Latest laws


Part II: Legislative Authorities: Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector

Law No. (10) of 1985 adopting some provisions for crimes of public morality

Law No. (10) of 1985

adopting some provisions for crimes of public morality

The General People’s Congress

  • In execution of resolutions adopted by Basic People’s Congresses in their third ordinary session in of 1393/1394 FDP corresponding to 1984 AD, as drafted by the General Forum of People’s Congresses, the popular committees, and professional syndicates, unions and associations (the General People’s Congress) in its tenth ordinary session from 5 to 9 Jumada al-Akhera 1394 FDP, corresponding to 26 February 1985 AD.

Upon review of:

  • The Penal Code;
  • Law No. (70) of 1973 on limiting adultery and amending some Penal Code provisions;
  • Law No. (56) of 1970 on protecting morals in public places;

drafted the following law:

Article (1)

The following shall be regarded as crimes of moral turpitude:

  1. Crimes against freedom, honour, and morals stipulated in Book (3), Part (2) of the Penal Code.
  2. Crimes that violate honour or that pertain to public morals or public order provided for in Articles (439), (472), (492), (493), (496), (500), and (501) of the Penal Code.
  3. Acts of adultery as stipulated in the aforementioned Law No. (70) of 1973.

Article (2)

The penalties for the crimes mentioned in the previous article shall be increased by two-thirds if the offender works for the police, local public security, or holds the capacity of judicial officer.

Penalties shall be doubled if the offender has been assigned to protect public morality, care for minors, if he is in charge of the victim at their place of work, or if he was entrusted with caring for, raising, educating, training, treating, or supervising the victim or of taking on the latter’s affairs.

Article (3)

Conviction of any of the crimes of moral turpitude mentioned in Article (1) shall entail the following:

  1. Deprivation of the right to promotion to Secretariats of the People’s Congresses, People’s Committees, and professional unions, syndicates, and associations.
  2. Loss of entitlement to undertake affairs of guardianship or tutelage.
  3. Non-acceptance of testimony before any judicial bodies, except in criminal matters.
  4. Deprivation of the right to obtain a certificate of good conduct.
  5. Loss of entitlement to assume the duties of a judicial officer, even if the convicted individual has been rehabilitated, and the court shall instruct that the verdict be published at the expense of the convicted party.

Article (4)

This law shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall enter into force within sixty days of its publication.

General People’s Congress – Libya

Issued on: 13 Ramadan 1394 FDP

Corresponding to 1 June 1985 AD

Text Type:Law
Text number:10
Text date:1985-06-01
Institution:General People's Congress

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