Latest laws


Part III: Executive Authorities: Control of the Security Sector

Decree No. (814) of 1994 on organising the administrative unit of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation

The Secretariat of the General People’s Committee

Decree No. (814) of 1423 FBP

on Organizing the Administrative Body

of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison

and International Cooperation


The Secretariat of the General People’s Committee
Upon review of:

  • Law No. (39) of 1977 AD on the Political and

Consular Corps;

  • Law No. (15) of 1981 AD on the Salary System of National Workers

in the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya;

  • Law No. (43) of 1976 AD on Establishing the Institute

of Diplomatic Studies;

  • Law No. (3) of 1423 FBP on People’s Committees

and the Implementing Regulations thereof issued under the General People’s Committee Decree No. (190) of 1423 FBP;

  • The General People’s Committee Decree No. (746) of 1981 on Establishing

the Translation Institute;

  • The General People’s Committee Decree No. (403) of 1986 on Establishing 

Malta Affairs Office;

  • The General People’s Committee Decree No. (589) of 1988 on Establishing

an Office for the Coordinate and Follow-Up of International Technical Cooperation Activities; and

  • The General People’s Committee Decree No. (66) of 1993 AD on Organizing the Secretariat

of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation, and

  • Based on the submission of the Secretary of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation

as per his Memorandum No. (376) of 1423 FBP, dated 26 Jumada Al-Akher

corresponding to 25/11/1423 FBP,


has decreed the following:


Article (1)

The Administrative Body of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation shall undertake the implementation of the foreign policy of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, in accordance with the resolutions of the Basic People’s Congresses and within the framework of the decrees of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation. In particular, the Administrative Body shall have the following mandates: 

1. Implement the policy of the Great Jamahiriya in the foreign relations thereof with foreign countries and take all necessary measures to document, support and develop the same; 

2. Lay down plans and programs that aim to consolidate and strengthen political and economic relations and cooperation between the Great Jamahiriya and other peoples around the world and to strengthen relations between the Libyan Arab people and the peoples of the world in accordance with the principles and theses of the Third International Theory; 

3. Conduct political, legal, economic and strategic studies and research on issues of concern to the Great Jamahiriya; 

4. Preserve the interests of the Great Jamahiriya and ensure the welfare of its citizens abroad; 

5. Propose the organization of the aspects of cooperation between the Great Jamahiriya and foreign countries, follow up the implementation of the concluded agreements, and request amendments thereto; 

6. Propose, study and research bilateral and collective treaties and agreements in all fields, supervise their implementation and interpretation, and request amendments thereto; 

7. Follow up the economic relations between the Great Jamahiriya and foreign countries, follow up the activities of economic clusters, and conduct economic studies and research on issues of concern, in coordination with the competent entities; 

8. Prepare the draft annual budget for the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation; 

9. Propose opening people’s offices and missions abroad to achieve the objectives and policy of the Great Jamahiriya; 

10. Develop plans; give political, consular and administrative instructions to the people’s offices and missions abroad; develop programs to disseminate the objectives and principles of the First of September Great Revolution; and introduce the issues of the Arab and Islamic nation and other humanitarian issues in coordination with the competent entities; 

11. Follow up the affairs of foreign political missions accredited to the Great Jamahiriya; 

12. Carry out all the work and procedures related to protocol, supervising the privileges and immunities of the missions accredited to the Great Jamahiriya, issuing political and special passports and developing regulatory procedures therefor, proposing the award of medals to foreigners and proposing rules related to allowing citizens of the Great Jamahiriya to hold foreign medals; 

13. Follow up the activities of people and political organizations and liberation movements across the world, in coordination with the competent entities to ensure the realization of the principles and objectives of the First of September Great Revolution; 

14. Express opinion on accession to global and regional organizations and bodies; 

15. Participate in and propose the formation of delegations to international conferences, and supervise the organization of international and regional conferences held in the Great Jamahiriya; 

16. Establish peoples’ friendship associations and follow up and support the activities thereof; 

17. Supervise the affairs of Libyan envoys and ensure their welfare, in coordination with the competent entities in the Great Jamahiriya; and 

18. Develop periodic reports on the activities of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation to be presented to the Basic People’s Congresses.


Article (2)

The Administrative Body of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation shall consist of: 

First: General directorates, offices and internal committees, including: 

a) Political directorates: 

1. General Directorate for Islamic Affairs 

2. General Directorate for African Affairs 

3. General Directorate for Asia, Australia and the Pacific Islands Affairs 

4. General Directorate for European Affairs 

5. General Directorate for North American Affairs 

6. General Directorate for Latin American and Caribbean Affairs 

7. General Directorate for Communication with People’s Organizations 

b) Technical directorates: 

1. General Directorate for Cooperation Affairs 

2. General Directorate for Economic Affairs 

3. General Directorate for International Organizations

4. General Directorate for Treaties and Legal Affairs 

5. General Directorate for Consular Affairs 

6. General Directorate for Financial and Administrative Affairs 

7. General Directorate for Protocol 

8. General Directorate for Information and Research 

c) Internal offices: 

1. Committee Affairs Office 

2. Confidential Affairs Office 

3. Inspection and Follow-up Office 

4. Malta Affairs Office 

5. Information Office 

6. Human Rights Office 

7. International Technical Cooperation Activities Coordination and Follow-up Office 

8. Translation office 

9. Military Affairs Office 

10. Standing committees formed in accordance with the laws and regulations 

Second: People’s offices and foreign missions 

Third: Diplomatic Studies Institute, which shall undertake the responsibilities set out in the law of its establishment.


Article (3)

The Secretary of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation shall be responsible for supervising the Administrative Body and following up the activities thereof. Within the limits of his mandates as set forth in the legislation in force, the Secretary shall take the necessary measures and issue the necessary instructions to control the work in all ways. 

The Secretary shall also have the following mandates: 

1. Coordinate with the competent entities in the Great Jamahiriya in order to achieve the objectives of the Great Jamahiriya’s foreign policy; 

2. Sign letters of accreditation of the secretaries of people’s offices, resident delegates, patents, consular leaves, authorization documents and other documents related to the activities of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation; 

3. Accept the credentials of the envoys to the Great Jamahiriya, receive them, and hold talks and make consultations with them; 

4. Maintain the privileges and immunities of missions accredited to the Great Jamahiriya, international organizations and bodies as well as the members and employees thereof.


Article (4)

The Administrative Body of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation shall have one or more undersecretaries to undertake the functions of the undertake as set out in the legislation in force, assist the Secretary in conducting the mandates thereof, within the limits of the functions assigned thereto, and supervise the workflow of the Administrative Body. 

The Undersecretary shall be supported by an assistant undersecretary for political affairs and another assistant undersecretary for technical affairs and international cooperation.


Article (5)

The directors of directorates and internal offices shall undertake their functions under the supervision of the Undersecretary and they shall be held accountable thereto for the proper functioning of their directorates, as set out in the Body’s bylaws.


Article (6)

The General Directorate for Islamic Affairs shall have the following mandates: 

1. Give due attention to Islamic issues and Muslim affairs in general, and follow up the situation of Muslim minorities worldwide;

2. Follow up the Islamic projects undertaken or contributed to by the Great Jamahiriya; 

3. Follow up Hajj affairs, Islamic gatherings and the Holy Land affairs with regard to political aspects; 

4. Follow up the affairs of the Islamic Conference Organization, give due care to the issues brought before it and follow up the implementation of its decisions; 

5. Give due care to the people’s organizations, parties, unions, professional associations and non-government organizations in terms of the formation and activities thereof, and support the relations with their counterparts in the Great Jamahiriya, in coordination with the Liaison Department in People’s Organizations and other competent entities; 

6. Ensure coordination and cooperation between the Directorate and other directorates of the Body as well as other entities across the Great Jamahiriya with regards to any matter that falls within its mandates; and 

7. Present proposals, initiatives and implementing programs related to any matter that falls within its mandates.


Article (7)

The General Directorate for African Affairs shall have the following mandates: 

1. Follow up the aspects of bilateral relations between the Great Jamahiriya and African countries, propose ways to develop the same and set plans to implement the policy of the Great Jamahiriya; 

2. Give due care to the countries of the desert belt, due to their importance to the Great Jamahiriya; 

3. Follow up the political developments of African countries and the division and impact of their policies and on the Great Jamahiriya and the African continent; 

4. Give due care to the affairs of the Organization of African Unity and its organs, address the issues presented thereto and follow up the implementation of its decisions in coordination with other entities; 

5. Give due care to the African issues raised in international forums and make proposals in their regard; 

6. Follow up refugee issues in Africa; 

7. Directly supervise the political activities of the people’s offices and missions in the African continent, develop periodic reports thereon, and follow up the affairs of the political missions of African countries accredited to the Great Jamahiriya; 

8.Give due care to the issues of Arab-African cooperation in order to serve Arab and African issues, in coordination with other competent entities; 

9. Ensure coordination and cooperation with other directorates of the Body as well as other entities across the Great Jamahiriya with regards to any matter that falls within its mandates; 

10. Give due care to the people’s organizations, parties, unions, professional associations and non-government organizations in terms of the formation and activities thereof, and support the relations with their counterparts in the Great Jamahiriya, in coordination with the Liaison Department in People’s Organizations and other competent entities; and 

11. Present proposals, initiatives and implementing programs related to any matter that falls within its mandates.


Article (8)

The General Directorate for Asia, Australia and the Pacific Islands Affairs shall have the following mandates: 

1. Follow up aspects of bilateral relations between the Great Jamahiriya and the countries of Asia, Australia and the Pacific Islands; 

2. Follow up the activities of the alliances and foreign military presence in the region and their impact on regional and international relations; 

3. Give due care to the region’s liberation issues, follow up the activities of its regional and international organizations, and prepare reports thereon; 

4. Directly supervise the political activities of the people’s offices and missions in Asian countries, develop periodic reports thereon, and give due care to the affairs of the political missions of such countries accredited to the Great Jamahiriya; 

5. Ensure coordination and cooperation with other directorates of the Body as well as other entities across the Great Jamahiriya with regards to any matter that falls within its mandates; 

6. Give due care to the people’s organizations, parties, unions, professional associations and non-government organizations in terms of the formation and activities thereof, and support the relations with their counterparts in the Great Jamahiriya, in coordination with the Liaison Department in People’s Organizations and other competent entities; and 

7. Present proposals, initiatives and implementing programs related to any matter that falls within its mandates.


Article (9)

The General Directorate for European Affairs shall have the following mandates: 

1. Follow up aspects of bilateral relations between the Great Jamahiriya and the European countries and propose ways to develop the same; 

2. Follow up the activity of foreign alliances and bases in the Mediterranean region and their impact on the security and safety of the Great Jamahiriya and the Mediterranean region, as well as their impact on international relations; 

3. Follow up the affairs of Arab-European cooperation and European gatherings in the continent; 

4. Monitor and evaluate the trends and positions of the region’s countries towards Arab issues; 

5. Monitor the political movement at the bilateral or collective level of the region’s countries and their international impact and implications on international relations and Arab interests; 

6. Follow up the activity of the political and military conferences and gatherings in the region and the impact of their decisions on the relations between the Great Jamahiriya and the region’s Mediterranean countries and on the international relations in general; 

7. Directly supervise the people’s offices and Libyan Arab missions in Europe, submit periodic reports thereon, and give due care to the affairs of the missions of such countries accredited to the Great Jamahiriya; 

8. Ensure coordination and cooperation with other directorates of the Body as well as other entities across the Great Jamahiriya with regards to any matter that falls within its mandates; 

9. Give due care to the people’s organizations, parties, unions, professional associations and non-government organizations in terms of the formation and activities thereof, and support the relations with their counterparts in the Great Jamahiriya, in coordination with the Liaison Department in People’s Organizations and other competent entities; and 

10. Present proposals, initiatives and implementing programs related to any matter that falls within its mandates.


Article (10)

The General Directorate for North American Affairs shall have the following mandates: 

1. Address the aspects of bilateral relations between the Great Jamahiriya and the North American countries and propose ways to develop the same; 

2. Follow up the political, social and economic developments of the North American countries and give special attention to the national issues of the peoples of the region; 

3. Give due care to the American-Zionist strategic alliance and monitor the developments and impacts thereof; 

4. Directly supervise the political activities of the Libyan Arab people’s offices and missions in North America, develop periodic reports thereon, and give due care to the affairs of the political missions of North American countries accredited to the Great Jamahiriya; 

5. Ensure coordination and cooperation with other directorates of the Body as well as other entities across the Great Jamahiriya with regards to any matter that falls within its mandates; 

6. Give due care to non-government organizations in terms of the formation and activities thereof, and support the relations with their counterparts in the Great Jamahiriya, in coordination with the Liaison Department in People’s Organizations and other competent entities; and 

7. Present proposals, initiatives and implementing programs related to any matter that falls within its mandates.


Article (11)

6. The General Directorate for Latin American and Caribbean Affairs shall have the following mandates: 

1. Address the aspects of bilateral relations between the Great Jamahiriya and the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean and propose ways to develop the same; 

2. Follow up the political, social and economic developments of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, and give special attention to the national issues of the peoples of the region; 

3. Give due care to liberation issues, decolonization, racism and Zionism in the region; 

4. Directly supervise the political activity of the Libyan Arab people’s offices and missions in the region, and prepare periodic reports on the countries of the region; 

5. Ensure coordination and cooperation with other directorates of the Body as well as other entities across the Great Jamahiriya with regards to any matter that falls within its mandates; 

6. Give due care to the people’s organizations, parties, unions, professional associations and non-government organizations in terms of the formation and activities thereof, and support the relations with their counterparts in the Great Jamahiriya, in coordination with the Liaison Department in People’s Organizations and competent entities; and 

7. Present proposals, initiatives and implementing programs related to any matter that falls within its mandates.


Article (12)

The General Directorate for Communication with People’s Organizations shall have the following mandates: 

1. Establish direct relations between the people of the Great Jamahiriya and all the peoples of the world and propose the necessary plans for such purpose; 

2. Follow up the activities of people’s organizations abroad, collect information about them, and participate in people’s conferences and seminars; 

3. Connect with people’s organizations in the world and raise the awareness of national issues through such organizations; 

4. Develop studies and periodic reports on the activities of such organizations and the extent to which they are useful; and 

5. Establish peoples’ friendship associations and follow up and support the activities thereof.


Article (13)

1. The General Directorate for Cooperation Affairs shall have the following mandates: 

1. Follow up the cooperation relations between the Great Jamahiriya and other countries; 

2. Develop the economic, commercial and technical relations and strengthen the ties with other countries in cooperation with the competent entities; 

3. Follow up the implementation of agreements, cooperation programs, aids and loans, in coordination with the competent entities in the Great Jamahiriya; 

4. Participate in the work and activities of joint committees and international economic institutions and bodies to achieve the goals of the Great Jamahiriya; 

5. Propose the formation of delegations that participate in the work of the joint committees and the various technical committees, in coordination with the competent entities; and 

6. Present proposals, initiatives and implementing programs related to any matter that falls within its mandates.


Article (14)

2. General Directorate for Economic Affairs shall have the following mandates: 

1. Conduct economic research and studies in cooperation with the competent entities; 

2. Follow up the activity of regional and international economic blocs and clusters and submit reports thereon; 

3. Give due care to economic data, statistics and transformation plans, and provide our Libyan offices and missions with the data required for their appropriate functioning abroad; 

4. Collect data related to the economic situation of Arab and African countries and the global economic situation; and 

5. Follow up and evaluate the global economic situation and the economic situations of countries in terms of their impact on the economic policies of the Great Jamahiriya.


Article (15)

The General Directorate for International Organizations shall have the following mandates: 

1. Follow up the affairs of the United Nations and its organs and specialized agencies, analyze and follow up the implementation of the decisions thereof, and conduct studies and make recommendations in their regard in coordination with other directorates and competent entities; 

2. Follow up the issues addressed by the United Nations and its organizations and coordinate the efforts of the directorates and entities concerned with such issues in order to crystallize the positions and viewpoints of the Great Jamahiriya towards them; 

3. Follow up the affairs of nominations, contributions and donations to the United Nations and its organizations, in cooperation with the competent entities; 

4. Follow up the meetings and conferences held by the United Nations and its organizations, and follow up the reports and recommendations thereof, in coordination with other directorates and competent entities; 

5. Directly supervise the activities of the delegations of the Great Jamahiriya to international organizations, evaluate their work, and give due care to the United Nations missions and specialized agencies accredited to the Great Jamahiriya and address their issues; and 

6. Follow up the affairs of the Non-Aligned Movement countries, give due care to the issues raised through the same, propose ways to enhance the role of the Movement, and follow up issues raised by the Great Jamahiriya, in coordination with the competent directorates; and 

7. Present proposals, initiatives and implementing programs related to any matter that falls within its mandates.


Article (16)

The General Directorate for Treaties and Legal Affairs shall have the following mandates: 

1. Study and draw up draft bilateral and collective treaties and agreements, participate in negotiations and conferences related thereto, review the wording of such drafts, archive, compile and classify them, complete and follow up the legal procedures related to the approval thereof, and archive, compile and classify the original bilateral and collective treaties and agreements; 

2. Express an opinion on international law issues, follow up the work of the legal committees, whether standing or ad-hoc, of international and regional organizations, participate therein, evaluate the outcomes of their work, and make recommendations in their regarding, in coordination with the directorates and competent entities; 

3. Draft legal memoranda, regulations and decisions related to the structure of the Administrative Body; 

4. Address the issues related to land and sea borders and airspace, archive and classify all documents and maps related thereto, conduct studies and research, make the necessary recommendations in their regard, and follow up the issues related to the sea and airspace law and any relevant agreements, conferences and seminars in coordination with the competent entities; and 

5. Present proposals, initiatives and implementing programs related to any matter that falls within its mandates.


Article (17)

The General Directorate for Consular Affairs shall have the following mandates: 

1. Foster the interests of citizens abroad, protect and secure their rights, provide them with the necessary facilities, grant them and renew their passports and travel documents, and assist those in need to return to the homeland; 

2. Register and record the civil status incidents; 

3. Serve notices, judgments and letters rogatory; 

4. Follow up the affairs of the members of the Libyan Arab community residing abroad; 

5. Receive and maintain wills and finalize the procedures related thereto with the competent entities; 

6. Certify and ratify the signatures and seals of official authorities, internally, and people’s offices, abroad; 

7. Provide services to and facilitate the procedures for Libyan ships and aircrafts; 

8. Follow up the affairs of delegates for treatment abroad, in coordination with the competent entities; 

9. Coordinate with the competent authorities regarding the lists of those banned from entering the country; 

10. Communicate consular instructions to people’s offices and Libyan Arab missions abroad; 

11. Follow up and evaluate the work of consulates and consular sections; 

12. Follow up all the affairs of foreigners residing in the Great Jamahiriya in line with the requirements of international conventions and norms; and 

13. Present proposals, initiatives and implementing programs related to any matter that falls within its mandates.

Article (18)

The General Directorate for Financial and Administrative Affairs shall have the following mandates: 

1. Implement the systems and rules related to personnel and financial affairs, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations; 

2. Collect and identify employment needs, develop training plans, develop projects for the functional organizational structures of the Body, people’s offices and foreign missions, in coordination with the directorates and competent entities; 

3. Prepare draft budget; 

4. Review the accounts of people’s offices and foreign missions, without prejudice to the responsibilities of other entities; 

5. Develop a record for seniority and arrangements related to internal and external movements; 

6. Provide materials, tools, stationery and furniture and carry out general maintenance work; 

7. Adopt the administrative procedures related to the travel and return of delegations and employees; 

8. Supervise, prepare, equip and distribute portfolios; 

9. Receive, record and distribute mail, and open, save and circulate files; 

10. Supervise the communication devices; 

11. Give due attention to and maintain the premises of people’s offices and missions; and 

12. Present proposals, initiatives and implementing programs related to any matter that falls within its mandates.


Article (19)

The General Directorate for Protocol shall have the following mandates: 

1. Carry out all protocol-related work; 

2. Supervise the political and consular privileges and immunities for members of political missions accredited to the Great Jamahiriya; 

3. Receive the nomination of foreign ambassadors and arrange for the submission of their credentials; 

4. Prepare, issue, renew and cancel political and special passports and request relevant visas; 

5. Contribute to the development of official documents related to delegation or accession to or ratification of treaties, in coordination with the competent directorates; 

6. Give due care to the guests of the Great Jamahiriya and organize everything related to their reception, farewell and residence; 

7. Participate in preparations for international and regional conferences in the Great Jamahiriya; and 

8. Present proposals, initiatives and implementing programs related to any matter that falls within its mandates.

Article (20)

The General Directorate for Information and Research shall have the following mandates: 

1. Collect and classify data, information and studies related to important issues; 

2. Conduct and analyze research and studies on the strategic issues of concern to the Great Jamahiriya; 

3. Assess important international political, economic and military events, collect information and data thereon, analyze and compare them, and anticipate the development of their trends in cooperation with the relevant directorates, without prejudice to the responsibilities and duties of other directorates; 

4. Study and evaluate the political reports on the missions and offices referred to the same by the competent directorates and make suggestions and recommendations in their regard; 

5. Develop journals and bulletins with limited circulation that include the most important events of interest to the Great Jamahiriya; 

6. Present studies on the development of work within the Administrative Body of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation, people’s offices and foreign missions; 

7. Coordinate and cooperate with research institutes, centers and institutions inside and outside the Great Jamahiriya; 

8. Present proposals, initiatives and implementing programs related to any matter that falls within its mandates.


Article (21)

The Committee Affairs Office shall have the following mandates: 

1. Receive reports and correspondence to be presented to the Committee or the Secretary thereof, and collect and present data and information about them; 

2. Develop the Committee’s draft agenda, prepare the minutes of its meetings, record and communicate its decrees, and follow up the implementation thereof; 

3. Organize the Secretary’s meetings, appointments and communications, receive, maintain and classify his mail, and provide any data and information requested by the same; and 

4. Participate in the work of committees assigned thereto.


Article (22)

The Confidential Affairs Office shall have the following mandates: 

1. Receive confidential correspondence and take the necessary actions in their regard; 

2. Prepare, distribute and update the code for brotherhood offices, people’s offices and Arab missions abroad; and 

3. Supervise and maintain the code and provide the equipment thereof.


Article (23)

The Inspection and Follow-up Office shall have the following mandates: 

1. Follow up the activity, efficiency and effectiveness of the Body’s employees and the performance of their duties to ensure proper functioning; 

2. Investigate – in coordination with the competent directorates – in the financial, administrative and other violations committed by workers inside and outside the country, in accordance with the legislation in force; 

3. Follow up the implementation of applicable laws, regulations, decrees and instructions and propose the necessary amendments thereto in the light of practice and application, in coordination with the competent directorates; 

4. Follow up the workflow of directorates, people’s offices and missions through correspondence, reports, etc., detect errors and deficiencies, and make recommendations and solutions to ensure the development of work techniques; and 

5. Conduct periodic inspection tours to people’s offices and missions, develop reports on their activities and the challenges they face, and suggest solutions to overcome them, in coordination with the competent directorates.


Article (24)

The Malta Affairs Office shall undertake the responsibilities set forth in its establishment Decree No. (403) of 1986.


Article (25)

The Information Office shall have the following mandates: 

1. Develop a daily bulletin of the most important world events according to the information available thereto through various media and information agencies and distribute the same to directorates; 

2. Develop reports on the most important global issues covered by the media; 

3. Communicate official statements and press releases to the political missions accredited to the Great Jamahiriya, people offices and foreign missions and provide them with newspapers, documents, data and photos related to the Great Jamahiriya; 

4. Provide the local media with the news, activities and meetings of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation and any information received from the people’s offices abroad; 

5. Coordinate with the concerned political directorates with regard to the media facilities provided to the political missions accredited to the Great Jamahiriya; 

6. Coordinate the media activities of people’s offices and foreign missions; 

7. Coordinate with all relevant entities the provision of the findings and recommendations of international, regional and bilateral conferences, seminars and meetings held locally and abroad; 

8. Coordinate with the competent entities the provision of newspapers, journals, bulletins and documents to benefit therefrom and use the same in the work; and 

9. Follow up the publications by external and internal media, especially those related the Body’s activities, and study and prepare the necessary responses in coordination with the competent directorates.


Article (26)

The Human Rights Office shall have the following mandates: 

1. Address all the aspects related to human rights issues in light of national legislation, documents and the obligations of the Great Jamahiriya under international conventions and charters; 

2. Develop periodic reports and other submissions, which reflect political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights and women and children conditions, required under international conventions and charters and submit the same to various international committees, in coordination with the directorates and competent entities; 

3. Follow up the activities of international government and non-government organizations in the field of human rights and monitor the impact of such activity on the Arab world in general and the Great Jamahiriya in particular; and 

4. Monitor the policy of major countries towards human rights issues.


Article (27)

The Office for the Coordination and Follow-up of International Technical Cooperation Activities shall undertake the responsibilities and duties set out in its Establishment Decree No. (510) of 1988 AD.


Article (28)

The Translation Office shall have the following mandates: 

1. Qualify the Libyan Arab staff of the Body to carry out translation and interpretation from Arabic into other languages and vice versa to meet the needs of the Administrative Body, according to a needs prioritization plan; and 

2. Translate documents, reports, articles and other items required for the Administrative Body’s work.


Article (29)

The Military Affairs Office shall be responsible for coordinating matters related to military affairs with the competent entities and processing requests for military aircraft transit over the Libyan airspace.


Article (30)

1. People’s offices and foreign missions shall perform their functions in accordance with the legislation in force and the instructions issued thereto by the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation; and 

2. The daily activities of people’s offices and foreign missions shall be subject to the direct supervision of the Undersecretary and the competent directorate.


Article (31)

The General Directorate for Treaties and Legal Affairs, General Directorate for Consular Affairs, General Directorate for Protocol, Confidential Affairs Office, and the Portfolio Division of the General Directorate for Financial and Administrative Affairs shall continue to exercise their mandates set forth in this Decree as to the General People’s Committee for Unity.


Article (32)

The General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation may establish standing or ad hoc committees to consider any issue that falls within the mandates thereof.


Article (33)

The Secretary of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation shall organize periodic meetings with the parties associated with foreign work for coordination.


Article (34)

The bylaws of the Body shall be issued by a decree of the Secretary of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation.

Article (35)

Decree of the General People’s Committee No. (66) of 1993 AD on Organizing the Secretariat of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation, and its Decree No. (746) of 1981 AD on Establishing the Translation Institute, as well as any other provision that is contrary to the provisions of this Decree shall be repealed.


Article (36)

This Decree shall enter into force as of the date of its issuance and shall be published in the official gazette.


The Secretariat of the General People’s Committee

Issued on: 11 Rajab 1404 FDP

Corresponding to: 14 December 1423 FBP

Text Type:Decree
Text number:814
Text date:1994-01-21
Institution:General People's Committee

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