Latest laws


Part III: Executive Authorities: Control of the Security Sector

Decree No. (87) of 2012 on adopting the organisational structure and competencies of the Ministry of Labour and the organisation of its administrative apparatus

Cabinet Decree No. (87) of 2012
on adopting the organisational structure and competencies
of the Ministry of Labour and the organisation of its administrative apparatus

The Cabinet

Upon review of:

  • The Constitutional Declaration;
  • Law of the Financial System of the State, and budget, accounts, and warehouse regulation;
  • Law No. (12) of 2010 on issuing the law on labour relations and its executive regulation;
  • National Transitional Council Resolution No. (174) of 2011 on determining the structure of the government;
  • National Transitional Council Resolution No. (184) of 2011 on adopting the transitional government;
  • Cabinet Decree No. (11) of 2010 on naming undersecretaries and assistant undersecretaries of ministries;
  • Cabinet Decree No. (1) of 2012 on determining the competencies of undersecretaries of ministries and their assistants;
  • Cabinet Decree No. (80) of 2012 on amending provisions in Cabinet Decree No. (11) of 2011 on naming undersecretaries and assistant undersecretaries of ministries and in Cabinet Decree No. (3) of 2012 on adding and amending provisions in Decree No. (11) of 2011;
  • Cabinet Decree No. (86) of 2012 dissolving the departments of labour and public office;
  • The contents of the letter of the Minister of Labour and Rehabilitation No. (173/LR) dated 30/01/2012;
  • The decisions made by the Cabinet during its fifth regular session of 2012;

has decreed:

Article (1)

The organisational structure and the competencies of the Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation shall be adopted, and its administrative apparatus shall be organised in accordance with the provisions of this decree.

Article (2)

The Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation shall propose policies, draft strategies, plans and programs and take all measures necessary for the implementation of the general policy regarding labour and civil service and to build capacities. It may in particular perform the following functions:

  1. Propose draft laws, regulations, policies and development plans, follow up on their implementation and evaluate it in case they are adopted.
  2. Review legislation regulating the activities of the Ministry or affecting it and make all proposals necessary for the achievement of the state’s general targets.
  3. Issue decisions, publications and instructions related to the work of the Ministry and all bodies affiliated with it.
  4. Implement bilateral and international treaties to which Libya is a party and participate in international and regional conferences and organisations relevant to the Ministry’s activity, in coordination with the relevant authorities
  5. Supervise and follow up on the work of all affiliated bodies and make necessary proposals related to them.
  6. Present the Ministry’s work agenda in order to perform its assigned competencies, and submit periodic performance reports.
  7. Prepare the draft organisational structure and internal organisation and name Ministry officials in accordance with the adopted standards and the legislation in force.
  8. Determine training requirements and propose projects and plans and implement them in accordance with the standards set by the Ministry.
  9. Prepare the Ministry’s general budget project in accordance with the principles followed in this regard and close the final account of the Ministry’s expenses on the dates specified.

10. Conduct studies on the status of the family, work and wages and propose the necessary measures in this regard.

11. Organise and monitor national and foreign workforces in accordance with national legislation and international treaties and replace foreign workers with Libyan citizens.

12. Conduct studies and research concerning the country’s workforce and draw conclusions in the form of indexes and orientations concerning the workforce which can be used to employ, use and develop the national workforce.

13. Conduct studies on labour market needs in national and foreign workers in all fields of work.

14. Establish forms, applications and labour contracts and cards and propose the necessary fees and collect the same.

15. Issue professional cards and approve labour contracts.

16. Prepare and develop procedure guides and the guide on labour inspection, etc.

17. Resolve professional disputes by reconciliation, arbitration and collective bargaining in accordance with the provisions of the laws and legislation in force and the international treaties in this regard.

18. Manage a database on national and foreign workers and extract indices therefrom as a way to monitor the extent and nature of unemployment, and offer proposals on how to resolve such issues.

19. Propose methods to balance supply and demand in the labour market qualitatively and quantitatively in light of workforce requirements.

20. Study international, multilateral and bilateral labour treaties, make proposals about acceding to or concluding such treaties, express opinions about them and prepare responses and reports concerning them in cooperation with Arab, regional and international institutions, bodies and organisations relevant to the field of labour and employment and participate in their activities in coordination with the relevant authorities.

21. Implement legislation regulating civil service, make proposals about their development and make the necessary decisions concerning them.

22. Develop capacity-building programs to support the government sector’s capacity to adopt electronic governance, and develop information systems and databases in coordination with the relevant authorities.

23. Take measures that aim to increase performance levels and develop an incentive structure that links productivity to revenue and achieves a balanced relationship between effort and revenue.

24. Prepare the yearly budget for government staff and relevant administrative units in coordination with the relevant authorities.

25. Prepare and present the comprehensive plan to develop institutional performance and follow up on its implementation and evaluate its execution after it is adopted in coordination with the relevant authorities.

26. Take all measures and procedures necessary to achieve administrative development for government staff and set the necessary guidelines to improve institutional performance.

27. Set the standards necessary to simplify administrative procedures in coordination with the relevant authorities

28. Propose the standards necessary to appoint government officials in order to achieve efficiency in selection, and ensure that the right person is in the right place, and refer said standards to the Cabinet for approval.

29. Evaluate and propose the appointment of the heads and members of the boards of directors of bodies affiliated with the Ministry and refer the same to the cabinet.

30. Prepare and present the training plan for all ministries, organisations and public administrative units to the Cabinet in coordination with these authorities, and follow up on the implementation of said plan and evaluate its execution after it is adopted.

31. Propose a guide on the competencies and procedures of local units in coordination with relevant ministries.

32. Adopt proposals for the organisational structure and staff of government units in accordance with the legislation in force, including the number of positions, their names, the staff required to perform them and the actual grades of the people who occupy them, and follow up on the implementation of these proposals.

33. Implement employee and labour performance evaluation systems and develop and advance them in order to achieve desired goals.

34. Organise, supervise and certify the results of appointment and promotion exams for employees in the government’s administrative apparatus.

35. Set the prerequisites and guidelines for assuming positions and conduct applied administrative research.

36. Set guidelines and standards necessary to perform training activities.

37. Study and conclude training agreements with specialised local and international organisations, bodies and companies to train staff in Libya and abroad as necessary.

38. Build institutional capacities and develop the methods, nature, content, tools, places and schedules of labour in accordance with international standards and quality norms.

39. Develop job descriptions and hierarchy, the national guide for professional classification and performance levels.

40. Perform all competencies assigned to the Ministry under the legislation in force.

Article (3)

The Ministry shall have an undersecretary who performs all duties assigned to undersecretaries in the legislation in force and he shall work under the supervision of the Minister.

Article (4)

The organisational structure of the Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation shall be comprised of the following organisational divisions:

First: the Minister of Labour and Rehabilitation, to whom the following shall report directly:

  1. The Undersecretary for Public Service Affairs.
  2. The Undersecretary for Labour Affairs.
  3. The Undersecretary for Capacity-Building Affairs.
  4. Public Relations and Media Office.
  5. Legal Affairs Office.
  6. The Ministry’s Secretariat.
  7. The Office of the Minister.
  8. The Advisors’ Office.
  9. Internal Audit Office.

Second: the Undersecretary for Public Service Affairs, to whom the following shall report directly:

  1. Policy and Strategy Department.
  2. Projects and Follow-Up Department.
  3. Administrative and Financial Affairs Department.
  4. Human Resources Department.
  5. IT and Technical Support Department.
  6. Organisation and Staff Department.
  7. Administrative Unit Employee Affairs Department.
  8. Professional Inspection Department.
  9. Transfer within Civil Service Department.

10. Technical and International Cooperation Office.

11. The Office of the Undersecretary.

Third: the Undersecretary for Labour Affairs, to whom the following shall report directly:

  1. Recruitment Department.
  2. Professional Inspection and Safety Department.
  3. Employment Department.
  4. Labour and Rehabilitation Office Review Department.
  5. The Office of the Undersecretary.

Fourth: the Undersecretary for Capacity-Building Affairs, to whom the following shall report directly:

  1. Human Resources Development Department.
  2. Institutional Capacity-Building Department.
  3. Training Quality Department.
  4. The Office of the Undersecretary.

Article (5)

The following bodies shall report to the Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation:

  1. Centre for Quality and Professional Standards Control.
  2. National Institute of Administration.
  3. Centre for Information and Documentation in the Ministry.
  4. Intermediate Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Vocations (Libyan – Korean Centre, Ras Hassan)

Article (6)

The Policy and Strategy Department shall have the following competencies:

  1. Propose public policies and set strategies to realise the vision, mission, values and goals of the Ministry and perform its functions and competencies.
  2. Conduct studies and research that contributes to labour and rehabilitation development.
  3. Rely on scientific and research methods and use statistics, surveys and polls to draft proposals and policies necessary for the execution of competencies and functions.
  4. Discover cases and projects related to the Ministry’s functions and organise priorities accordingly.
  5. Apply quality and performance evaluation indexes on the level of the Ministry and its affiliated bodies and employ experts to follow up on their execution.
  6. Coordinate, cooperate and participate with policy and strategy departments or departments performing the same functions in other ministries and with bodies concerned with policies and strategies in order to develop policies and set strategies for the government and have them approved by the Cabinet.
  7. Coordinate with national and international research and information centres in various ministries concerned with study and research.
  8. Issue periodic reports about the department’s work.

Article (7)

The Projects and Follow-Up Department shall have the following competencies:

  1. Participate in preparing national project plans for the Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation, as well as their follow-up and evaluation mechanisms.
  2. Participate in discovering cases and projects related to the Ministry’s functions and organise priorities accordingly.
  3. Supervise and follow up on national projects by the Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation.
  4. Coordinate and cooperate with authorities concerned with project management in the Cabinet pertaining to national projects related to labour and rehabilitation that affect more than one ministry, sector or region.
  5. Cooperate with the competent authorities in project management to build, develop and adopt modern scientific approaches to manage projects and participate in providing the human resources required.
  6. Adopt policies and systems related to labour and rehabilitation project management and evaluate their performance.
  7. Analyse performance measurement indexes for the Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation and participate in shaping strategies and programs required for their development.
  8. Participate in setting national plans to implement development projects and monitor the same.
  9. Participate in conducting studies and research related to developing fields of labour and rehabilitation in which the Ministry works and prepare the required infrastructure.

10. Issue periodic reports about the department’s work.

Article (8)

The Administrative and Financial Affairs Department shall have the following competencies:

  1. Determine administrative needs in work requirements.
  2. Provide administrative assistance services for all departments and offices of the Ministry, ensure periodic maintenance and supervise the same.
  3. Monitor administrative and financial risks facing the Ministry and propose solutions for them.
  4. Provide all kinds of services related to traveling on official missions abroad and training programs, provide visas and airline tickets, etc.
  5. Provide all necessary services for visitors and guests.
  6. Supervise maintenance services for Ministry facilities, follow up on equipment and furniture requirements and provide the same.
  7. Provide transportation and maintenance services and follow up on the renewal of the necessary documents and papers.
  8. Develop plans and programs necessary for the implementation of public policy with regard to financial affairs.
  9. Organise and follow up on the implementation of accounting and financial operations and obtain indexes to monitor financial and advisory performance in order to achieve the goals and strategies of the Ministry.

10. Perform activities related to account affairs and supervise the same.

11. Follow up on execution procedures in accordance with the financial laws, regulations and systems in force, keep records and prepare documents.

12. Prepare the financial document cycle in the Ministry, and supervise and follow up on the same.

13. Prepare the Ministry’s draft budget in coordination with competent departments and bodies affiliated with the Ministry.

14. Safeguard the Ministry’s funds and conduct disbursement operations from the adopted budget in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force.

15. Evaluate data and periodic reports on the Ministry’s financial and funding status.

16. Prepare pay stubs and keep financial records and analytical papers.

17. Prepare budgets and final accounts in accordance with accounting systems, analyse them, extract indexes and prepare financial performance reports.

18. Handle collection and disbursement and monitor stocks in accordance with policies, strategies and plans related to the Ministry’s financial activity.

19. Organise and follow up on the storage, safeguard and monitoring of stocks.

20. Supply the Ministry’s needs in terms of materials and requirements to ensure the constant availability of items and materials in warehouses.

21. Implement the budget, keep necessary records and documents, prepare accounting entries and take all necessary accounting procedures for various expenditure operations within the limits set by the adopted budget.

22. Manage financial trust accounts and close them on the specified deadlines.

23. Prepare the documents for disbursing financial dues for various bodies, including the contribution of workers to social security and instalments on loans and advances, etc. and settle them on time.

24. Prepare monthly financial reports on expenses and transactions in accordance with the specified rules, as well as the Ministry’s yearly final account.

25. Collect the Ministry’s revenues and dues in its bank accounts.

26. Prepare deeds in accordance with the relevant forms.

27. Deposit deeds in banks, withdraw money from banks and spend cash money when necessary.

28. Keep treasury records and record all data related to collection, deposits and spending directly after performing such operations.

29. Keep deeds and valuable documents, supervise and follow up on the Ministry’s bank accounts and handle required monthly transactions.

30. Perform all functions related to the treasury in accordance with the legislation regulating the same.

31. Conduct direct purchase operations according to the Ministry’s needs and follow up on the procedures of practice committees and bids.

32. Supervise, safeguard, and the Ministry’s warehouses, and conduct inventories of the same.

33. Store materials and disburse them in accordance with the prescribed regulations.

34. Sort worn-out materials or materials to be disposed of and handle them in accordance with the prescribed rules.

35. Keep purchase and warehouse records and related documents and papers in accordance with the regulations and legislation in force.

36. Provide all statistics and data required in this regard.

37. Issue periodic reports about the department’s work.

Article (9)

The Human Resources Department shall have the following competencies:

  1. Implement adopted policies and plans related to human resources in the Ministry.
  2. Apply laws, systems and regulations related to the rights and duties of employees.
  3. Manage staff affairs and provide job descriptions in the Ministry in a way that meets work requirements and fulfils its needs.
  4. Set standards and mechanisms based on transparency and providing everyone equal opportunities and rely on choices and specialised interviews in recruitment.
  5. Collect information and issue statistics related to human resources and advance, organise and document the same, and manage document cycles.
  6. Establish draft plans and programs for training in coordination with various departments and follow up on their implementation.
  7. Participate in creating a system to monitor training operations and control their quality.
  8. Perform quality checks on training programs.
  9. Issue periodic reports about the department’s work.

Article (10)

The IT and Technical Support Department shall have the following competencies:

  1. Adopt high-quality information system projects in the Ministry in accordance with the latest standards.
  2. Provide technical advice concerning adopted policies in the fields of information technology and communications, and perform all functions assigned to it regarding the implementation of these policies.
  3. Provide technical support in the fields of information technology and communications.
  4. Coordinate with the human resources department in matters of training on IT and communications.
  5. Manage and monitor Ministry websites and make necessary proposals to develop them.
  6. Do all that is necessary to ensure electronic information safety for individuals, for the Ministry and for all affiliated bodies.
  7. Design and install necessary components to connect PC networks to the facilities and offices of the Ministry.
  8. Perform necessary maintenance works for PC networks, software and general systems.
  9. Determine needs and necessary PC software to provide and develop network services.

10. Connect PC networks and Ministry offices to the internet.

11. Provide necessary capacities and requirements to connect networks.

12. Provide technical supervision on safety and security systems (electronic portals, cameras, fingerprint scanners, etc.), including operation and maintenance.

13. Issue periodic reports about the department’s work.

Article (11)

The organisation and staff department shall have the following competencies:

  1. Review and provide opinions about draft organisational structures for administrative units of all types before they are issued by the Prime Minister’s office or by the competent authority in accordance with the law.
  2. Study and provide opinions about the internal organisation of administrative units before its issuance.
  3. Propose and study guidelines by which administrative units are amended (whether created, dissolved, merged, added, transferred or their organisational structure is changed).
  4. Participate in establishing the principles and standard rules to prepare organisational guides for administrative units and follow up on their implementation.
  5. Participate in determining the guidelines and rules related to job descriptions and classifications.
  6. Conduct an annual study and review of staff, taking into account the number of positions, their names, their groups and their financial grades.
  7. Prepare executive procedures for the decisions on adopting staff members for public administrative units.
  8. Study and review amendments requested by administrative bodies and units on adopted staff and notify the competent authorities in this regard.
  9. Provide technical advice in issues related to staff.

10. Issue reports about the department’s work.

Article (12)

The Administrative Unit Employee Affairs Department shall have the following competencies:

  1. Participate in setting and implementing human resource management policies and mechanisms in the civil service sector.
  2. Collect data and statistics on the work conditions of employees in the administrative apparatus and take part in conducting studies and research in this regard.
  3. Follow up on cases of double employment in the state’s administrative apparatus through job placement in departments in coordination with the relevant authorities.
  4. Set guidelines, descriptions and prerequisites for filling positions according to the specified rules.
  5. Study and decide on requests to fill staff vacancies and ensure that candidates meet all necessary prerequisites.
  6. Issue periodic reports about the department’s work.

Article (13)

The Professional Inspection Department shall have the following competencies:

  1. Propose systems and instructions guaranteeing the correct implementation of laws and regulations on civil service affairs.
  2. Monitor the extent to which administrative units respect the commitment to simplify procedures and improve professional performance.
  3. Uncover civil service administrative infractions, reveal shortages and propose solutions in this regard.
  4. Inspect the extent to which administrative units abide by adopted staff requirements, including their commitment to the system of job description and hierarchy.
  5. Inspect all administrative units concerning their adherence to specialised professional cards.
  6. Issue periodic reports about the department’s work.

Article (14)

The Transfer within Civil Service Department shall have the following competencies:

  1. Tallying employees whose administrative units were dissolved, merged or reconsidered, as well as employees whose positions have been abolished after staff requirements in their administrative units have been reconsidered.
  2. Take necessary administrative procedures to refer the lists of the names of the employees who did not receive job placement in the staff of their administrative units.
  3. Propose training and rehabilitation programs in coordination with relevant authorities in order to contribute to the rehabilitation of those who were transferred within civil service.
  4. Propose the reinstatement of those who were transferred within civil service to bodies not funded by the state’s budget, in coordination with the relevant authorities.
  5. Coordinate with relevant authorities to encourage those who were transferred within civil service to make use of the benefits they are entitled to.
  6. Issue periodic reports about the department’s work.

Article (15)

The recruitment department shall have the following competencies:

  1. Participate in the classification and sorting of data and statistics related to the labour market and national workforce to use them in making strategic plans and conducting necessary studies.
  2. Participate in surveying the national workforce and prepare data and statistics.
  3. Participate in studying legislation regulating the labour market, proposing amendments and developing them to keep pace with local, regional and international developments and changes.
  4. Implement effective programs and plans to replace foreign workers with local workers, in coordination with relevant authorities, in accordance with adopted labour and recruitment policies and follow up on their implementation.
  5. Propose methods to balance supply and demand in the labour market quantitatively and qualitatively.
  6. Participate in studying national workforce turnover indicators in various jobs and vocations and determining their needs.
  7. Supervise, monitor and set internal labour regulations in companies and factories according to the specified regulations.
  8. Manage the allocation of available job vacancies for those looking for jobs so as to achieve the policies and strategies of the Ministry.
  9. Provide technical supervision of recruitment departments in labour and rehabilitation offices and in regions.

10. Issue periodic reports about the department’s work.

Article (16)

The professional inspection and safety department shall have the following competencies:

  1. Monitor all employers to ensure that they are implementing all professional safety and labour regulations.
  2. Monitor all employers to ensure that they are recording accidents, work injuries, work-related diseases and other data related to professional safety.
  3. Prepare a report on employer adherence to professional safety and labour regulations.
  4. Participate in studying infractions discovered at various employers, analyse them, determine their causes, and offer proposals and solutions to guarantee that they are resolved and to avoid repeating them in the future.
  5. Discover infractions and take necessary measures regarding them according to what is prescribed in this regard.
  6. Receive worker complaints, decide upon them and take necessary measures regarding them.
  7. Propose appointing labour inspectors in coordination with the human resources department in accordance with guidelines and prerequisites specified in the regulations in force.
  8. Exercise competencies related to resolving conflicts between workers and employers by means of reconciliation, arbitration and collective bargaining.
  9. Follow up on transferred employees on-site to ensure they are performing their duties in coordination with the recruitment department.

10. Propose the development of professional inspection methods and improve the efficiency of inspectors in coordination with the human resources department and the training bodies of the Ministry or other authorities.

11. Make necessary proposals to resolve any deficiency in decisions and regulations related to labour and professional safety.

12. Issue periodic reports on the department’s work.

Article (17)

The Employment Department shall have the following competencies:

  1. Participate in the classification and sorting of data and statistics related to the labour market and national workforce to use them in making strategic plans and conducting necessary studies.
  2. Participate in surveying the foreign workforce and prepare data and statistics.
  3. Participate in studying legislation regulating the labour market, propose amendments to the same and develop them to keep pace with local, regional and international developments and changes.
  4. Coordinate with relevant authorities to set effective programs and plans to replace foreign workers with local workers, in accordance with the adopted labour and recruitment policies.
  5. Propose methods to balance supply and demand in the labour market quantitatively and qualitatively.
  6. Supervise the implementation of bilateral or multilateral labour treaties on employment.
  7. Provide technical supervision of recruitment departments in labour and rehabilitation offices and in regions.
  8. Participate in reviewing labour regulations in companies and factories according to the specified regulations.
  9. Receive and decide upon requests to recruit foreign workers by various employers and issue authorisations to employ foreign workers according to the employment policies in force.

10. Issue periodic reports about the department’s work.

Article (18)

The labour and rehabilitation office review department shall have the following competencies:

  1. Monitor the implementation of decisions issued by the Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation related to workflow in offices.
  2. Assist in collecting data and information related to the workforce and submit the same to relevant authorities in the ministry.
  3. Conduct periodic spot inspection visits to all offices and bodies subject to the Ministry’s supervision and issue necessary reports in this regard.
  4. Organise and record data related to labour and rehabilitation offices in regions.
  5. Monitor the implementation of procedures that aim to activate programs adopted by the Ministry relating to national and foreign workforces.
  6. Coordinate between labour and rehabilitation offices in regions and the Ministry Office.
  7. Examine complaints and grievances related to work affairs and public office in offices affiliated with the Ministry in coordination with the departments and offices of the Ministry.
  8. Monitor the organisation of employing foreign workers and issue the authorisations necessary to recruit them and sign contracts with them.
  9. Monitor the implementation of rules and regulations regarding the inspection of work sites to ensure the enforcement of the laws and regulations in force in the field of recruitment and public office in labour offices.

10. Monitor training and rehabilitation programs for local workers in labour offices, issue periodic reports about them, refer them to relevant authorities and make necessary evaluations about them.

11. Monitor and ensure the flow of various data and information from labour offices about job opportunities and those seeking employment and refer the same to relevant authorities in the Ministry.

12. Issue periodic reports on the workflow in labour monitoring offices in regions and refer the same to relevant authorities within the Ministry.

Article (19)

The Human Resources Development Department shall have the following competencies:

  1. Participate in setting and implementing human resources management policies and strategies in the civil service sector.
  2. Participate in proposing plans to orient training, development and rehabilitation policies in work fields with various employers.
  3. Propose and prepare mechanisms that enable the establishment of training systems that achieve the goals of training according to career plans in accordance with the relevant authorities.
  4. Set necessary standards to make nominations for training abroad, while ensuring national training and building local capabilities.
  5. Participate in preparing and proposing career substitution systems and their mechanisms of implementation.
  6. Set and implement training programs and plans to rehabilitate national elements in both the public and private sectors in Libya and abroad.
  7. Propose setting standards and prerequisites to perform training activities.
  8. Coordinate with training authorities to orient them to train recruits on careers and skills needed by the local labour market.
  9. Study and propose the establishment of training agreements with countries, organisations and local and international specialised companies to train in Libya or abroad as necessary.

10. Motivate and encourage Libyans without qualifications who are seeking employment to join training programs and gain skills required on the labour market.

11. Issue periodic reports about the department’s work.

Article (20)

The Institutional Capacity-Building Department shall have the following competencies:

  1. Participate in setting administrative development and institution-building policies and strategies.
  2. Analyse the current situation and give ideas, proposals and plans to improve services provided for citizens by government institutions.
  3. Prepare and present the comprehensive plan to develop and manage institutional performance and evaluate its implementation if it is approved.
  4. Participate in setting human resources management policies and strategies in government institutions.
  5. Propose policies and strategies regarding institutional governance, strategic planning, performance management, quality control systems and electronic governance.
  6. Issue periodic reports about the department’s work.

Article (21)

The Training Quality Department shall have the following competencies:

  1. Set the necessary standards and prerequisites for performing training activities.
  2. Study the procedures for issuing training licenses in accordance with the adopted prerequisites and guidelines.
  3. Evaluate training bodies and scientific institutions to ensure high-quality outcomes from training.
  4. Establish a quality control system in training programs and monitor its implementation.
  5. Monitor the application of adopted training approaches by training institutions, establish examination and evaluation systems and monitor their implementation.
  6. Participate in setting the standards necessary for nomination for training abroad, while ensuring national training and building local capabilities.
  7. Issue periodic reports about the department’s work.

Article (22)

The Public Relations and Media Office shall have the following competencies:

  1. Implement the Ministry’s media policy and cover its activities in Libya and abroad, in coordination with the relevant authorities
  2. Monitor reports about the Ministry in various media outlets and refer them to relevant authorities to examine them and prepare responses whenever necessary.
  3. Document news about the Ministry, publish them in various media outlets and issue journals, magazines, publications and bulletins.
  4. Publish legislation and provide and distribute publications and journals on specialists in the Ministry.
  5. Support the link between the Ministry and other bodies through publications and media articles in such a way as to ensure the public interest and the Ministry’s goals.
  6. Follow up on the needs and requirements of media bodies and channels referred to the Ministry which fall directly under its competencies.
  7. Follow up on public relations activities intended by the Minister.
  8. Receive delegations to the Ministry.
  9. Communicate with local authorities, administrative units and various companies and institutions on the national level to inform them about the Ministry’s orientation in shaping the relationship between both parties.

10. Arrange mutual visits between the Minister and other parties.

11. Deliver special and public invitations issued by the Minister regarding public relations.

12. Ensure direct communication with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the general relationship with bodies and embassies representing foreign countries, as well as international organisations and institutions currently present in Libya or abroad.

13. Perform any other functions assigned to the public relations and media office.

14. Issue periodic reports about the office’s work.

Article (23)

The Legal Affairs Office shall have the following competencies:

  1. Prepare legal memoranda and give advice on subjects referred to it.
  2. Prepare and draft regulations and decisions related to Ministry activities.
  3. Prepare correspondence, reports and draft decisions according to the instructions of the Minister.
  4. Examine contracts and treaties that the Ministry intends to sign from a legal viewpoint.
  5. Prepare and review legal conditions for bids, practices, assignment orders and contracts and all related legal documents and papers.
  6. Negotiate with bodies with which the Ministry intends to sign contracts in order to achieve the best possible contract conditions.
  7. Prepare draft contracts and treaties that the Ministry signs with third parties, as well as all amendments, and ratify their final versions.
  8. Follow up on cases initiated by or against the Ministry and prepare legal memoranda regarding them in coordination with the government’s Cases Department and relevant authorities.
  9. Monitor all local and international laws, regulations and decisions related to the Ministry’s activities.

10. Participate in investigation committees and any other committees that require a legal perspective in order to perform their assigned functions.

11. Evaluate and review labour regulations, structures, duties and competencies.

12. Develop the regulations and policies in force and monitor the same.

13. Stamp, record and refer the Minister’s decisions, instructions and proxies and follow up on their implementation.

14. Provide references, legal studies and legislation in force and refer the same to offices and departments for implementation.

15. Issue periodic reports about the office’s work.

Article (24)

The Ministry’s Secretariat shall have the following competencies:

  1. Manage the Ministry’s affairs so as to create an active organisational framework between all parties.
  2. Make necessary arrangements for the ordinary and extraordinary meetings of the Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation, prepare the minutes thereof and follow up on the issuance of decisions.
  3. Participate in managing workshops, seminars and conferences organised by the Ministry.
  4. Coordinate between the Ministry’s high administration so as to create an active framework for internal communication between these components.
  5. Monitor minutes of Cabinet meetings referred to the Ministry and take necessary measures regarding them.
  6. Perform all other functions assigned to it which fall under its competencies.
  7. Issue periodic reports about the Secretariat’s work.

Article (25)

The Office of the Minister shall have the following competencies:

  1. Organise the appointments and interviews of the Minister.
  2. Monitor the Minister’s agenda and meetings.
  3. Ensure that meeting rooms are equipped and provide all necessary meeting requirements.
  4. Attend meetings based on the Minister’s decision, prepare minutes, document them and follow up on executive procedures.
  5. Open necessary files for the Minister’s affairs and activities.
  6. Organise incoming and outgoing correspondence and implement instructions issued in this regard.

Article (26)

The Advisors’ Office shall have the following competencies:

  1. Provide opinions on and participate in preparing systems and regulations prepared by the Ministry according to its assigned competencies and to the laws and legislation issued in this regard.
  2. Propose ways to encourage investment in the Ministry and its affiliated bodies.
  3. Participate in preparing national plans for the Ministry and its affiliated bodies.
  4. Participate in conducting various studies.
  5. Contribute to setting guidelines for determining service prices.
  6. Contribute to improving service provision.
  7. Issue periodic reports on the office’s work.

Article (27)

The Internal Audit Office shall have the following competencies:

  1. Implement labour programs related to internal audit and review of business and financial, accounting and administrative procedures.
  2. Establish systems for internal review and financial management and monitor the implementation of financial laws and regulations in force.
  3. Review the Ministry’s financial procedures, ensure they do not contradict laws and decisions regulating financial work, review documents, records and cards to ensure that they respect the specified conditions and monitor total funds and balances.
  4. Conduct internal review of all expenses and revenues and ensure the amounts of money specified in the budget are not exceeded.
  5. Examine and review the draft budget and final accounts and submit general reports to relevant authorities within the Ministry.
  6. Review all expense authorisations and ensure they are match all supporting documents according to financial and accounting regulations in the Ministry.
  7. Review accounting orientations according to financial and accounting regulations adopted, while ensuring the validity of the operations and the discount on the specified clause.
  8. Examine accounting records and documents to ensure that they are consistent with the nature of the work and ensure proper workflow.
  9. Perform spot inspections of treasuries and warehouses, supervise annual inventories and the delivery of and take all necessary measures in this regard.

10. Propose amendments to accounting documents, records and forms in coordination with the relevant authorities.

11. Participate in responding to inquiries and notes submitted by foreign financial control authorities about examining and reviewing final accounts and general budgets.

12. Prepare periodic reports about the Ministry’s financial status, warn in particular against deficiencies and deviations and report to the Minister so that he may take necessary measures in this regard.

13. Maintain fixed and movable assets.

14. Issue periodic reports about the office’s work.

Article (28)

The Technical and International Cooperation Office shall have the following competencies:

  1. Examine international agreements and treaties related to the Ministry’s work.
  2. Represent Libya in international forums and conferences related to the Ministry’s work in coordination with the relevant authorities.
  3. Examine and follow up on decisions and recommendations issued regarding relationships and international cooperation in the field of labour and rehabilitation.
  4. Monitor procedures related to joining or ratifying international treaties and agreements.
  5. Monitor the Ministry’s financial contributions to international organisations and conferences.
  6. Organise the Ministry’s representation internationally and regionally and respect international and regional commitments.
  7. Build and create global and regional partnerships to develop the field of labour and rehabilitation in Libya.
  8. Prepare to participate in the meetings of regional and international organisations and unions and specialised committees in the field of labour and rehabilitation.
  9. Prepare reports on the meetings held by regional and international organisations and unions and specialised committees, classify them and refer them to the relevant authorities.

10. Issue periodic reports about the office’s work.

Article (29)

Undersecretary offices shall have the following competencies:

  1. Organise the appointments and interviews of the undersecretary.
  2. Prepare the undersecretary’s agenda and meetings.
  3. Ensure that meeting rooms are equipped and provide all necessary meeting requirements.
  4. Open necessary files and keep minutes of meetings.
  5. Organise incoming and outgoing correspondence and implement instructions issued in this regard.
  6. Attend meetings based on the undersecretary’s decision, record minutes, document them and follow up on the required executive procedures.
  7. Refer the undersecretary’s decisions and instructions to relevant authorities and follow up on their implementation.
  8. Issue periodic reports about the office’s work.

Article (30)

Labour and rehabilitation offices:

They shall be established according to actual needs of labour and rehabilitation offices in regions. They shall be given the assets, belongings and balances of offices and bodies concerned with labour and public office in regions, as well as their personnel. In addition to that, they shall implement the Ministry’s policy and strategy regarding labour, rehabilitation and civil service in cities and various regions, as well as in some qualitative sectors. Their competencies shall be determined qualitatively so as to meet the needs of the labour market in every region and sector in particular. By virtue of a decision issued by the Minister of Labour and Rehabilitation, the functions and competencies of these offices shall be determined, as well as the mechanism of implementation for this Article, in accordance with the legislation in force in this regard.

Article (31)

The Minister of Labour and Rehabilitation shall issue a decision determining the internal organisation of the Ministry, in accordance with the provisions of this Decree.

Article (32)

One or more committees shall be formed by decisions by the Minister of Labour and Rehabilitation to execute the provisions of this Decree.

Article (33)

This decree shall enter into effect from its date of issuance, all contrary provisions shall be repealed and it shall be published in the Official Gazette.

The Cabinet – Libya

Issued on 11 Rabi’ al-Thani 1433 AH

Corresponding to 04/03/2012

Text Type:Decree
Text number:87
Text date:2012-03-04

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