Latest laws


Part VI: Organisation and Status of Core Security and Justice Providers

Decree No. (137) of 2006 on establishing the Libyan Humanitarian Relief Agency

Decree No. (137) of 2006 AD

on establishing the Libyan Humanitarian Relief Agency

The General People’s Committee,

Upon review of:

  • Law No. (1) of 1369 FDP on the People’s Congresses and the People’s Committees, and the implementing regulations thereof;
  • The Commercial Code;
  • Law No. (11) of 1425 AD reorganising the People’s Oversight and amendments thereto;
  • General People’s Committee Decree No. (5) of 1374 FDP on establishing the Financial Audit Authority;
  • General People’s Committee Decree No. (461) of 1429 FDP restructuring the National Standing Relief Committee and approving certain provisions thereon and amendments thereto;
  • The minutes of the second ordinary meeting of the General People’s Committee for 1369 FDP;
  • The approval of the General People’s Committee in its seventeenth ordinary meeting and its eighteenth ordinary meeting of 1374 FDP;

has decreed:

Article (1)

A general commission called the Libyan Humanitarian Relief Agency shall be established, which shall be a legal entity with financial autonomy affiliated to the General People’s Committee for Health and the Environment.

Article (2)

The Commission’s main headquarters shall be in the city of Benghazi in the Great Jamahiriya. The Commission may open branches or offices within the Great Jamahiriya under a decree from the administrative board, in accordance with operational requirements.

Article (3)

The Commission shall handle programming and implementation of humanitarian assistance and relief activities contributing to efforts to improve the social, health, and humanitarian conditions of the most vulnerable groups and individuals and victims of catastrophes. In achieving such, it may exercise the following competencies:

  1. Prepare and manage plans to provide national relief works and assistance inside the Great Jamahiriya and abroad, in coordination with the related bodies.
  2. Prepare the plans, programs, and programs to provide assistance and relief and furnish the means and elements of humanitarian and material assistance to improve the conditions of those in need and mitigate the effects of disasters.
  3. Implement humanitarian assistance approved for other countries to realize the national interest, considering the orientation of Jamahiriyan society and the treaties and conventions to which the Great Jamahiriya is a party.
  4. Strengthen the capacity of Libyan human resources necessary to implement assistance programs in accordance with established international standards.
  5. Coordinate with the efforts of national and international agencies, institutions, and non-governmental associations working in the field of assistance to contribute to developing capacities and ensure effectiveness and exceptional performance in implementing the assistance of the Great Jamahiriya for other peoples, and highlight these efforts at the local and international level. In achieving such, the Commission may cooperate and participate with other counterpart bodies, institutions, and non-governmental associations to implement projects and programs scheduled for implementation, whether at the national, regional, or international level.

Article (4)

The Commission may assume the duties of supervising and providing humanitarian assistance and relief. It shall be prohibited for any other body under any name to implement assistance and relief programs, except in coordination with the Commission.

Article (5)

The Commission shall be managed by an administrative board made of delegates from the related bodies. The board shall be formed and its work regulated under a decree issued by the Secretariat of the General People’s Committee.

Article (6)

The Commission’s administrative board shall assume implementation of the plans and programs necessary to perform its work and supervise the implementation of the approved projects scheduled for implementation. The Commission may undertake the following in particular:

  1. Supervise the Commission’s administrative unit and monitor the workflow thereof.
  2. Monitor the implementation of the plans, programs, and projects necessary for the performance of the work therein.
  3. Prepare the Commission’s budget and balance sheet.
  4. Propose aspects of cooperation and participation with other counterpart bodies, institutions, and associations, domestically and abroad.
  5. Propose the regulations governing the Commission’s work.
  6. Any other activities assigned thereto by the Secretariat of the General People’s Committee.*

Article (7)

The Commission’s financial resources shall consist of:

  1. Funds allocated thereto in the State’s general budget.
  2. Unconditional cash and in-kind donations and gifts.

Article (8)

The Commission shall open one or more accounts at a bank operating in the Great Jamahiriya in which it shall deposit all of its funds.

Article (9)

The Commission’s organisational structure shall consist of a number of departments and offices that shall be set out and their work regulated under a decree issued by the competent secretary.

Article (10)

The Financial Audit Authority shall inspect and audit the Commission’s accounts and budgets, in accordance with the regulations and legislation in force.

Article (11)

General People’s Committee Decree No. (461) of 1429 FBP restructuring the National Standing Relief Committee and approving certain provisions thereon and amendments thereto shall be repealed, and all assets and rights thereof shall be transferred to the Libyan Humanitarian Relief Agency established under this Decree.

Article (12)

This Decree shall come into force on the date of its issue and shall be published in the Procedures Register. Any provision that conflicts with this Decree shall be repealed.

General People’s Committee – Libya

Issued on:

10 Jumada al-Oula

Corresponding to: 06/06/1374 FDP 2006 AD

Text Type:Decree
Text number:137
Text date:2006-01-04
Institution:General People's Committee

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