Latest laws


Part III: Executive Authorities: Control of the Security Sector

Decree No. (214) of 2012 approving the organizational structure and competencies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and organising its administrative unit


Decree No. (214) of 2012 AD

approving the organizational structure and competencies

of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
and organising its administrative unit

The Cabinet,

Upon review of:

  • The Constitutional Declaration;
  • Law No. (43) of 1976 AD establishing the Diplomacy Studies Institute;
  • Law No. (2) of 2001 AD on organizing political and consular work, and the implementing regulations thereof;
  • Law No. (12) of 2010 AD on issuing the Labour Relations Law and the implementing regulations thereof;
  • National Transitional Council Decree No. (174) of 2011 AD on determining the structure of the government;
  • National Transitional Council Decree No. (178) of 2011 AD on approving the bodies affiliated to the government;
  • National Transitional Council Decree No. (184) of 2011 AD on approving the transitional government;
  • Cabinet Decree No. (1) of 2012 AD on specifying the competencies of deputy and assistant deputy ministers;
  • Cabinet Decree No. (212) of 2012 AD on approving certain provisions on the Diplomacy Studies Institute;
  • Cabinet Decree No. (213) of 2012 AD on dissolving the Information and Documentation Centre at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation;
  • Based on the submission of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in Letter No. (352) dated 12/02/2012 AD;
  • The decrees of the Cabinet in its fifth ordinary meeting of 2012 AD;

has decided:

Article (1)

The organisational structure and competencies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation shall be approved and its administrative apparatus organized in accordance with this Decree.

Article (2)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation shall be responsible for the implementation of policies and plans and establishing the programs necessary in the field of foreign affairs and international cooperation, in line with the national goals within the framework of the State’s general policy. In particular, it may undertake the following:

  1. Coordinate and implement Libyan foreign policy with the countries of the world, conduct all measures to strengthen and preserve the same and draw all possible benefit therefrom.
  2. Establish plans and programs that aim to link and boost political and economic relations and cooperation between Libya and the countries of the world.
  3. Promote the noble principles of the 17 February revolution abroad, in coordination with the competent Libyan bodies.
  4. Seek to create relations directly with the Libyan people and all peoples of the world.
  5. Prepare political, legal and strategic studies and research on issues of interest to Libya.
  6. Undertake measures to support cooperation between Libya and other countries through monitoring the implementation of agreements and accords concluded therewith, and all other technical aspects of cooperation.
  7. Propose, study and research bilateral, regional and international agreements and treaties in all areas and supervise the implementation, interpretation and amendment thereof in coordination with the related bodies.
  8. Monitor Libya’s economic relations with other countries, as well as the activities of economic groupings and cooperation forums, and prepare economic studies and research on cases of interest, in coordination with the related bodies.
  9. Prepare the Ministry’s draft budget and final accounts.
  10. Propose opening or closing embassies and diplomatic and consular missions abroad in a manner that achieves Libyan foreign policy goals
  11. Supervise embassies and general political and consular missions abroad, and issue the necessary political and consular instructions.
  12. Monitor the affairs of Libya’s official diplomatic missions.
  13. Perform all activities and procedures related to protocol and supervise the privileges and immunity of Libya’s official delegations, issue political and special passports, issue political and special visas, establish the procedures governing such, propose the awarding of medals to foreigners and set out the rules related to authorising Libyan citizens to hold foreign medals.
  14. Provide opinions on joining regional and international organisations and bodies.
  15. Participate in regional and international conferences and symposiums, propose the formation of delegations related thereto and supervise the organisation of regional and international conferences and meetings held in Libya.
  16. Prepare periodic and annual reports on the activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, as well as the reports it is requested to prepare and submit them to the competent bodies.
  17. Prepare the credentials of Libyan ambassadors and delegates to other countries, sign consular credentials and authorisations, accreditation documents and other documents related to the activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
  18. Propose the acceptance of nominations of new diplomatic representatives of Libya, and prepare and participate in the procedures for submitting their credentials.
  19. Perform works and procedures related to supervising and attending to all matters related to the privileges and immunities of Libya’s official diplomatic delegations and the offices, members, and employees of regional and international bodies and organisations.
  20. Receive delegations and delegates and conduct talks and consultations with them.

Article (3)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation is responsible for directing the Ministry’s policy, and shall have the authority to issue instructions and supervise all Ministry divisions. In particular, the Minister shall undertake the following:

  1. Implement foreign policy, negotiate in the name of the Libyan state and represent Libya in international forums and conferences, in addition to contributing to establishing the State’s general policies as a member of the Cabinet.
  2. Coordinate in implementing Libya’s policy in its foreign relations with the countries of the world and perform all procedures to document, support and develop such, in a manner that achieves and preserves the interests of Libya and its nationals abroad.
  3. Work to strengthen and fortify the Libyan government’s relations with the governments of other countries and with regional and international organisations.
  4. Supervise the interests of the Libyan state and work to protect its nationals abroad through diplomatic means.
  5. Attend regional and international political conferences and head the Libyan delegation participating in the United Nations’ annual sessions.
  6. Handle communications, talks and negotiations on the conclusion of treaties and agreements with other countries and supervise the assessment of all procedures related thereto.
  7. Approve accreditation documents for Libyan delegations participating in regional and international conferences and those for bilateral meetings.
  8. Propose the appointment of ambassadors, delegates and general consuls at Libyan embassies, missions and consulates abroad.
  9. Provide Libyan diplomatic and consular delegations abroad with instructions in a continuous manner.
  10. Provide opinions on candidates to head foreign diplomatic delegations and those seeking accreditation by the Libyan state.
  11. Summon the heads of diplomatic missions accredited by the Libyan state at any time and receive them at their request.
  12. Attend ceremonies for the submission of the credentials of new foreign ambassadors accredited by the Libyan state.
  13. Supervise the organisation and establishment of diplomatic and consular representation between the Libyan state and other countries.
  14. Make visits to fellow Arab countries and friendly countries from time to time with the aim of conducting talks with his counterparts in such countries in order to improve relations.
  15. Receive foreign ambassadors and delegates at the end of their service.
  16. Accept appointment letters of foreign chargés d’affaires working in the Libyan state.
  17. Submit a summary of the most important information and reports received from delegations abroad on political, economic and other affairs to the Prime Minister’s Office accompanied by his opinion on the matter.
  18. Sign consular credentials and the diplomas of graduates of the Diplomatic Institute for Capacity Building.
  19. Sign accreditation documents for Libyan delegations participating in bilateral meetings and regional and international conferences in accordance with the legislation in force.
  20. Approve accreditation documents for Libyan delegations participating in bilateral meetings and regional and international conferences in accordance with the legislation in force.
  21. Upon authorisation by the government, the Minister shall sign all agreements and treaties related to Libya’s bilateral or multilateral relations, and international treaties in the framework of regional or international cooperation.
  22. Send official delegations of Ministry employees to participate in political, economic, cultural and technical meetings and attend regional and international conferences and social activities related to the Ministry’s, work in accordance with the legislation in force.

The following divisions shall work directly under the supervision of the Minister: Office of the Minister, Special Mail Office, Inspection and Oversight Office, Advisory Office, Strategic and Political Planning Office, Media Office, Coordination and Follow-up Office, Internal Audit Office and the Diplomatic Institute for Capacity-Building.

Article (4)

The Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation shall have a Deputy Minister and Assistant Deputy Ministers performing their duties set out under the legislation in force and working under the supervision and responsibility of the Minister directly. In particular, they may undertake the following:

  1. The Deputy Minister shall perform the following duties:
  1. Assist the Minister in managing the Ministry’s units and discharging its affairs.
  2. Supervise the work flow of Libyan diplomatic and consular delegations, offices and departments abroad.
  3. Supervise the establishment of the Ministry’s draft plans and submit them to the Minister for approval and supervise the implementation and monitoring thereof.
  4. Propose the preparation of draft regulations and decrees organising sound and orderly work flow at diplomatic and consular delegations, offices and departments abroad.
  5. Study the research, reports, memoranda and recommendations prepared by diplomatic delegations, offices and departments abroad and direct the adoption of the necessary measures with regard thereto.
  6. Monitor the implementation of the Minister’s decisions, directives and instructions with the concerned departments and offices at the Ministry Office and the diplomatic and consular missions abroad and monitor the implementation thereof.
  7. Work to develop bilateral relations between Libya and the countries of the world.
  8. Supervise foreign and Libyan participation in regional and international meetings and submit proposals on the formation of delegations.
  9. Attend conferences, symposiums and meetings in Libya and abroad.
  10. Approve disbursal documentation and financial documents in accordance with the legislation in force.
  11. Perform any other duties entrusted thereto by the Minister in accordance with the legislation in force.

The following shall work under the direct supervision of the Deputy Minister: Assistant Deputy Minister for Political Affairs, Assistant Deputy Minister for Technical Affairs, Assistant Deputy Minister for Administrative and Financial Affairs and Office of the Deputy Minister.

  1. The Assistant Deputy Minister for Political Affairs shall perform the following duties:
  1. Work to develop bilateral relations between Libya and the countries of the world.
  2. Participate in meetings of ministerial committees and councils held at the assistant deputy level and in regional and international meetings, symposiums and conferences.
  3. Preside over political consultative committees established between Libya and other countries.
  4. Supervise and participate in meetings of the League of Arab States, the African Union, the Maghreb Union, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and the units and bodies affiliated thereto and monitor the implementation of the resolutions thereof.
  5. Submit proposals and scenarios aimed to develop Libya’s political work and movement in its relations with the countries of the world.
  6. Study the research, reports, memoranda and recommendations prepared by Libyan political and diplomatic delegations abroad and adopt the necessary measures with regard thereto.
  7. Any other activities assigned thereto by the Minister or Deputy Minister in accordance with the legislation in force.
  8. Supervise the work of the Ministry’s political departments: Department of Arab Affairs, Department of African Affairs, Department of Islamic Affairs, Department of European Affairs, Department of the Affairs of the Americas, Department of Asian and Australian Affairs.
  1. The Assistant Deputy Minister for Technical Affairs shall perform the following duties:
  1. Monitor bilateral and multilateral economic cooperative relations between Libya and other countries.
  2. Establish executive programs and plans related to the areas of competence of all the Ministry’s technical departments and offices.
  3. Study the research, reports, memoranda and recommendations prepared by technical departments and adopt the necessary measures with regard thereto.
  4. Notify the Ministry’s technical departments and the related diplomatic delegations abroad of the Minister and Deputy Minister’s decrees, directives and instructions, and monitor the implementation thereof.
  5. Supervise, coordinate and participate in the meetings of joint, monitoring and technical committees arising therefrom.
  6. Adopt measures to support cooperation between Libya and other countries, and monitor the implementation of agreements and accords therewith.
  7. Propose, study and research bilateral, regional and international agreements and treaties in all areas and supervise the implementation, interpretation and amendment thereof.
  8. Monitor the activities of economic assemblies and cooperation forums, and prepare economic studies and research on cases of mutual interest.
  9. Perform any other duties entrusted thereto by the Minister or Deputy Minister.
  10. Monitor everything related to the duties of the technical offices and departments affiliated thereto, seeking to build relations of cooperation in the different areas and the departments affiliated thereto, in accordance with the legislation in force. The departments affiliated thereto are: Department of Legal Affairs, Department of International Cooperation, Department of International Organisations, Department of Civil Society Organisations, Department of Consular Affairs, Department of Protocol, Department of Expatriate Affairs.
  1. The Assistant Deputy Minister for Administrative and Financial Affairs shall perform the following duties:
  1. Supervise affairs related to administrative and financial matters.
  2. Supervise the preparation of the staffing and budget of the Ministry and the diplomatic delegations.
  3. Submit the proposals necessary to ensure and improve work flow at the Ministry.
  4. Membership in the Committee of Delegation and Employee Affairs.
  5. Supervise the work of the following departments and offices: Department of Administrative and Financial Affairs, Translation Office, Technical Projects Office, Military Affairs Office, Information Technology and Documentation Office.

Article (5)

The organisational structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation shall consist of the following organisational divisions:

  1. Political Departments:
  1. Department of Arab Affairs
  2. Department of African Affairs
  3. Department of Islamic Affairs
  4. Department of European Affairs
  5. Department of the Affairs of the Americas
  6. Department of Asian and Australian Affairs
  1. Technical Departments:
  1. Department of International Cooperation
  2. Department of International Organisations
  3. Department of Civil Society Organisations
  4. Department of Consular Affairs
  5. Department of Legal Affairs
  6. Department of Expatriate Affairs
  1. Service Departments:
  1. Department of Administrative and Financial Affairs
  2. Department of Protocol
  1. Offices:
  1. Office of the Minister
  2. Office of the Deputy Minister
  3. Advisory Office
  4. Strategic and Political Planning Office
  5. Inspection and Oversight Office
  6. Special Mail Office
  7. Media Office
  8. Information Technology and Documentation Office
  9. Coordination and Follow-up Office
  10. Internal Audit Office
  11. Military Affairs Office
  12. Translation Office
  13. Technical Projects Office

Article (6)

The following bodies shall be affiliated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation:

  1. Land and Maritime Borders Committee
  2. General Secretariat for Libyan Integration with Sudan
  3. Diplomatic Institute for Capacity-Building

These bodies shall perform their duties in accordance with the legislation governing them, and the legislation that applies to employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation shall apply to the employees thereof.

Article (7)

The Arab Affairs Department shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Monitor aspects of bilateral relations between Libya and Arab countries, establish plans to improve such relations and propose means of developing and supporting them, in cooperation with the other related bodies.
  2. Assess political developments, trends and positions in Arab countries and their impact on Libya and the other Arab countries.
  3. Directly supervise the political activity of Libyan embassies in Arab countries, prepare periodic reports thereon, assess the activities thereof and monitor the affairs of Arab diplomatic missions accredited by Libya.
  4. Deal with national matters posed at the various regional and international levels, assess the positions of the Arab countries thereon and monitor international policies on such matters.
  5. Participate in the activities of the League of Arab States and its work at the level of the summit, the ministers of foreign affairs and the ministerial committees, and in its units, organisations, specialised councils and standing Arab committees, submit reports thereon in cooperation and coordination with the other related bodies and monitor the implementation of their resolutions and work.
  6. Propose Libya’s nominations to empty seats and positions in the League and the bodies thereof and in specialised Arab organisations.
  7. Attend and participate in conferences, symposiums and meetings related to Arab affairs, in cooperation with the competent bodies.
  8. Prepare and participate in holding meetings of the Presidency Council of the Maghreb Union as well as the Council of Prime Ministers, the Council of Foreign Ministers, the monitoring committee and the specialised ministerial committees and sectoral councils thereof, in coordination with the General Secretariat of the Union and other competent bodies, and contribute to proposing its agenda, document and follow the items issued thereby, and prepare periodic reports with regard thereto.
  9. Prepare and coordinate the participation of Libyan ministries in the Union’s specialised ministerial committees and sectoral councils.
  10. Propose Libya’s nominations to General Secretariat positions and other positions in the different institutions and units of the Arab Maghreb Union, in coordination with the other related bodies.
  11. Monitor the activities of Maghreb popular organisations and propose policies and procedures aiming to achieve Maghreb unity at the popular and syndicate level.
  12. Monitor aspects of bilateral relations between Libya and Gulf Cooperation Council Countries and establish plans and programs to develop and support them.
  13. Monitor the affairs of Arab and diplomatic missions accredited in Libya.
  14. Establish executive plans and programs related to its area of competence.

Article (8)

The African Affairs Department shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Monitor aspects of bilateral relations between Libya and countries of the African continent and propose means of developing them.
  2. Study political developments, trends and positions in countries of the African continent and assess their policies and impact on Libya.
  3. Monitor the affairs of related regional and international organisations and the resolutions issued thereby and monitor the implementation thereof in coordination with the other concerned bodies and departments.
  4. Monitor the affairs of African diplomatic missions accredited in Libya.
  5. Directly supervise the political activity of Libyan embassies in African countries, prepare periodic reports thereon and evaluate their activities.
  6. Monitor cases being deliberated and addressed by the African Union in coordination with the concerned bodies and departments, with the intention of formulating Libya’s position with regard thereto.
  7. Monitor the signing and ratification of agreements and protocols issued by the African Union and agencies thereof, in coordination with the related bodies.
  8. Propose nominations for positions at the Commission and other agencies thereof, in coordination with the other related bodies.
  9. Propose assistance and donations for countries of the African Union, in cooperation with the Libyan Fund for Assistance and Development.
  10. Participate in meetings and conferences held in the domain of the African Union and monitor the reports and recommendations thereof, in coordination with the related bodies.
  11. Prepare executive plans and programs related to the African Union and the Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD).
  12. Monitor the works and activities of the Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD) and the agencies and specialised councils thereof and monitor the implementation of the resolutions thereof.
  13. Establish executive plans and programs related to its area of competence.

Article (9)

The Islamic Affairs Department shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Establish policies and keep abreast of Islamic issues and Muslim affairs in general, and monitor the conditions of Islamic minorities in all countries of the world.
  2. Monitor Islamic projects undertaken by Libya or to which it contributes.
  3. Monitor aspects related to the Hajj, Islamic gatherings and holy places.
  4. Prepare for Libya’s participation in summits of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, ministerial conferences and their technical committees, monitor the issues posed, implement the resolutions thereof and work to benefit from Libya’s annual contribution to the Organisation’s budget.
  5. Coordinate with the related bodies on matters falling within its competence.
  6. Establish executive plans and programs related to its area of competence.

Article (10)

The European Affairs Department shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Work to develop and improve bilateral relations between Libya and European countries in all areas, and monitor developments in relations.
  2. Study, analyse and assess reports and studies received from Libyan diplomatic delegations in European countries and provide opinions thereon.
  3. Monitor and direct the activities of Libyan diplomatic delegations in European countries and prepare periodic reports on their activities.
  4. Monitor Libya’s relations with the European Union, collect information and receive reports thereon and provide opinions with regard thereto.
  5. Strengthen relations with political parties and organisations, as well as with regional European organisations and link them to the concerned Libyan agencies, provide opinions on all matters referred thereto related to cooperation with such organisations.
  6. Prepare the necessary reports on Libya with European countries and European blocs and assemblies and update the information contained in such reports.
  7. Prepare, monitor and coordinate the visits of senior official delegations exchanged with European countries.
  8. Monitor the agreements and memorandums of understanding linking Libya with European countries, in coordination with the Ministry’s Department of Legal Affairs.
  9. Establish executive plans and programs related to its area of competence.

Article (11)

The Department of the Affairs of the Americas shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Monitor bilateral relations between Libya and the countries of the Americas and propose methods for developing and improving them.
  2. Study political, social and economic developments in the countries of the Americas, attend to national issues of the peoples of the region and prepare periodic reports thereon.
  3. Monitor coordination of the visits of delegations exchanged with the countries of the Americas in the various fields.
  4. Monitor cooperation in the area of human rights and freedoms.
  5. Monitor political and economic blocs and assemblies in the Americas.
  6. Observe political movements at the bilateral and collective level of the countries of the region and the impact of such on international relations and Libya’s interests.
  7. Supervise political activity of Libyan embassies and consulates in the countries of the Americas, prepare periodic reports thereon, assess the activities thereof and attend to the affairs of diplomatic missions of the region’s countries accredited by Libya.
  8. Study political, social and economic developments of countries of the Americas and prepare periodic reports thereon.
  9. Participate in meetings and seminars held in the countries of the region and work to activate Libya’s role therein whenever its interests require such.
  10. Establish executive plans and programs related to its area of competence.

Article (12)

The Department of Asian and Australian Affairs shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Monitor the latest political and economic developments and aspects of cooperation witnessed by the countries of Asia and Australia and provide opinions thereon.
  2. Submit proposals and scenarios to develop relations with certain Asian countries on sound bases serving mutual interests.
  3. Receive ambassadors and heads of delegations of Asian countries accredited by Libya, discuss matters related to boosting bilateral relations therewith and contribute to solving obstacles they face in performing their duties, in coordination with the related bodies.
  4. Monitor the activities of political and economic organisations and assemblies in the region and prepare reports thereon.
  5. Participate in Libyan delegations that visit Asian countries, prepare for meetings of delegations from the region’s countries to Libya and prepare reports with regard thereto.
  6. Participate in regional and international conferences, seminars and forums to which Libya is invited, in coordination and consultation with all related bodies.
  7. Supervise the political activities of Libyan embassies in the region’s countries, prepare periodic reports thereon and assess and direct their activities.
  8. Establish executive plans and programs related to its area of competence.

Article (13)

The International Cooperation Office shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Monitor bilateral and multilateral economic cooperative relations between Libya and other countries and establish the appropriate plans and programs to improve them.
  2. Monitor the implementation of agreements, accords, cooperation programs, assistance and loans, in coordination with the related bodies.
  3. Coordinate with the related bodies on the formation of delegations that participate in the work of higher and joint committees, technical committees and the monitoring committees springing therefrom, set dates for holding such and participate in the activities thereof.
  4. Participate in preparing the legal framework governing cooperative relations between Libya and other countries.
  5. Collect data and statistics on the transformation plan in Libya and categorise, sort and keep them to ensure utilisation thereof.
  6. Monitor the implementation of laws and decrees and review legislation governing Libyan investment activities in other countries.
  7. Prepare economic studies and research in cooperation with the related bodies.
  8. Contribute to establishing policies related to investment, assistance, grants, donations and loans abroad, the terms for their issuance and monitor the implementation and recovery thereof.
  9. Survey global market activity and collect information and statistics on the developments thereof to assist in preparing plans related to Libyans’ investment abroad.
  10. Propose the establishment of executive plans and programs related to its area of competence.

Article (14)

The International Organisations Office shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Monitor the affairs of the United Nations, the units thereof, the agencies affiliated thereto, the councils and committees springing therefrom and the conferences and symposiums held within the scope thereof.
  2. Coordinate on the formation of delegations to participate in conferences and meetings held by the United Nations and its agencies and other international organisations and participate therein, supervise the activities of Libya’s delegations to such meetings, prepare recommendations and interventions and provide the delegations therein with the necessary observations, in coordination with the other related bodies.
  3. Study draft decrees related to issues under discussion, propose the appropriate positions with regard thereto in a manner that achieves Libya’s national interests and goals.
  4. Monitor international nominations, propose the position thereon, and the possibilities and opportunities for nominating Libya to head and be a member of international bodies and agencies.
  5. Monitor the activities of the countries in the Non-Aligned Movement and the Group of 77, attend to the issues raised thereby, propose ways of supporting such countries and monitor the matters submitted thereto.
  6. Provide facilities to United Nation delegations and missions and their agencies accredited by Libya.
  7. Coordinate and continuously monitor the United Nations’ development program in Libya, link it to the various Libyan ministries and institutions to achieve development goals in all areas.
  8. Prepare the reports and responses requested from the United Nations’ agencies and councils and the committees affiliated thereto on matters related to Libya and other international issues, in coordination with the related bodies.
  9. Monitor the implementation of the agreements and treaties acceded to by Libya, and submit periodic reports thereon.
  10. Monitor the work of Libyan delegations to the United Nations and its specialised agencies and other international organisations, and coordinate therewith on all issues that it is tracking, within the framework of the activities of such organisations.
  11. Propose the establishment of executive plans and programs related to its area of competence.

Article (15)

The Department of Civil Society Organisations shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Assist in creating relations between Libyan civil society organisations and their counterparts in other countries.
  2. Activate existing friendship associations and propose the establishment of other associations with countries.
  3. Receive any proposals from civil society organisations and study and refer them to their destination in other countries and vice-versa.
  4. Coordinate with the concerned bodies in the area of supporting the concepts of democracy, civil rights, good governance and the achievement of transitional justice from international experiences in this area.
  5. Coordinate with the Ministry of Culture and Civil Society as relates to the relevant conferences and symposiums.
  6. Prepare studies and plans to establish strong relations between Libyan civil society organisations and their counterparts abroad.
  7. Prepare a database on foreign civil society organisations operating in Libya.

Article (16)

The Department of Consular Affairs shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Attend to the interests of Libyan citizens abroad, protect and secure their rights, provide the necessary facilities, including renewal of passports and documents, and provide assistance.
  2. Monitor the affairs of Libyans imprisoned and convicted in other countries, in cooperation and coordination with the Department of Legal Affairs.
  3. Enter and record civil status events that occur abroad.
  4. Serve notices, rulings and letters rogatory.
  5. Receive and keep wills and complete procedures with regard thereto, in coordination with the competent bodies.
  6. Authenticate and certify signatures and stamps of official bodies in Libya and embassies, diplomatic delegations and consulates abroad.
  7. Participate in meetings of joint consular committees with other countries.
  8. Provide services and facilitate Libyan ship and aircraft procedures, in coordination with the competent bodies.
  9. Supervise consulates and consulate divisions and asses their activities within the framework of their scope of competencies.
  10. Coordinate with the competent bodies with regard to the lists of those prohibited entry into Libya.
  11. Monitor all affairs of foreigners residing in Libya in accordance with the requirements of the legislation in force and international agreements and customs.
  12. Monitor consular agreements entered into between Libya and foreign countries, prepare the necessary reports and data thereon and propose, if necessary, entering into such agreements with other countries.
  13. Propose the establishment of executive plans and programs related to its area of competence.

Article (17)

The Department of Legal Affairs shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Study and prepare draft bilateral agreements and treaties and participate in negotiations and conferences related thereto, review the language thereof, keep, collect, sort such and complete and monitor all legal procedures related thereto.
  2. Provide opinions on international legal issues.
  3. Provide opinions on accession to regional and international agreements, in coordination with the related bodies.
  4. Participate in regional and international conferences and symposiums and committees affiliated to international legal organisations, monitor their activities and the resolutions and recommendations issued thereby.
  5. Monitor cases related to land and sea borders and airspace, keep and sort all documents and maps related thereto, prepare studies and research and make the necessary recommendations with regard thereto, address matters of maritime law and outer space and the related agreements, conferences and symposiums, in coordination with the related bodies.
  6. Monitor all cases filed by and against the Ministry domestically, participate in the committees tasked with performing the necessary investigations and monitor all cases filed by and against Libya abroad, in coordination with the related bodies.
  7. Participate in and prepare for the activities of joint committees.
  8. Monitor the activities related to the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court and the United Nation’s International Law Commission, the activities of regional and international committees, conferences and other judicial and legal bodies.
  9. Participate in drafting, preparing, reviewing and providing opinions and legal advice and interpretation on everything related to the legislation that regulates and governs the Ministry’s work.
  10. Prepare legal memoranda, regulations and decrees related to the Ministry’s affairs.
  11. Hold membership on the committees assigned thereto.
  12. Prepare and review administrative contracts that the Ministry is entering into, and undertake the measures required with regard thereto, in coordination with the competent departments and related bodies.
  13. Propose the establishment of executive and administrative plans and programs and submit initiatives related to its area of competence.
  14. Stamp, record and circulate decrees.

Article (18)

The Department of Expatriate Affairs shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Prepare a list of the data and information on Libyans residing abroad.
  2. Identify the contributions of expatriates in Libya and abroad.
  3. Link expatriates with their mother country of Libya, benefit from their experience and expertise, attend to and check their situations and resolve their problems.
  4. Provide assistance to those wishing to return to their country and enable them to work, study and become involved in state institutions.
  5. Facilitate the procedures required of expatriates in Libya and abroad.
  6. Work to provide moral assistance and guidance to Libyans who have been negatively impacted by other cultures.
  7. Link and communicate between western society and Libyan society to transmit the culture and practices that are in harmony with our Islamic culture.
  8. Transfer information and technology and form strong relations in the area of education and scientific research.
  9. Encourage and identify experienced and skilled individuals, push them to assume positions of leadership and contribute to serving the country and encourage capital to invest in the country.

Article (19)

The Administrative and Financial Affairs Department shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Work to improve administrative performance and administrative systems at the Ministry.
  2. Implement and monitor systems and rules related to employee affairs and conduct all employee affairs in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.
  3. Provide the materials, equipment, stationery, furnishings and other items needed for the Ministry’s work flow needs and supervise the Ministry’s stores.
  4. Provide and supervise all necessary civil safety requirements and means of transportation and movement.
  5. Provide services related to the personal affairs of the Ministry’s employees and their families, provide services related to the personal affairs of the families of expatriate employees abroad and deceased employees, when required.
  6. Perform procedures related to employees’ travel for their work abroad or for official business.
  7. Prepare and organise for ceremonies, receptions and meetings related to the Ministry and secure the requirements thereof.
  8. Perform annual inventories.
  9. Prepare draft budgets and the relevant authorisations in accordance with the approved items and the instructions issued in this regard.
  10. Assume all procedural and operational competencies related to the general accounts and to the accounts of embassies, delegations and general consulates abroad.
  11. Prepare salary receipts and financial remuneration for Ministry employees.
  12. Prepare estimated budgets for contributions to regional and international organisations in accordance with the rates set for Libya’s portion and monitor the emergency and late payment thereof.
  13. Monitor transfers from the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Libya, prepare cables for Libyan delegations abroad and monitor emergency and late payment thereof.
  14. Prepare and identify employment needs and draft staffing for administrative units and Libyan delegations abroad.
  15. Implement decisions of the Delegations Affairs Committee and prepare records of seniority and priority, implement transportation between Libya and abroad and monitor the recommendations of the Employee Affairs Committee.
  16. Undertake procedures related to the social security and professional registration of employees.
  17. Propose and establish executive plans and programs related to its area of competence.

Article (20)

The Department of Protocol shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Organise and apply reception and farewell protocol and other ceremonial arrangements related to the visits of heads of states, governments and Arab and foreign senior official guests.
  2. Undertake the necessary arrangements for protocol on receiving heads of Arab and foreign diplomatic delegations when they come to Libya for the first time to submit their credentials, and receive and keep such credentials.
  3. Attend to the affairs of employees of foreign diplomatic and consular corps employees and representatives of regional and international organisations accredited in Libya.
  4. Organise, receive and meet foreign diplomatic delegations and embassies with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other official Libyan bodies.
  5. Issue diplomatic IDs for employees of the foreign diplomatic and consular corps and employees of regional and international organisations accredited in Libya, and cooperate and coordinate with the competent bodies on the issuance of personal ID cards for non-diplomat foreign workers in representative delegations accredited in Libya.
  6. Prepare and update the diplomatic list of Arab and foreign diplomatic delegations accredited in Libya and the data on the employees of such delegations, both diplomat and non-diplomat.
  7. Prepare the necessary arrangements for holding official celebrations and receptions.
  8. Cooperate and coordinate with the competent bodies in arranging and setting dates and meetings of employees of the Arab and foreign diplomatic and consular corps accredited in the country with Libyan officials, and coordinate the official visit programs for foreign delegations.
  9. Keep the flags of Arab and foreign states and their national anthems, provide Libyan diplomatic delegations abroad with the flags and national anthem of the Libyan state.
  10. Determine and regulate diplomatic immunities, exemptions and privileges and address affairs related to the application thereof, observing the principle of reciprocity.
  11. Collect and regulate diplomatic immunities, exemptions and privileges and address affairs related to the application thereof, observing the principle of reciprocity.
  12. Issue and renew Libyan diplomatic and special passports, supervise the entry and transit visas issued by Libyan diplomatic and consular delegations abroad for foreign diplomatic and special passports.

Article (21)

The Office of the Minister shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Organise the Minister’s interviews and receive, keep and categorise his mail, and provide the data and information requested thereby.
  2. Notify the relevant departments, offices and bodies of the Minister’s instructions and monitor the implementation thereof.
  3. Receive reports and correspondence addressed to the Minister, complete and submit the data and information thereon.
  4. Prepare for the Minister’s meetings with department directors, draft minutes of his meetings, record and report his decrees and monitor the implementation thereof.
  5. Prepare the reports and correspondence issued by the Minister.
  6. Organise the Minister’s official visits to Arab and foreign countries, in coordination with the other concerned bodies and departments.

Article (22)

The Office of the Deputy Minister shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Receive, document and submit all correspondence addressed to the Deputy Minister.
  2. Prepare the memoranda, reports and correspondence issued by the Deputy Minister and adopt and document the administrative procedures with regard thereto.
  3. Prepare and document the decrees issued by the Deputy Minister and adopt the necessary procedures with regard thereto.
  4. Inform the concerned departments in the Ministry Office of the Deputy Minister’s directives and instructions.
  5. Attend and document the Deputy Minister’s interviews and meetings assigned to Office employees.
  6. Organise the meetings, interviews and appointments of the Deputy Minister and prepare the necessary arrangements for such.

Article (23)

The Advisory Office shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Provide advice on the various political cases submitted thereto by the Minister or Deputy Ministers.
  2. Monitor current political events, prepare the necessary analyses with regard thereto and provide recommendations and suggestions on the necessary routes to follow in addressing these issues.
  3. Assess political movement and Libyan initiatives in the various issues and the dimensions and impacts thereof domestically and abroad.
  4. Provide the necessary suggestions on the position that should be taken with regard to certain regional and international political issues, especially those that directly harm Libyan national security directives.
  5. Any matters submitted thereto.

Article (24)

The Strategic and Political Planning Office shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Propose and establish Libyan policy plans to implement Libyan policy successfully and effectively.
  2. Provide research and studies on certain issues and problems requested thereof, in light of which a good and sound position may be adopted.
  3. Prepare long-term strategic studies of certain contemporary and long-standing problems in international relations, supported by recommendations to contribute to remedying them or submitting Libyan initiatives to participate in the remedy thereof.

Article (25)

The Inspection and Oversight Office shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Monitor implementation of the laws, regulations, decrees and instructions in force, propose the necessary amendments in light of practice and application, in coordination with the competent departments.
  2. Monitor the professional performance of members of the administrative unit, confirm implementation of the instructions issued to control work flow.
  3. Monitor the work flow of departments, embassies, delegations and general consulates through correspondence, reports, field visits and the like, uncover shortcomings in this regard, provide recommendations and propose solutions to develop work methods to remedy such in order to achieve optimal work performance.
  4. Perform periodic inspections of embassies, delegations and general consulates abroad, prepare reports on their activities and the difficulties faced thereby and propose solutions to overcome them, in coordination with the competent departments.
  5. Identify violations and irregularities that might be committed by workers in Libya and abroad in light of legislation in force, in coordination with the Department of Legal Affairs and the related bodies.
  6. Participate in the activities of disciplinary boards and fact-finding and investigation committees.
  7. Establish executive plans and programs related to the Office’s area of competence.

Article (26)

The Special Mail Office shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Receive and send correspondence within the scope of the Office’s work.
  2. Prepare and manage the means used in communications for the Office’s work and that of Libyan embassies, consulates and delegations abroad.
  3. Operate and maintain means of sending and receiving in the Office’s work.
  4. Establish plans and programs to improve the Office’s work.

Article (27)

  1. Monitor the political issues discussed in the various media.
  2. Undertake procedures to give Libya’s political positions suitable media coverage and expression.
  3. Prepare and issue press releases on various issues, and respond to the various media that adversely impact Libyan issues.
  4. Prepare brief daily reports on the matters discussed in the various media, for submission to the Minister and Deputy Ministers.
  5. Monitor the positions of media opposed to Libya in order to respond thereto, and adopt the necessary measures with regard thereto.
  6. Organise and hold press conferences and coordinate with the media thereon.
  7. Provide simultaneous translation for delegations and meetings at the Minister and Deputy Ministers’ conferences.

Article (28)

The Documentation and Information Technology Office shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Implement the annual plans related to information and documentation.
  2. Provide the needed documentation and information technology services for the Ministry’s departments and the embassies and delegations abroad.
  3. Provide and develop political, economic, cultural, technical and other data and information in order to realise an integrated database for the Ministry’s administrative units and diplomatic delegations.
  4. Implement the requirements of the transformation to e-government and wise paper consumption.
  5. Establish guiding rules, unified standards and regulation methods with the aim of integrated coordination among the bodies affiliated to the Ministry and the bodies related to its work.
  6. Develop and supervise information and communication units at the Ministry and the bodies affiliated thereto.
  7. Participate in preparing the training plan for Ministry employees in the area of information and documentation, and implement human resources development programs and plans at the Ministry.
  8. Maintain automated information systems and use mechanisation in integrating the Ministry’s data and information and categorising and keeping documents and papers, observing the necessary confidentiality in such.
  9. Link the computer system used at the Ministry with diplomatic delegations abroad.
  10. Establish, monitor and update the Ministry’s website.

Article (29)

The Monitoring and Coordination Office shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Respond to correspondence of the Monitoring Department at the Prime Minister’s Office, and monitor all matters with the Prime Minister’s Office.
  2. Prepare the monthly report on the procedures undertaken by the Ministry with regard to the matters it is assigned to complete.
  3. Monitor the matters requiring review with the Cabinet, the ministries and other various Libyan institutions.
  4. Prepare the annual report for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  5. Collect information and responses from the various departments and offices within the Ministry.
  6. Collect everything related to the Ministry’s activities for inclusion in the monthly and annual reports completed in this regard.
  7. Monitor the instructions issued by the Minister and Deputy Minister for the departments and any procedures undertaken with regard thereto.
  8. Prepare for the Minister’s participation in meetings of the Prime Minister’s Office and other related meetings.
  9. Prepare the memoranda related to instructions of the Prime Minister’s Office, in coordination with all concerned departments and offices.

Article (30)

The Internal Audit Office shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Review and examine the financial documentation and accounts of embassies, delegations and consulates and identify revenue collected, transfers and deposits.
  2. Check the disbursal of travel tickets disbursed for official business, international conferences and work delegations abroad.
  3. Examine salary, wages and remuneration forms and the like and confirm their compliance with the laws and regulations in force.
  4. Monitor the payment of hotel debts and the final settlement thereof.
  5. Review and examine statements on expenditures and confirm they do not conflict with legal and financial terms and conditions.
  6. Oversee and audit the records of fixed assets set out in the budget, accounts and stores regulations.
  7. Identify financial errors and irregularities occurring at a number of embassies, delegations and consulates.
  8. Identify international commitments and Libyan contributions to regional and international organisations.
  9. Conduct unplanned and annual inspections of petty cash as well as the Ministry’s stores and treasuries.

Article (31)

The Military Affairs Office shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Monitor and coordinate issues related to military affairs with the competent bodies.
  2. Manage procedures for requests of foreign military aircraft to pass through Libyan airspace and the entrance of foreign military naval vessels into regional waters or Libyan maritime ports.
  3. Monitor and manage procedures for requests of Libyan military aircraft to pass through foreign airspace and obtain permits for Libyan naval vessels to visit foreign ports.
  4. Monitor the procedures of military delegates to work at our embassies abroad.
  5. Study and monitor matters related to issues of alliances and armaments, military rules and mines and prepare reports thereon.
  6. Monitor the military conferences and symposiums that Libya participates in and prepare reports thereon.
  7. Coordinate with the Ministry of Defence, our embassies abroad and liaison offices, as well as military attaches at political delegations accredited by Libya.

Article (32)

The Translation Office shall hold competence to perform the following:

  1. Translate private letters issued by the Minister to his counterparts in other countries and those received thereby.
  2. Translate all documents, reports and studies received thereby from the Office of the Minister or the Offices of the Deputy Minister.
  3. Participate in providing translation at official meetings and visits, upon request.

Article (33)

  1. Establish the plans and priorities of projects the Ministry of Foreign Affairs plans to implement annually, such as the purchase of embassy premises – residential – and the maintenance and installations of these premises.
  2. Study and prepare the transformation budget for Ministry of Foreign Affairs projects, implementing them in accordance with the Ministry’s priorities.
  3. Prepare annual follow-up reports on the implementation of the Ministry’s transformation budget with the Ministry of Finance.
  4. Monitor and supervise the projects being implemented by the Ministry in Libya and abroad.
  5. Review and approve extracts of projects in Libya and abroad.
  6. Review and approve project drawings and matters related to the implementation and finishing thereof and approve installations.
  7. Participate in real estate procurement committees in Libya and abroad.
  8. Form committees for the preliminary delivery of completed projects and monitor the guarantee period until final delivery, in Libya and abroad.
  9. Document project drawings and documents to document contracts to purchase, implement, maintain and monitor Ministry real estate, provide such documents as possible indicating such and contribute to keeping them, in coordination with the competent bodies.
  10. Study the bids submitted for the lease of certain embassy premises and ambassadors’ residences abroad.
  11. Monitor the problems of ownership of properties used by certain diplomatic delegations in Libya in order to demand that such delegations apply the principle of reciprocity.

Article (34)

The Ministry’s administrative divisions shall work in coordination and cooperation to perform the competencies assigned thereto. The Ministry shall be deemed one administrative unit with regard to employment affairs.

Article (35)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation may form standing and temporary committees to study and monitor any issues within its area of competence.

Article (36)

The internal regulations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation shall be issued under a decree from the Minister in coordination with the competent bodies, in a manner that does not conflict with the provisions of this Decree and the legislation in force.

Article (37)

This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its issue and any provision that conflicts with this Decree shall be repealed. The concerned bodies shall enforce this Decree and it shall be published in the Official Gazette.

The Cabinet – Libya

Issued on 13 Jumada al-Akhera 1434 AH

Corresponding to: 05/05/2012 AD

Text Type:Decree
Text number:214
Text date:2012-05-05

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