Latest laws


Part I: Constitutional Framework

Law No. (44) of 2012 amending Law No. (3) of 2012 on the establishment of the High National Elections Commission

Law No. (44) of 2012

On the Amendment of Law No. (3) of 2012

Regarding the Establishment of the High National Elections Commission

The Interim National Transitional Council

Upon review of:

  • The 17 February Revolution Victory Statement issued on 22 February 2011;
  • The decision concerning the establishment of the Interim National Transitional Council (NTC) and the specification of the competences thereof;
  • The bylaws and internal regulation of the NTC;
  • The Constitutional Declaration issued on 3 August 2011 and the amendment thereof;
  • Law No. (3) of 2012 regarding the establishment of the High National Elections Commission (HNEC), and the amendments thereof;
  • The session of the interim NTC held on Wednesday 16/5/2012;

issued the following law:

Article (1)

Article (8) of Law No. (3) of 2012 regarding the establishment of the HNEC shall be replaced with the following text:

The HNEC Council shall be composed of eleven (11) full-time members appointed by a decision of the interim National Transitional Council.

Article (2)

This decision shall take effect on the date of issuance thereof, and any contrary provision shall be repealed. It shall be published in the Official Gazette.

Interim National Transitional Council – Libya

Tripoli on 16/05/2012

Text Type:Law
Text number:44
Text date:2012-05-16
Institution:National Transitional Council (NTC)
Gazette number:11
Gazette date:2012-06-18
Gazette pages:635 - 636

Other amendments
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