Latest laws


Part I: Constitutional Framework

Law No. (8) of 2011 on the organization of the Official Gazette

Law No. (8) of 2011

On the Organization of the Official Gazette

The National Transitional Council

Upon review of:

  • The Victory Statement of the 17 February Revolution, issued on 22 February 2011;
  • The Constitutional Declaration issued on 3 August 2011;
  • The rules of procedure of the National Transitional Council (NTC);
  • Law No. (17) of 2001 on the organisation of the Legal Register;
  • Law No. (16) of 2001 on the organisation of the Legal Code and the Code of Procedure;
  • Decree No. (16) of 2001 on the organisation of the Legal Code and the Code of Procedure;
  • Decree No. (2) of 2002 on the organisation of the Code of Procedure;
  • Decree No. (133) of 2002 specifying the decrees and material that shall be published in the Code of Procedure;
  • The results of the NTC session held on Tuesday, 06/12/2011;

issued the following law:

Article (1)

Libya’s Official Gazette shall be established pursuant to this law. It shall be issued in Arabic and it shall have a website where an online version thereof shall be published.

Article (2)

The following shall be published in the Official Gazette:

  1. Laws and decrees issued by the competent legislative authority.
  2. Decrees and regulations issued by the Cabinet.
  3. Executive regulations of laws.
  4. The texts of international and regional agreements and treaties that are ratified by the legislature.
  5. Statements issued by the legislature.
  6. Regulatory decrees issued by the Prime Minister.
  7. Assets and liabilities of the Central Bank of Libya.
  8. Decisions by the Central Bank of Libya to discontinue any class of paper currency or coinage.
  9. Decisions by the Central Bank of Libya to grant or revoke permission to any commercial bank to operate in Libya or merge with another bank.

10. Decisions to register, remove or suspend notaries public.

11. Decisions to expropriate public utilities.

12. Announcements of sale at public auction in execution of rulings or court orders.

13. Declarations of the destruction or loss of bills of exchange, certified cheques and decisions pertaining to writing them off and deeming them void.

14. Declaration to register patents, industrial designs and models, and trademarks.

15. Announcement of loss or theft of notary public seals.

16. Announcement for general assemblies of joint-stock companies to convene in extraordinary sessions.

17. Any text the laws stipulate for publication in the Official Gazette.

Nothing shall be published in the Official Gazette other than the above material.

Article (3)

  1. The material prepared for publication shall be sent to the Ministry of Justice to assume responsibility for its entry in a special record according to date of receipt.
  2. Publication in the Official Gazette shall be by an order from the Minister of Justice.
  3. The Official Gazette shall be published at a printing office determined by the Ministry of Justice.
  4. The pages of the Official Gazette shall be numerated with a continuous serial number from the start of the year until the end of the year. The serial number and issue number of the Gazette shall be placed at the top of the page.
  5. The above numeration shall start from the date that the present law enters into force.

Article (4)

Every issue of the Official Gazette shall bear the date of issue. This date may not be prior or subsequent to the actual date of issuance of the issue.

At the start of every issue of the Gazette, its index shall be published containing the page number where the text is published in addition to its number, date and subject.

Article (5)

If tables, documents, or statements are appended to the laws or decrees, they shall be published in full in the Official Gazette.

Article (6)

Issues of the Official Gazette that are issued in accordance with the provisions of the present law shall be deemed proof of their content without need for any other evidence.

Article (7)

The Ministry of Justice is responsible for distributing issues of the Official Gazette to the competent bodies with or without remuneration. A decree from the Ministry of Justice shall determine the price of the Official Gazette and the cost of the annual subscription.

Article (8)

The Ministry of Justice is responsible for establishing the Department of the Official Gazette and appointing its director through a relevant decree, provided that it is under the supervision of the General Law Department.

Article (9)

The following shall be abolished:

– Law No. 17 of 2001 on the organisation of the Legal Register.

– Decree No. 16 of 2001 on the organisation of the Legal Register and Code of Procedure.

– Decree No. 2 of 2002 on the organisation of the Code of Procedure.

– Law No. 133 of 2002 specifying the laws and material that shall be published in the Code of Procedure.

Article (10)

The provisions of the present law shall enter into force from the date that the law is issued and published in the Official Gazette.

Interim National Transitional Council – Libya

Issued in Tripoli

On Tuesday 06/12/2011

Text Type:Law
Text number:08
Text date:2011-12-06
Institution:National Transitional Council (NTC)
Gazette number:01
Gazette date:2012-03-06
Gazette pages:04 - 07

Repealed by the following texts:

Announcement: Launch of Enhanced Legal Database Design.

We are thrilled to announce the successful launch of our new legal database design as part of DCAF's ongoing commitment to our valued users. This update introduces a range of improvements, including a streamlined, user-friendly interface and enhanced functionalities, ensuring effortless access to vital information.

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