Great Green Charter of Human Rights of the Jamahiriyan Era

THE GREAT GREEN CHARTER OF HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE JAMAHIRIYAN ERA The Libyan Arab People, gathered in Basic People’s Congresses, Inspired by Communique No. 1 of the Great 1 September 1969 Revolution, which was the final triumph of freedom on this Earth, Guided by the principles from the historic Declaration on the Establishment of the […]

Law No. (16) of 1992 on the administrative structure

Law No. (16) of 1992 on the administrative structure The General People’s Congress In implementation of the decisions issued by People’s Congresses in their first ordinary session of 1402 AH, corresponding to 1992 AD, formulated by the General Forum of People’s Congresses, People’s Committees, syndicates, professional associations and unions (the General People’s Congress) in its […]

Announcement: Launch of Enhanced Legal Database Design.

We are thrilled to announce the successful launch of our new legal database design as part of DCAF's ongoing commitment to our valued users. This update introduces a range of improvements, including a streamlined, user-friendly interface and enhanced functionalities, ensuring effortless access to vital information.

We take great pride in delivering this significant enhancement, and we reaffirm our dedication to providing you with the utmost service excellence. We extend our sincere gratitude for your continued trust and support.