Latest laws


Part VI: Organisation and Status of Core Security and Justice Providers

Decree No. (904) of 1994 on establishing the Judicial Expertise and Research Centre

The Secretary of the General People’s Committee

Decree No. (904) of 1423 FBP

on the Establishment of a Branch of the Judicial Expertise and Research Centre 


Secretary of the General People’s Committee for Justice and Public Security,
Upon review of:

  • The Cabinet’s Decree to Establish a National Center for Legislative

and Criminal Research, issued on 14/04/1964 AD;

  • The Minister of Labor Decree on Organizing the National Center for Legislative and Criminal Research,

issued on 13/05/1964 AD;

  • The General People’s Committee Decree No. (19) of 1993 AD on Organizing

the Secretariat of the General People’s Committee for Justice and Public Security; and

  • Letter No. (1/20/918) of the Chairman of the Judicial Expertise and Research Center

dated 14/11/1423 FBP, and

  • Based on the submission of the Undersecretary of Judicial and Legal Affairs,


has decreed the following:


Article (1)

A branch for the Judicial Expertise and Research Center shall be established in Sabha region and headquartered in Sabha City.


Article (2)

The competent entities shall implement this Decree.


Mohammad Mahmoud Al-Hejazi

The Secretary of the General People’s Committee for Justice and Public Security

Issued on: 9 Rajab 1404 FDP

Corresponding to: 11/12/1423 FBP

Text Type:Decree
Text number:904
Text date:1994-01-16
Institution:General People's Committee

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