propose programs to ensure the organisation of Cabinet meetings.
  5. Address bodies with regards to providing information and reports that are necessary to present to the Cabinet.
  6. Prepare for face-to-face meetings with the National Transitional Council (NTC).
  7. Compile all information and periodic reports required by the president and members of the NTC.
  8. Prepare periodic reports on the results of the NTC’s business and activities, and indicate the necessary measures in their regard.
  9. Circulate the meeting minutes, refer the assignments and measures adopted by the NTC, and work to follow up on their execution.

10. Archive and document the meeting minutes in a manner that facilitates referral thereto.

11. Prepare responses for the Audit Office on issues pertaining to the duties of the Secretariat.

12. Prepare periodic reports on its work.

Article (15)

The Office of Advisors shall have the following competencies:

  1. Provide the necessary consultations on various fields when requested by the Prime Minister.
  2. Study and review matters that are referred thereto in preparation for them to be presented to the Cabinet, or matters that the Cabinet decides to refer thereto for study and to provide an opinion thereon.
  3. Participate in the activities of committees of a technical nature that are formed by the Cabinet or Prime Minister.
  4. Functions that are assigned thereto by the Prime Minister.

Article (16)

The Crisis Management Centre shall have the following competencies:

  1. Prepare hypotheses and plans on potential and predicted crises and disasters.
  2. Propose integrated plans to handle various eventualities and all the necessary measures therefor.
  3. Prepare programs to increase the State’s capacities to handle crises, disasters, and emergencies.
  4. Prepare programs to train specialised human resources and improve their professional efficiency.
  5. Determine primary response procedures for disasters and crises.
  6. Determine the necessary specialised efforts to handle, control, and reduce losses, and form the necessary work teams to confront the same, and ensure field coordination between them.
  7. Coordinate with the heads of institutions and ministries in crisis and emergency situations to take the necessary measures to handle such situations.
  8. Propose the declaration of the end of a state of crisis.
  9. Evaluate crises and their repercussions, and the measures and efforts exerted during the same, and derive lessons therefrom.

10. Prepare periodic reports on the Centre’s work.

Article (17)

The Office for the Development of the National Information and Documentation System shall have the following competencies:

  1. Work to propose the necessary plans and programs to develop the national information and documentation system.
  2. Propose the necessary guidelines for digitisation of the national information and documentation system.
  3. Propose the establishment of an integrated database for the national information and documentation system.
  4. Propose the necessary mechanism for the work of national information and documentation system structures.
  5. Prepare periodic reports on the work of the Office.

Article (18)

The Office of Electronic Government shall have the following competencies:

  1. Oversee the Cabinet’s website, and post decrees and instructions issued by the Cabinet, the Prime Minister, and the Deputy Prime Ministers on the site.
  2. Monitor the news published on the internet about the Cabinet and refer the same to the competent body to respond.
  3. Submit periodic reports about what is published on the Cabinet’s website.
  4. Undertake translations of transactions pertaining to the Cabinet’s work.
  5. Oversee the English version of the Cabinet website.
  6. Work to connect the internet to all the organisational divisions of the Cabinet Office.
  7. Provide equipment for electronic systems, in coordination with the Administrative and Financial Affairs Department.
  8. Provide a technical opinion for the Procurement Committee when purchasing electronic devices.
  9. Perform the necessary maintenance on electronic devices in the Cabinet Office.

10. Prepare electronic systems for all organisational divisions of the Cabinet.

11. Propose the necessary principles and guidelines required for e-government to be implemented in all government units.

12. Prepare periodic reports on the Office’s work.

Article (19)

The Office of Local Councils shall have the following competencies:

  1. Study proposed draft laws, regulations, policies, and plans pertaining to local government, in coordination with the Ministry of Local Government and the competent bodies.
  2. Analyse and study requests and reports submitted by bodies competent in local affairs, and provide the necessary opinion in their regard.
  3. Attend meetings pertaining to local government matters, prepare minutes, and follow up on the executive measures thereof.
  4. Follow up on the measures that are taken with regard to complaints and grievances on issues submitted against local government components.
  5. Study and follow up on matters relating to preparation to form the administrative structure.
  6. Study matters pertaining to local government affairs and provide proposals and recommendations thereon in preparation for their presentation.
  7. Prepare periodic reports on the work of the Office.

Article (20)

The Office of Health Care and Education shall have the following competencies:

  1. Monitor the performance of the ministries competent to provide health care and education services.
  2. Study matters referred thereto on issues pertaining to health services and education.
  3. Propose the necessary principles and guidelines, in coordination with the ministries competent in the field of health and social services.
  4. Prepare periodic reports on the work of the Office.

Article (21)

The Office of Projects and Programs shall have the following competencies:

  1. Tally projects and programs, and establish a database therefor with regards to the number and success rate thereof, etc.
  2. Monitor the performance of the bodies entrusted to implement the projects.
  3. Participate in the activities of committees involved in tallying or studying projects.
  4. Discuss with companies that propose to implement projects that the Cabinet is competent to approve.
  5. Prepare periodic reports on the work of the Office.

Article (22)

The Office of Service Affairs shall have the following competencies:

  1. Monitor the performance of ministries competent to provide services, such as health, education, electricity, and others.
  2. Study matters pertaining to services that are referred to the Cabinet Office.
  3. Propose the necessary principles and guidelines that ensure provision of quality services to citizens, in coordination with the competent ministries.
  4. Document technical exhibits, documents, and reports pertaining to the Office’s work in a manner that facilitates referral thereto.
  5. Prepare periodic reports on the work of the Office.

Article (23)

The Office of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation shall have the following competencies:

  1. Monitor foreign matters and issues pertaining to the work of the National Transitional Council while it is performing its functions and those that are relevant to the work of the Cabinet.
  2. Compile the matters and issues handled by the National Transitional Council in the field of foreign policy in order for the competent ministries to follow up on execution of the same.
  3. Monitor the implementation of political matters that the government presents to the National Transitional Council for adoption and to take the necessary measures.
  4. Propose the necessary guidelines to provide an appropriate political climate both inside the country and abroad, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
  5. Follow up on the measures that concerning complaints and grievances regarding political issues submitted by citizens.
  6. Provide summaries on important matters handled by international organisations in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
  7. Compile international agreements, meeting minutes, and memoranda of understanding, in coordination with the competent bodies.
  8. Coordinate on determining appointment for interviews between the Prime Minister and the heads of foreign delegations accredited to Libya.
  9. Provide reports on the progress of international cooperation with international organisations, agencies, and bodies.

10. Follow up on and prepare summaries on meetings held in the context of the African Union and African assemblies in support of its progress.

11. Follow up on cooperation and prepare reports about what is issued by the League of Arab States and the organisations, bodies, and councils affiliated therewith.

12. Follow up on the submission of reports about the progress of the Arab Maghreb Union, the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), and other international assemblies.

13. Coordinate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation to prepare for meetings of high and joint commissions with sister nations and friendly nations among the African Union and Arab countries.

14. Express an opinion about technical matters presented in the fields of international cooperation.

15. Follow up on and prepare summaries of meetings held in the context of bilateral and regional cooperation.

16. Submit reports about the progress of bilateral and regional cooperation with sister nations, friendly nations, and neighbours.

17. Prepare periodic reports about the work of the Office.

Article (24)

The Office of Security Affairs shall have the following competencies:

  1. Prepare a summary of the daily and weekly security situation in Libya in order to present the same to the Cabinet.
  2. Monitor the performance of the Ministry of Interior.
  3. Prepare the necessary reports pertaining to security affairs.
  4. Propose the necessary measures to deal with obstacles faced by the Ministry of the Interior.
  5. Study security matters with which it is entrusted.
  6. Prepare periodic reports on the work of the Office.

Article (25)

The Office of Military Affairs shall have the following competencies:

  1. Prepare a summary of the military situation periodically in order to present the same to the Prime Minister.
  2. Monitor the performance of the Ministry of Defence.
  3. Prepare the necessary reports pertaining to military affairs.
  4. Propose the necessary measures to handle obstacles faced by the Ministry of Defence.
  5. Study military matters with which it is entrusted.
  6. Prepare periodic reports on the work of the Office.

Article (26)

The Office of Economic Affairs shall have the following competencies:

  1. Monitor and follow up on economic developments and extract the indicators related thereto, including financial markets and various local economic activities, in coordination with the competent bodies.
  2. Review economic feasibility studies to strategic economic plans, programs, and projects, and submit proposals for dealing with the deficiencies, in coordination with the competent officials in the Ministry of Economy.
  3. Monitor local, regional, and international economic activities and forums in coordination with the competent bodies, and prepare periodic reports thereon, accompanied with the necessary proposals in their regard, and coordinate with the relevant bodies on benefitting from the expertise and services of international and regional organisations, particularly those of which Libya is a member or contributes thereto.
  4. Contribute to conducting studies and research on the economic climate and specify means to develop the same in a manner consistent with international and economic developments, and classify, tabulate, and make use thereof in conducting economic studies and research in cooperation with the relevant bodies.
  5. Contribute to studying, coordinating, and evaluating macroeconomic strategies and policies with the relevant bodies.
  6. Prepare the necessary reports about decrees issued by the Cabinet in the commercial, financial, monetary, and economic fields in general.
  7. Discuss and evaluate proposals and studies on problems and difficulties faced by public agencies and companies, and other means of implementation; provide data and information about the same; follow up on the implementation of decrees issued by the Cabinet in their regard; and prepare proposals to overcome obstacles that prevent them from performing their functions more completely.
  8. Prepare periodic reports about the work of the Office.

Article (27)

The Office of Energy and Production shall have the following competencies:

  1. Follow up on the progress of petroleum, electricity, and gas projects, and propose the necessary means to overcome the obstacles they face, in coordination with the relevant bodies, and prepare the necessary reports for such projects.
  2. Study the subjects and memoranda presented to the Cabinet in the field of energy.
  3. Follow up on projects to increase productive capacities for energy, study the same with the relevant bodies, and follow up on the execution thereof after they are approved.
  4. Pay attention to studies and research pertaining to energy, make use thereof, and encourage the same to be conducted so as to ensure contributions to the transmission of technology.
  5. Contribute to preparing studies on alternative and renewal energy, in cooperation with the relevant bodies.
  6. Study and follow up on technical cooperation agreements in the energy field that are concluded between Libya and other countries and relevant international and regional organisations.
  7. Contribute to preparing plans to promote energy resource development programs of all types.
  8. Collect and analyse data and information on energy, and submit periodic reports thereon.
  9. Propose the necessary principles and guidelines for private-sector investments in energy, especially in transportation and services.

10. Follow up on the implementation of the necessary plans and programs to develop and train national elements in order to improve the administrative and technical performance level in the energy field.

11. Verify the Ministry of Oil and Gas’s performance in monitoring and inspection of production measurement processes for oil, gas, transport, storage, and export of other petroleum products.

12. Work to ensure continuity of electric power production and work progress at transformation stations, transport and distribution lines, and desalinization plants, and take all measures to monitor the same in accordance with the global systems and techniques in use in this field.

13. Monitor and follow up on global developments in production.

14. Prepare proposals for plans and programs for conversion to production, in coordination with the relevant bodies.

15. Monitor all data and statistics pertaining to programs to shift to production.

16. Study memoranda and reports on production affairs that are referred to the Cabinet, submit proposals, and prepare the necessary measures in their regard.

17. Monitor and study production projects that are referred to the Cabinet, submit proposals, and prepare the necessary measures in their regard.

18. Follow up on and prepare responses to the Audit Office on its issues pertaining to its work.

19. Prepare reports on production projects with the relevant bodies and the difficulties that they face, and propose approaches to handle the same.

20. Prepare periodic reports on the work of the Office.

Article (28)

The Office of Investment and Financial Resources shall have the following competences:

  1. Study financial memoranda and reports referred to the Cabinet, submit proposals, and prepare the necessary measures in their regard.
  2. Follow up on affairs pertaining to cash and credit, analyse data and information about the same, extract indicators pertaining thereto, evaluate the effects thereof, and submit the necessary proposals in their regard.
  3. Study the necessary proposals for best use of financial resources, in coordination with the relevant bodies.
  4. Evaluate the performance of Libyan financial institutions domestically and abroad.
  5. Compile and study the necessary reports on the activity of investment institutions, and propose the necessary measures in their regard.
  6. Prepare periodic reports on the work of the Office.

Article (29)

Office of the Wounded and the Families of Martyrs and Missing Persons shall have the following competencies:

  1. Monitor the bodies that are competent to tally martyrs, wounded, and missing persons, and the commitment of the competent bodies to maintaining and archiving files thereon.
  2. Monitor the settlement of the professional, financial, and social security affairs on martyrs working in public service, in coordination with their employers.
  3. Monitor the provision of health care, social care, and education to the families of martyrs and missing persons, in coordination with the relevant bodies.
  4. Study proposals submitted on the delegation of wounded and their children and the children of martyrs and missing persons to study and train abroad, in coordination with the relevant bodies, according to the principles and guidelines prescribed therefor.
  5. Coordinate with the relevant bodies to provide work for the families or martyrs and missing persons.
  6. Prepare periodic reports on the work of the Office.

Article (30)

The Office of National Reconciliation shall have the following competencies:

  1. Propose the necessary plans and programs to activate national reconciliation.
  2. Participate in studying draft laws and regulations pertaining to national reconciliation.
  3. Contribute to organising conferences, seminars, and discussion circles on promoting the concept of tolerance and national reconciliation.
  4. Monitor the performance of bodies entrusted with national reconciliation.
  5. Prepare periodic reports on the work of the Office.

Article (31)

The Office of Culture and Civil Society shall have the following competencies:

  1. Monitor the performance of ministries and bodies competent in social affairs, culture, and civil society, and submit the necessary proposals in their regard.
  2. Study matters pertaining to culture and civil society.
  3. Participate in the activities of committees concerned with culture and civil society, and study matters submitted to it by the Prime Minister, his deputies, and the Undersecretary for Community Affairs.
  4. Propose policies and guidelines on the performance of culture and civil society affairs, in coordination with the relevant bodies.
  5. Present the necessary reports on the work of competent ministries on culture and civil society affairs.
  6. Prepare periodic reports on the work of the Office.

Article (32)

The Office of Youth Affairs shall have the following competencies:

  1. Receive, study, and analyse complaints about youth.
  2. Prepare necessary proposals that include realisation of the aspirations of young people.
  3. Monitor the performance of bodies concerned with youth and sports.
  4. Prepare databases on youth and sports facilities and human capabilities and resources therein.
  5. Prepare periodic reports on the work of the Office.

Article (33)

The Office of Elections shall have the following competencies:

  1. Analyse and study requests and reports submitted to the bodies competent to establish electoral districts, and provide the necessary opinion in their regard.
  2. Study and monitor matters concerning political parties, and complaints and grievance submitted in their regard.
  3. Conduct the necessary communications with the High National Elections Commission and the bodies competent to register political parties on issues related to elections and registration of political parties.
  4. Compile the necessary data and prepare reports upon execution of the election program.
  5. Prepare periodic reports on the work of the Office.

Article (34)

The Office of Internal Audit shall have the following competencies:

  1. Audit financial transactions of the Cabinet Office and verify their settlement from supporting documents.
  2. Verify the accuracy and integrity of bank accounts and entries in various financial records.
  3. Monitor that the Cabinet Office’s accounting records and books meet all legal requirements in force.
  4. Verify the application of the financial legislation in force.
  5. Study contracts and agreements concluded with third parties in order to check their financial conditions and compliance with legislation.
  6. Audit bank settlements and petty cash, and settle the same.
  7. Conduct annual, periodic, and spot inventory of financial safes and warehouses.
  8. Verify the sound maintenance of monetary liquidity and important financial documents of the Cabinet Office.
  9. Monitor departments and offices competent to correct financial irregularities observed by the Audit Office.

10. Monitor the execution of internal oversight system and work to develop the same.

11. Prepare periodic reports on the work of the Office.

Article (35)

The Media Office shall have the following competencies:

  1. Prepare and draft news pertaining to the work of the Cabinet, clarify the decrees issued thereby, and take the necessary measures to broadcast and publish the same.
  2. Coordinate with other organisational divisions to respond and clarify what is published by the print, broadcast, and international media, and submit daily reports on matters entering within the competence of the Cabinet Office.
  3. Identify domestic and international publications, bulletins, and newspapers that follow the business and activities of the Cabinet.
  4. Photograph and visually document Cabinet meetings.
  5. Organise interviews with domestic and global media, document the same, and oversee the organisation of the interviews and press conferences of the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Ministers, and anyone assigned by the Prime Minister.
  6. Prepare periodic reports on the work of the Office.

Article (36)

The Office of the Prime Minister shall have the following competencies:

  1. Receive correspondence sent to the Prime Minister and present and refer the same to the competent organisational division.
  2. Refer correspondence and memoranda signed by the Prime Minister to the archives and the organisational division, according to the case.
  3. Organise appointments, interviews, and communications of the Prime Minister.
  4. Monitor the procedures pertaining to the Prime Minister when he travels and circulates.
  5. Maintain and archive documents and files pertaining to the work of the Prime Minister.
  6. Monitor the organisation of meetings held by the Prime Minister.

Article (37)

The Office of the First Deputy Prime Minister shall have the following competencies:

  1. Receive correspondence sent to the First Deputy Prime Minister and present and refer the same to the competent organisational division.
  2. Refer correspondence and memoranda signed by the First Deputy Prime Minister to the archives and the organisational division, according to the case.
  3. Organise appointments, interviews, and communications of the First Deputy Prime Minister.
  4. Monitor the procedures pertaining to the First Deputy Prime Minister when he travels and moves around.
  5. Maintain and archive documents and files pertaining to the work of the First Deputy Prime Minister.
  6. Monitor the organisation of meetings held by the First Deputy Prime Minister.

Article (38)

The Office of the Second Deputy Prime Minister shall have the following competencies:

  1. Receive correspondence sent to the Second Deputy Prime Minister and present and refer the same to the competent organisational division.
  2. Refer correspondence and memoranda signed by the Second Deputy Prime Minister to the archives and the organisational division, according to the case.
  3. Organise appointments, interviews, and communications of the Second Deputy Prime Minister.
  4. Monitor the procedures pertaining to the Second Deputy Prime Minister when he travels and moves around.
  5. Maintain and archive documents and files pertaining to the work of the Second Deputy Prime Minister.
  6. Monitor the organisation of meetings held by the Second Deputy Prime Minister.

Article (39)

The Office of the Third Deputy Prime Minister shall have the following competencies:

  1. Receive correspondence sent to the Third Deputy Prime Minister and present and refer the same to the competent organisational division.
  2. Refer correspondence and memoranda signed by the Third Deputy Prime Minister to the archives and the organisational division, according to the case.
  3. Organise appointments, interviews, and communications of the Third Deputy Prime Minister.
  4. Monitor the procedures pertaining to the Third Deputy Prime Minister when he travels and moves around.
  5. Maintain and archive documents and files pertaining to the work of the Third Deputy Prime Minister.
  6. Monitor the organisation of meetings held by the Third Deputy Prime Minister.

Article (40)

The Offices of Undersecretaries shall have the following competencies:

  1. Receive correspondence sent to the undersecretary and present and refer the same to the competent organisational division.
  2. Refer correspondence and memoranda signed by the undersecretary to the archives and the organisational division, according to the case.
  3. Organise appointments, interviews, and communications of the undersecretary.
  4. Monitor the procedures pertaining to the undersecretary when he travels and moves around.
  5. Maintain and archive documents and files pertaining to the work of the undersecretary.
  6. Monitor the organisation of meetings held by the undersecretary.

Article (41)

The internal regulation of the Cabinet Office shall be issued in a decree by the Prime Minister.

Article (42)

This decree shall enter into force from its date of issuance, the bodies concerned shall implement it, and it shall be published in the Official Gazette.

The Cabinet – Libya

Issued on 1 Rabi’ al-Akher 1433 AH

Corresponding to 23/02/2012 AD

Text Type:Decree
Text number:74
Text date:2012-02-23

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